Old School RuneScape General - /rs07g/

>Latest news
AHK banned, macro users on suicide watch
Raids tweaks and Twisted bow nerfed

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first for cute trap is cute

2nd for rs3>osrs

nth for my penis cannot get erect

nth for pelting snowballs and cute blue scarves!


Describes everything perfectly, calls out jmods for not understanding their own game, delicious tears in the comments from people mad that little has changed.

post doings & listenings friendos

tome before 99, surely

reminder fallon is the cutest

Friendly reminder to always crash, regardless of your or the victims account type.
Their tears are delicious.


nobody saw that

dumbass general spamming the same shit every thread lol how desperate

post your pic of craashing an ironman for a bring

This one?


max comfy

>those overlays



where my pet

Do people use knives still? Any other than bronze/iron maybe?

pures/voiders use rune knives to pk

tfw am cute

What's the most absolutely afkable activity? Is there anything that beats cannonballs?

redwoods are legit so afk that u can get afk timer'd while still chopping one

guthans nmz and splashing

why did i get kicked out of the osrs chatroom :(

were you kicked or removed?

It's full, a superior smiley joined and you were autokicked at random.

What is the point of being a pure?

Thank you. I'm 88 wc. Does the xp per hour beat yews?

oh i didnt know im sorry

go away pasta

Just rune ones? No use of addy or mith?

how to get favour from 0% to get into that area

Only needs 75%. But you should get 100% anyway and then lock it in with the miniquest.

I think 80%+ of this player base are legit retarded or something

main reference right now is the whole ahk discussion



Will I get banned if I use Xpadder to use my Dualshock 4 instead of the mouse and keyboard? Playing Runescape on a laptop trackpad is so shit that even a controller is preferable


I actually doubt you can pretend to be as retarded as some of them


to better rephrase that, how did YOU get to 75/100

plow fields 0-5%
give clerk 800 fertilizer 5-45%
cook in mess hall 45-100%
You could give fertilizer for 5-100% but that's a bad idea unless you're flat broke or have a shit cooking level.

nth for official osg pup

Why not state your position on the argument and try to defend it, faggot?

again, i fucking hate dogs
said this the last time you posted that thing.

>starrmite b finally got gunned down by a nigger for drugs
Feels fucking great holy shit ima party

lel :]
I'm mainly bothered by how the mods handled this

yeah, fuck these filthy mutts.
Get a cat you nigger

like this


Okay, I don't care if I get banned because leaning back in the couch and using my DS4 controller is comfy as shit. You people who still use mouse and keyboard at your desk are cucked

I wanna dress Furion up in cute clothes and make him into the ideal male so he lives a happy life!

>can afford a ps4 controller
>cant afford a mouse
sasuga /osg/

cry more crybaby
Also I'm gonna try to RC all Day with Osbuddy mousekeys and I'll let you doods know if I get banned or not, more than likely I won't because Jagex is pretty much cucked by Osbuddy at this point.
Will post results.
also i'm very inefficient and shit might happen later on.

I have a mouse but how do you plan I should use it when I lean back in the couch?

>guy using cannon at lizards
>teleports leaving cannon on ground
>figure hes just restocking
>comes back 3 mins later
>picks up cannon
>teleports again

What was his plan?

doubles in abyss?

he forgot it

get a desk then you fat fuck

nah im 67 rc and I got a free weekend so i'm gonna try to rc while I still have free time.

I have a desk too, retard, the entire point of using a laptop is it being portable. If I'm just going to sit at a desk with a mouse then I might as well use my desktop but now I can use my laptop with a Bluetooth controller without needing to find a surface where I can put both my laptop and mouse

shut up, tranny

Is Runecrafting still the best way to make money as F2P or is it better to just stick to WCing?

I've been putting off rc for a long time now, my excuse is not high enough magic for lavas yet, should probably work on it

Runecrafting as f2p is literally not possible to be profitable
just fish or wc

how on earth do you forget a massive contraption like a dwarf cannon that's been helping you genocide lizard shamans for more than an hour? unforgivable

inventory was probably full

clicked the pickup button then teleport without noticing

wew laddies

any coke head pkers in here?

Rubbing Furi-chan's d scim~!

How careless

ahk scripts that mimic wmk with only orthogonal movements and one mouse distance:

power drop:
Click right
MouseMove, 0, 35, 1, R

quick bank withdraw:
Click right
MouseMove, 0, 70, 1, R

zeah rc:
MouseMove, -42, 0, 1, R
MouseMove, 42, 0, 1, R

I have used all of these extensively before the update and never punished. Before the ban I actually had diagonal movements and multiple spaced movements. I will test these later but can almost promise Jagex won't distinguish these from wmk or even care.

I was debating on doing lavas, but I decided I might as well do nats because my last month of membership is running out and i'm gonna be back on the bond grind, but doing nats (about 100k of them for blood runes) will be great money for gear. I'm going for Fremmy elites so I can do DKS efficiently... This grind tho.

not a tranny, go fuck yourself stupid dog owner

We don't want ahk filth in this general.

fuck off and suck on this Dorp dick lil white boi u gon get feminized!

Someone asked me for these. The ahk users will only multiply after the exposure this update is giving them. You can never stop us.

Dorp's cock will control every /osg/ member one day!
We all exist to service him!

Mod Ronan stated in stream that OSB mouse keys are also banned although I suspect that they cannot distinguish between them and OS mouse keys and they are merely stating that to maintain consistency so ahk babies don't get even more butthurt.

hmm, how much loss is lavas now? might do a mix of both once I get 82 magic

I think Ronan and MMK can't distinguish what osb mousekeys does, what ahk is 99% used for, and actual botting. It's all the same thing to them.

Dorp has the biggest dick here!
Fight him and embarrass yourself whitebois!

dorp doesn't even play anymore why is his dick a meme

How do I get Sayob to open up to me /osg/ ?

The only meme benis should belong to degeneracy, he has earned it.

They are in the right with their decision but they deserve all the hysteria for ignoring the elephant in the room all this time.

Because his massive cock has seduced every tranny in /osg/!

all two of them

disgusting faggots too, what a prize

oh fugg
no idea desu

this is kinda comfy I guess


you literally are a mentally ill if you hate doggos aka a tranny

who are the good streamers nowadays

I'm leveling Runecrafting, just hit 44 after making a ton of cosmics, am I right in that from now it should be just nature runes until 99?
I've also heard of people doing law runes 54-91, or laws until death runes, all sorts of different methods.

What's best?

astrals from 81-92 definitely I'd say, if you're not doing zeah

zmi to 77 then do bloods to 90 then souls to 99

You have to look at prices and make your own conclusions as prices fluctuate, generally speaking it goes
natures,laws, double cosmics, double astrals , double natures.

If you care about money and are okay with 20-25k xp/hr, do nats for most of the way to 99.

If you want to still make good money but want better xp about 25-30k, do astrals to 99. At 82 you get double astrals making them very good then, better gp than single nats.

Double cosmics are an okay option for a while.

If you want the best afk ness and 35-45k xp/hr but little gp, do zeah starting at 77.

If you want good xp and okay money that isn't too autistic, do zmi. xp and gp depend on level and I don't know much about that.

If you want full autism max xp but lose gp, do lavas.

There really isn't a reason to do deaths or laws over astrals or nats.

depends if what you're looking to do, faster xp or more gp/hr?

any1 got any beginners merch guides