League of Legends general - /lolg/

>one dude calls out waifu retards on a general board

this is where you come for this kind of autism

if you want to talk about the game you are on the wrong board.

Generals are full of silvers and waifufags that don't play the game.


>there's no fanfics that will satisfy your tastes

Why even live?

does getting angry at posters of lolg give you catharsis?
because I can't speak for them but I think their autistic need to spam about their waifus and shit kind of make them happy
is it the same for you when you made this post?

what's that

I miss Dominion.

please don't cry
you can talk about the game with me

can't even lewd post here
fuck you

Indeed I user, indeed I did.

Fanfics is short for fanfiction, fan-created stories of fiction. My tastes are... confidential though.

>you will never enjoy the backdoor jukes and fun that is Dominion