Religions say hell is a place of fire and brimstone (sulfur). It just so happens that life at the bottom of the animal evolutionary cycle lives around sulfur spewing volcanoes at the bottom of the ocean miles below the surface.
The photograph above is of hell. The hell described in the Bible is a real place on earth.
It is the most hostile environment where animal life is found on earth. If you go to the bottom of the evolutionary cycle, the beginning of the cycle, you go to a place like the place described as hell. A coincidence?
Most of the popular descriptions of hell were described by writers like Milton, Blake and Dante, and many religions have adopted parts of these popular descriptions.
Sulfur, water (the lake), an unquenchable fire, a deep pit, dark, abyss, cold, worms, and the other things that hell is described as are not found all together in any other environments where life is found. The place in those pictures is the only place. These vents are also where the first life on earth was found, the actual bottom of our evolutionary cycle. The odds of it being a coincidence are impossibly low.
Until just recently, we did not know that any life could live in super heated water miles down at the bottom of the ocean. The food chain starts down there with bacteria that feed on sulfur (hydrogen sulfide) that comes out of volcanic vents in the ocean floor. Scientists recently discovered that this bacterium was the very first animal life on earth, the start of the animal evolutionary cycle.
The vents are called black smokers, because they spew black, sulfur-filled, super-heated water. A few feet from the vents, the water is freezing cold. It is totally dark, as black as ink. No light reaches that depth of water.
The Koran actually describes hell as a place with boiling water and freezing cold water. Do you know of any other place on Earth that has life and those exact conditions? There is no other place like it. It is the hell described by religions.