Fighting Games General /fgg/
what tournaments should i go to this year
>tfw you lose because you get accidental snapback and not get healing field super
karma for the phoenix player lmao
all the CPT ones
>smash kiddies donated $9000 to a game they don't play just to lose to Marvel
Is futa gay?
Combo Breaker or CEO if you are in america.
Stunfest if you are in europe.
You're on your way home from a GG local when these guys slap your fightstick on the ass. What do you do?
my dick...
Kill yourself
GG Locals don't exist outside of like 3 or 4 states
This but with Felicia
Why can't Morrigan be real?
Why can't Morrigan be more viable in Vsav?
You don't believe in her enough.
Urien goes from absolutely rad to absolutely crazy just by looking at his sunglasses or his eyes
I wish I was good at photoshop
He wants someone to draw the same thing, but with Felicia
dumb gorillaposter
mfw by the time Rev has a decent price on PC Rev 2 will be out but only on console so fgg will once again dodge me
>play kofxiv
>that lack of real time lighting and physics
how is even possible to make a 3d game without these things these days?
Why dont more people play xrd?
I didn't post Alex or Necalli
afaik they said it'll release at the same time now
>parasoul gets 100 to 0 in one combo
>it somehow isn't a tod because resets
Is there something I'm missing here?
but it has those
don't you see the tits bouncing
How do people learn those incredibly long combos anyway? I want to get better at SG, but I'm too retarded to do combos longer than 10 hits in most games.
laugh at him breaking his hand on my brick of a stick
true ToDs don't need resets. if you included resets then almost every fighting game character has a ToD.
by practicing, how else?
break it into parts
I thought they said PC was probably gonna be delayed during the announcement stream.
you just need to know 1 combo and how and where to reset
"if you had a chance of guessing which of 4-5 different ways someone can reset you at literally any part of this combo but guessed wrong, you made a mistake and you're a terrible player" mike "I just happen to be a direhard grappler player and also made a game that heavily favors them" Z
Those details are done on a model by model basis.
So is the lighting.
Actually China.
Stop thinking.
They should've had Seth on Skullgirls and put Mike Z on PSASBR
UMVC3 is one of the worst fighting games ever created
Why is it winning
because it has the capcom name on it
Haters will be left behind.
Seriously this is terrible fuck you america you are retarded
This is exactly what a large amount of people in this country voted for.
I checked out MvC: Infinite's trailer since it will be coming to PC, but I don't know Marvel characters. Who's the woman on the left?
dual citizenship is stupid. If your country was so shit you had to move halfway around the world to live in america instead, why would you want to go back?
Capcom logo
ghetto monkeys
>saudi arabi left off the list
>saudi arabia the biggest exporter of extremism
defend this, capcomfags
Carol Danvers. A fat cow no one likes
Anyone wanna spar with me?
I'm playing SFV for the first time since launch week, march last year.
I've forgotten EVERYTHING about fighting. I played 4 for like 5 years straight but after a year or so my mind's gone a little blank.
What the fuck is a crush counter? I don't even know how to use the V moves properly.
The main reason is because my friend who I played with everyday moved away so I lost interest in learning the new V alone ;__;
but there are only 2 grapplers in Skullgirls
wonder woman
Follow the oil
Follow the money
The countries left out are the ones he has business in.
She doesn't look like a fat cow
2 out of 14 is a lot of grappler
it also doesn't matter how many there are, it matters how good they are and how the mechanics favor them or not. in a game with high low unblockable and to a lesser extent crossup protection being able to command grab into a combo in a reset heavy game is a huge asset even if the character itself isn't good.
Brick told me that if it was me he would not take responsibility.
Captain Marvel.
Her MCU ,movie is coming out 2 years after this game release lol.
Chipp needs a serious nerf. Lowest hp means jack shit when he has one of the highest ehp in the game.
only thing that makes me LMAO is that trump is already meeting a campaign promise in a little under two weeks while obama had 8 years and never closed guantanamo or pulled us outta the middle east
ill play cfn is robert_mate
He's just following the lead of greats such as Kamiya.
>2 out of 14 is a lot of grappler
No that is a normal rate.
Fucking SF2 has around the same quota.
grapplers are stupid
delete them
>dude gop totally did not start wars and block obongo maga
>play like a scumbag
>get treated like a scumbag
deal with it shitskin
i'll delete you
Someone play me in ST, northern europe
im awful, come manhandle me
>it's another episode of anakaris wi-
wait what?
>muh poor obama who got a nobel peace prize for existing was blocked by those mean republitards and totally didn't sign a bunch of executive orders to pass shit through, expand the fuck out of the ability of the executive branch/NSA to fuck over americans and deny them rights (same as bush) and didn't try to shill for a war in syria for years
both are garbage, pretending obama was anything but a shit president makes you as delusional as the MAGA crowd.
I fucking hate super hero shit and their massive corporate interests.
>Ankaris beats braindead Sasquatch
Today was a good day for Vsav.
pokken is not a fighting game
marvel is a fighting game
it's really that simple
That was some of the best vsav you could ask for. It would bring a tear to Hildr's eyes.
what region/CFN?
What's even happening in this game? memes into memes into setplay into death x3
Eurocuck. CFN is durrdevil
anyone going to evo this year
Best Egyptian King
anyone going to ceotaku this year
anyone going to the pascha this year
should I go to ncr
should i go to combo breaker
anyone going to smash summit this year
the answer is "no"
Should I kill myself this year?
I'm really on the fence.
Is there a guide out there to beating the meme akuma stuff that you very rarely see good players do? Like air fireballs, the micro jump mix-up etc.? Just lost to it in super bronze.
any of you fucks winning a tournament this year
not true, I am going
do u ever have dreams where u inexplicably win evo
anyone going to see radiohead in london next weekend
you should play rashid of the turbulent wind
i had a dream that i beat filipino champ at marvel 3 at evo then capcom announced a new darkstalkers
Is Vampire Savior THE most balanced fighting game ever made
Karate Champ is more balanced.
>that name
>cuck in 2017 LUL
I would play but you're a polturd or /v/ kid so it's pointless, just play against the ai or go back to your mobas kid
That's only going to make want to kill myself even more.