League of Legends general - /lolg/

OLD: comfy bfs edition~


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how is this possible?


>tfw when you solo'd the two strongest characters on the enemy team
>take the inhib
>lose the game because team no damage other than you so you get exhausted, bursted, or cc locked

I love Lissandra!


xth for tight demacians

tank meta is the fucking worst

1-5: Play a game
6-0:Watch a stream

Dopey OP so deluded in his gay fantasies that he forgets to make the OP into an eSports edition! Very pathetic crackship - - Sad!

xth for breast metal waifu

Please post sauce

>Join lobby
>See this
>Immediately expect a loss

French people are the worst.


Why is there so much art of these two, they have literally nothing in common and no lore connections. They don't even share any skin themes and have never appeared in official art together

Is this another RivenxZac situation with commission autism

Reposting please help

Is Gangblank top worth learning in his current state? Im afraid my weak laning phase would get abused and that I dont scale hard enough

First page on league of legends or nidalee on paheal

Listen to the very blatant noise it makes whenever its ready to be used the second time.

Turn off music in game if you are having issues.

no, theyre just a good match silly

if I had the money I would commission more stuff but I usually just collect whatever I find

>I'm afraid
you're not a good fit for this champion, go play Janna

Thanks friend

doesn't ezreal hate noxians

that is one of his voice lines

gangplanks a meme, not mobile enough.

Gangplanks laning phase is fine against any melee champ. Just be careful picking him into ranged champs.

Should I max Q or E?

>tfw can't decide whether to buy warring kingdoms azir or save for bloodmoon jhin

stop being a poorfag and buy both

Just flip a coin nig.

Ezreal would hate Talon, just like Jinx would hate Jhin, and Rumble would hate Teemo.

start W, you can use it on minions for sustain (read the ability), max Q, then E, last W.

are you good at writing user?
I maybe able to help you

Talon's psychotic, he killed his best friend when he was like 8. How in the world is that a good match for Ezreal who just likes to explore shit?

>dumpster and assassin
>can still 100-0 your carry
Nice game design.

I have lots of money riot marketer I just don't like the principle of giving you more money every few months.

its more of a personality match, I know a few hicks who actually have black and beaner friends even tho theyre pretty rayciss

plus a robot like Talon would try and get ez into the trap meme, shit just works

I want to dance with Orianna.

Hes pulling her hair so he can see if the flea treatment worked

>still has nearly 300 cs at 30 minutes
No bronze user, you are the shitters.

>posting nightmare fuel

you don't deserve that dance

If shes so tight how are you gonna impregnate her small womb?

What about those with gapclosers ie Riven,Irelia or Yas?

There are too many to ban

I'm not entirely sure how gay men work but I'm guessing it's because they are the earliest non-muscular/non-hairy humanoid male champions that could be considered "handsome" to be released.
Vlad was out earlier than Talon though, so I could be wrong.

>theyre just a good match silly
no they're not


i had two dc's inchamp select today, too many people on??

You can lane against any of those fine. Learn to use your barrels very well.

is league fucked right now? NA keeps disconnecting every so often. Is this their way to get people to watch esports

>that shit varus build again

alright lads i have 6300 lp should i get ivern?

i want to race mix with her so bad

Those who forget she is a weapon may end up killed.

I have no shame in wishing something I will never have.


no riven sucks rn get someone else

Legolas Varus is legit


please stop

ori is pure

I love the matchmaking around this time of day :^)

>legos varus with bloodlust

what if I did mana regen yellows/blues, armor reds and mr quints as support artillery memekai

>flash on f
what server is this

Why are Irelia skins so ugly? I want something like the new Warring Kingdoms Vi skins for Irelia

Post champ themes.
I'll start.
>Warwick: youtube.com/watch?v=9u9vlj8CgS0

>Shyvana is garbage again

Well it was fun being good while it lasted. Basically got psuedo-Sejuani'd

f stands for flash

Well that's just autism, dft is the only acceptable keystone

Indeed, she is.
Finally, something we both agree on.



d for dash
f for fire
checkmate atheists

I think it's pretty neat the exact same roles are the ones grouped up on each team. ADC too stupid for a group, Top doesn't need one.

>having flash on keyboard
Confirmed bronze advice.

daily reminder to all otps to kill themselves
im comfortably playing 10+ champs on ranked and u try so hard with every tiny detail and still are around ~equal skill
this makes you beta

>Are you worried about CLG?
>a-aren't they 0-3

>Play 10+ champs
>Can't climb out of gold

>Play 1
>Already in diamond promos

You metapickers are really sad.

>vayne toplane
you deserve your unranked support and silver team you cancerous piece of shit.

>feeding my ass off on kindred
>team is flaming me
>lamb and wolf start telling stories on the gray screen
nothing comfier

Evolving camo is shit on k6 now?

That's what, 2 champions in each role? Wow good job.

flash is a blink not a dash. you're thinking of ghost where they run faster.

im already diamond
i dont pick meta i just pick whatever i feel like playing
meta pick and otp are the lowest of low you are right
like lee otps and poppy otps

>k6 is shit now

Back again to collect (You)s?

I'm one of the silver lmzaoo
Was a normals anyways. I'm just surprised Mr. Challenger got grouped with us.

So when i first pick up a new champion should I learn it in bot games and when i feel comfortable take it into normals?
I hate feeling like an idiot playing in normals with something for the first time and getting destroyed by people who obviously know what they're doing.
Then they get toxic and start calling me shit.
How do I git gud so people don't make me feel shitty?

now i can quit

>frostbutt irelia
>order of lettuce
I really wish trump would kill off the faggots and trannies already

grow some thick skin
there are people your age dying in wars and youre making a fuss about what someone says in an autistic video game

>adc has no group name
>top has one

what did he mean by this?

>Literally the best jungler in the game

Fuck off falseflagging Khazix main. Cancerbug is getting gutted.

can i 10-0 my placements with aatrox? I'll keep you posted even if you aren't interested

>being worried about constantly losing games

Sneaky was memeing on him.

>4 chests available

damn, being a otp must be painful

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

And I'm not supposed to evolve camo anymore?

order of the lotus irelia is her best skin
same with karma

which ones are grouped together per team you fucking mong

I have like 10 chests rotting in my inventory. Key fragments are a ponzi scheme.

>tfw i have 6 chests and no keys

>Not even Diamond I
Jesus christ i would kill myself

It's Q-E-W in order of evos. R evo is gimmicky shit that won't cut it in a real fight

Only if you really need it to weave in and out of fights and if you built duskblade. Otherwise the standard RQ - RW - RE will be better