Hey Veeky Forums, I just turned off traction control in my car and almost killed myself. What's the closest you've ever come to having a major accident due to your dumb driving?
Hey Veeky Forums, I just turned off traction control in my car and almost killed myself...
I went too fast in the snow and I slid through a red light at an intersection next to a major highway entrance. Nobody was coming thank fucking god.
By too fast I mean 30 in a 45 zone. I guess it was icy or something because the brakes just did not slow down the car at all, and I was going down a slight hill.
>being a man
>driving a literal girl car ever
the accident wasn't enough.
Even the solstice thinks you should kill yourself for driving a solstice.
I went driving in the mountains with my V6 Mustang while it was raining and tried to go fast. Ran off the road into the luckiest patch of dirt & trees instead of running off the cliff like I deserved.
This happened later but I wasn't driving or even in my car at the time
>"he deserved it" thread
I was 17 and I lived off a dirt road in MT, wide enough for two cars but lots of blind crests and shit. In my shitbox 5-spd 1999 Forester I thought I was cool and would regularly blast down it at 60mph. One day someone came the opposite direction right as I was cresting a hill in the center of the road, he swerved to his right, I swerved to my right and ended up being perpendicular between his car and the mailboxes on the right side of the road while sliding and shitting my pants. It was probably within 6 inches on either side at that point and I was lucky I didn't go into the ditch, have a head-on with the guy, or knock any mailboxes over...He went on his merry way while I had to take a second for the adrenaline to wear off and then I continued much more slowly down that road from then on...no accidents though and I'm 25 now. knock on wood
>tried to go fast
>with my V6 Mustang
Hard lift off oversteer in a civic. I over countersteered till the thing stoped.
Is that a miata
i'm 25 now and there's a sweet twisty tougay backroad thats a little bit longer way home from work.
I regularly push past 60 on rush hour there but never go out of lane in blind corners or go over speed limit when going over crests or around blind corners.
Stock suspension?
Fiero with a body kit
no, that's a gayer miata
stick suspension
I was racing in my s10 on 17 mile drive and slid into an oncoming lane in a blind turn.
Didn't want to take a racing line there, but it happened.
Nothing was coming or they would have launched me off the side.
Did a sick skid and finished off showcasing my skills by balancing on a lampost
fuckin nailed it
Filtered between two SUVs just as the light was changing, on a small motorbike.Nearly got squished.
Wtf kind of car is that?
A smart roadster?
It's so tiny
I think.
where in the uk are you from you faggot
I did this in the rain on a fairly steep downhill. It was late after a long shift and I made the incorrect decision of trying to stop for the light instead of putting my foot down. My ABS wasn't working either so I locked up the brakes, panicked, stalled the car, somehow popped the clutch (which I'd never done before) to get started again and managed not to totally eat shit all in the span of about two seconds. I was worried I was gonna get a ticket from a red light camera complete with a picture of my car sliding through the intersection but that intersection apparently doesn't have cameras.
Yeah, I was a dumpass. I don't make stupid decisions like that anymore..quite proud of my clean record and I don't wanna fuck it up now
the plate and that specific e30 look familiar
>driving 80 MPH on the highway in heavy rain
>hit a patch of water and start hydroplaning
>literally floating along with zero control
>regain traction and slow down to 65
>sphincter is tight
I totaled my camaro by hitting a utility pole head on going about 60 after i hydroplaned going around a slight bend when someone cut me off and i hit the brakes. Spent 13 days in intensive care and another month after that in hospital. Shattered femur, broken ankle, broken ribs, bruised heart, collapsed lung, concussion and a face full of glass shards. Caused a blackout to about 2000 people because i took out a mainline transformer. Car flipped up an embankment and went through a billboard too. First cop on scene walked up and said through my shattered drivers window: holy fuck you're still alive?
Couple hours ago, going too fast in the rain. Hydroplaned and headed for a ditch. Popped the tire off the rim. Other wise fine. Lady in an Suv did the same thing but ended up with a totalled car in the ditch about 45mins after me, same spot.
I once almost spun out at a rainy 4 way intersection while trying to powerslide across it
Thankfully i caught it and everything was fine.
lol like the 4.6 crown vic coupe from that generation of mustangs were any better.
> His tires and suspension can't handle a little water
I almost plowed into a minivan while going 90mph last summer