/rsg/ RuneScape 3 general

No refunds edition

Old Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years

>Latest Update

>Latest Patch Notes

>Runescape 2017: The Year Ahead

>Mining and Smithing dev diary

1st for End of Combat sucks

2nd for uwu

xth for source that fucking avatar ghost

4th for best girl

Wasn't there some kind of hentai with that clerk?

Beach WHEN

Reminder Zaros is for edgy kids

You mean Zamorak.

Even the game says his philosophy is basically anarchy.

nth for Zemouregal is objectively more interesting than Sliske

Will Ghost ever source his avatar?

who the fuck is that guy in the pink suit?

Zemouregal is probably the most generic villain in the game.

At least there was a timeline where his schemes amounted to something.

What would a cheap but decent perk setup be?

I'm thinking something along the lines of
Weapon: Equilibrium and Precise
Armour1: Crackling and Enhanced Devoted
Armour2: Impatient and ???

That's Mah, Zaros' and Serens autistic (and ded) mother

*autistic screeching*

>spend 100 points preferring spiritual mages
>get them once every 40 tasks or so, all of them using vip tickets


Is the monster on both of your slayer masters' lists?

dude, all slayer masters share the same list.


Yeah, you can go to Mazchna right now and see Airuts on the prefer list.

What is the purpose of this?

something called autism

I think what that guy means is that each slayer master has a list of monsters that he will choose from for your assignment, and those lists differ from one slay master to another. There's also different likelihood within the list of a specific monster being assigned; some monsters are numerically more likely to be assigned than others. Which slayer master are you using?



>someone should change it to say "every single one of (You)"

Not sure if it's just bad luck or what then. Do you change masters for the 10th task?

ghost source your fucking avatar this is the last straw

Is there a way to automatically force my titan to attack my target?
Im doing some K'ril for a greater demon task and it seems to attack whatever hits me first and its annoying to have to manually force it to attack the boss half the time.


>destroy Zanik


fuck windildo and his family

whats ur excuse screenlets

this looks like an fmv cutscene from a late 90s-early 2000s game.

1st for you cucks

Mr e walkey (evan stuntin himself) here, please get mad in chat

>inspect element
Yeah ok

Ur a screenlet anthrax

But at least I don't have autism nor a fake blue watch

Look what I found guys


Dear Jagex I already have the full Prif musician set, so please stop giving me multiple pieces per elf thanks bye.

Havent played Runescape since around 2007, almost 10 years now.
Since im now a normie casual wagecuck, i have limited time for video games.
Will i enjoy RS3 if i play casually or should i hop on the For Honor bandwagon?

>Build for Missionary and Biologist
>Get Tengu, Exile, Memory trio three days in a row

raising a cat is fucking torture

has any hcim suicided to Jas yet?

RS3 is radically different in several areas of gameplay, so it depends on if you're feeling like learning a bunch of new strategies or something similar to your previous experience.

Or you could be smart and play classic.

There's a lot of quality of life things in RS3 that make it easier to play. If you don't have a lot of time on your hands but still want to have some good o'l RS fun, RS3 is for you.

As this user says
the biggest challenge will be getting used to the new combat system. I just looked up a quick guide on set ups and haven't really needed to adjust since. Other than that though, everything is more or less the same. It's honestly not that hard to pick up on the new stuff (the majority of which will be items you've never seen before)

They both have their merits, but I find that OSRS just appeals more to the nostalgia than anything else. I'd say give them both a try and go with what feels best for you.


Not that guy but are the quests the same between the two games?
Same dialogue etc?


RS3 has all the same quests and more as OSRS, however there are 2 OSRS quests that are unique to it.

Ghosty whosty give me the saucy waucy!

Ghoooooooooooooooost-kun please...
I-i'll suck your c-cock just give me the s-source...

Doric's Quest and Druidic Ritual were also reworked for RS3. I think Wolf Whistle might've been too. Everything else is very minor, like a few different lines for Gypsy Aris in Demon Slayer and some fetch quest portions of a few quests made slightly easier, etc.

Don't play fotm games user

C'mon Ghosty... please I need this.

I've arrived pretty late into this event. Where would you guys recommend I look for people still trading the spear/helmet?

I'm gonna go sleep Ghost-kun and I expect a lewd source when I awake!

ugh, probably on world 2 as soon as the wolf dies

Alright, thanks mate

How do you guys get your AFK geepee?

using arc div to make divine charges

That seems awful unless you really want div exp

But it's still pretty good money when you're trying to get 99 without doing a single cache

Come on everyone, make an ironman today! It's f*n!

But i already am an ironman

Make a hardcore ironman, then.

but i'm already an hardcore ironman

then make an ultimate ironman

then recruit others


Different guy here. My alt is HCIM in RS3 and Ult in OSRS, what do I win? Aside from the fun I'm already having, I mean.

it's fun for others to do it too.

Ult ironman or even regular ironman on osrs always seemed incredibly tedious and not fun whatsoever, I'll stick to being a main there

>tfw 250k herblore xp warband run


is memes you're looking for?

I do 10 farm runs a day

??? is biting
Replace equilibrium with aftershock, and precise with precise4+equilibrium2 combo

>cheap setup
Also 89 invention is far away

is this the worst possible purple?

one of the offhand ones are the worst

What did they mean by this?


No lucky chaotic offhand crossbow is

3000 protean traps
300k bonus exp

How far can my 91 hunter go during double exp weekend using all of those?

just like real life

maybe like 2 mil xp........................

>what kind of sword are you looking for?

>'quest pure'
>daily involves 2 blue charms but I only have one
>kill a goblin, it drops a blue charm

>quest pure
what kind of retarded autism is this

>.01% chance
you're lucky as fuck if you're not lying

someone that grinds quests instead of just playing normally, makes the actual grind a lot easier since quests are a shitload of levels, especially for lower leveled players.

probably something like get all quests done with the lowest stats possible

That's not a pure, that's someone who knows what the fuck they're doing.
Pure is synonymous with retarded autist.