/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General


>Patch 3.5 Trailer
youtube.com/watch?v=4kA9aAdIDG0 [Open]

>Patch 3.5 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Red Mage Teaser:

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>3.5 Gung Ho for GARO Collaboration

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

Previous Thread:

post sluts
or cats
at least butts

do you ever look at where your lifestyle has led you

>did I fuck up? I don't have to be a rl prompto for this to be possible do I?
you do

Play with me...

show me who's at the DRAKN meeting

kirito tia

Guffy and Emily got promoted to officers



I have a job that's interesting, moved into an ok place recently, get paid ok, don't have to leave the house if I don't want to and can make some autist mad on the Internet at any time I want to?

Really made me think, thanks

balmung? name?

>Soft has almost no drama in it, thread forces the meme daily that it's a shitpot filled with trouble people
>Decide to give Drakn a try
>There's shit talking everywhere, everyone is at everybody's throats, erp goes on in fc chat and inside of the house 24/7, drama everywhete2

What is even the point of being in Soft or DRAKN anyway?


>There's shit talking everywhere, everyone is at everybody's throats, erp goes on in fc chat and inside of the house 24/7, drama everywhete2

Link it I wanna see. Oh wait you made it up..


Hey guys, what's going on in this thre-



I'm going to marry an elezen~!

Hey guys ;)
is here for you ;)
It's not actually fuck u

this is falseflag

oh i can show you degeneracy

fuck me in the ass twin adders has been absolute shit today what the fuck happened, we were dominating all week

You cant prove its not true

Maybe some Midan savage slaying tonight, been a long time since I have been in A6S.

I appreciate the honest questions, if you really want legit answers you can ask me elsewhere like in game or on discord or something.

Can be, I usually don't like when things gravitate towards abuse though.

Hes not wrong about the erp part. Most people there are just a /tell away from blowing you.

Depends how deep it is

Weekend warriors.

What classes has less keybinds than a dragoon? Due to a bike accident I have very limited mobility on my fingers and the dragoon rotation is starting to get very frustrating.

Finally about to enter 3.0 content and would hate to be extremely subpar in groups because of my fingers.

just the au ra and suncats

Here's a cat

But thats fine? Hes flat out lying about the FC chat part. Theres literally nothing wrong with people erping in private chats or in private rooms. Thats the rule for all these FC.


the burden of proof is on you, the accuser

post momo


black mage and paladin come to mind

>fujo op

thank you

BLM uses like 7 keys total, counting Ctrl.

BLM or SMN for DPS
PLD for Tank

tfw your fc all loves eachother and you dont have to deal with this shit

Yeah I love being in DRAKN too.

>Frosty Faustings Xrd top 16
Who here /COMFY/?
LF fishing buddy or someone to come hang out

i'd really like to do midas savage sometime, only cleared 6s before the nerf and then basically gave up on raiding again (same exact thing i did in gordias)

the glamour is great and generally i just think the fights are great too (except 7... not a huge fan of the random bowling balls)

but do u have any cute rl girls in it



No thanks

>never noticed how comfy the Manor Sofa looked
/xivg/ is so useful.

Seto arrives to the meeting of the fc hes not even in to hit on his new targets

do you play xrd?
I need more people to play with

>ywn protect her smile


tfw you're always on busy so I can't /tell you to make awkward talk even if I see you on


If you're going to post butts, sluts, or buttsluts, post them in houses/apartments. I need design inspiration, not fap material.

Who are the easiest to get in bed?



yeah like half the members are girls

better ver

At least post the other 3/4th of the room


think it's pretty obvious just looking at the roster t b h

Yeah but I'm EU. I'm always up for some matches however.
I'm not interested in your videogame character user and neither should you

>only female characters played by grown men
how to spot a bad fc 101

very cute and hopefully happy stinker...

flat, lethe (both), claire, gyoni, aranea, awena, felix, shana

Post red lizards RIGHT FUCKING NOW


Felix is pure and you can't prove me wrong.

>day 12 of Dun Scaith
>people still think they're doing the raid a favor by detonating Critical Gravities
>people still repeat misinformation like "grab the red balls at the side of the arena so they don't affect the rest of the party ;)"
>people still can't read and process the word "plummets"
>people still double stack Earth Shakers
>people still get hit by Shadespin
>healers actually forgetting to cleanse Doom
>my caster boots still haven't dropped
this place is a fucking mental institution

I want to hogtie this cat.

dang, we'd have horrible delay then

can confirm lethe flat and felix

>tfw momo's commissions

yes hello

>ebins being consumed by larger ebins

dont post my cat and that name in the same post ever again


I still do not have my minion and I've seen some really incredible wipes at this point


Do tell.

Tell me about your mother, /xivg.

I did not know it was actually possible to wipe on the second set of Void Crystals until today

Sorry that's not my cat. I just wanted to get the slut train rolling.



she gives me antelope stew and grape juice

lance gravel....

she died of lung cancer 2 years ago

4 Parthenopes and everyone went after the Eyes first?

can seto fuck of f from the drakn fc meetings?

Yeah, 5 stacks of vulnerability and then the dragon decided it was going to have a field day on the healers

loves me more than yours did

Nice woman. Worked hard while I and my sister were at school, but still was the primary parental figure when we weren't. Helped get me into video games, I have really fond memories of Star Tropics and some point and click game called SomethingGate on NES.

Didn't divorce my father until I moved away to the other side of the USA. I love her with all my heart but don't call her much because I hate phonecalls. I visit every year, sometimes twice a year.

So far attempts at getting her into MMOs have failed. My sister has a kid and my mom is largely its parental figure because sis is irresponsible so she has little time any more. It's a shame, I think she'd enjoy crafting a lot, and decorating our FC house. She knows most of my FC from years ago.

I was raised by Roegadyn as a joke.

>not in drakn
>going to meetings
Why doesnt he join its dumb

ok rheia

lethe sucks dick for a living


Nice passive aggressive anonymous posting. Why not tell him like a man?

He doesnt deserve that.

Not a namedrop but it sounds like that person's probably alright, at least they've moved away from home, which is more than I expect from most of the people whose names get dropped here.