What made you say "being a liberal is boring I want to overthrow my country and abolish capitalism"
I don't understand how someone can make that leap
What made you say "being a liberal is boring I want to overthrow my country and abolish capitalism"
I don't understand how someone can make that leap
Adrenaline dependance, they live for action and violence, ideal is secondary.
The reason most non frat boy college kids are communists is because they have nothing in life to worry about like normal people. Once they graduate (unless it's a meme degree like gender studies) it usually goes away.
Capitalism just is not sustainable on a planet with finite resources
We need to switch to a more sustainable system
This, also people in the first world are not really communists, they are just dissatisfied Starbucks baristas who are still better off than most people in the world.
frat boy commies are a thing too thanks to kapernick and Bernie google "brocialism"
Liberalism is ineffective and passive.
After a Marxist analysis of the current year of course.
I desire the establishment of a communist society.
Ain't I a communist?
this. capitalism calls for constant growth and never-ending increases in profit, it's unsustainable and requires cheap labor to continue. that's how you get class oppression, whether the class is racial, gendered, or economic. the only solution is an equitable distribution of resources, and democratic socialism is too liberal which lets fascists gain ground. communism is the answer
liberal spotted
It's funny how /pol/ legitimately believes communists are the reason why immigrants are entering Europe
there's not a single motherfucker dumber than a /pol/ poster
>capitalism calls for constant growth and never-ending increases in profit
Except we're not in the 19th century anymore, you don't need physical resources like factories or rubber plantations or whatever in order to make profits. In fact, the most successful corporations nowadays don't manufacture anything at all.
>capitalism calls for constant growth and never-ending increases in profit
So all economies are a bubble, and you have to go commie to get industry to find a compromise to this that's not mutually exclusive to a capitalist model? Hmm, raelli mokes yuo thunk.
>thinking your commie utopia would actually work and the world wouldn't just fall into total anarchy or become a stalinist dictatorship
Most people live normal lives with families to take care of. None of them have time for communism.
Thinking actual intellectual discussion in Veeky Forums was possible was a mistake.
still time to make it happen, baby
That's not what /pol/ believes
An outright majority of /pol/ threads contain some motherfucker whining about "cultural Marxism"
That's another fault of capitalism and why it is actually failing currently. Historically and traditionally it worked because demand of workforce was greater than the supply of it. Currently supply of workforce is greater than the demand and you can see an inflation in university degrees and companies are leisure to choose their workers easily from a wide selection of applicants that are moderately overqualified while asking the least.
The thing with /pol/ is they're slightly more informed than your average Facebook normie but generally unable to think critically about anything
Cultural Marxism isn't communism. /pol/ believes Neo conservatives and zionists are responsible for making the Middle East a shit hole. Immigrants are encouraged to come to Europe to create a hole in enthic cohesion and cause social strife. Homegrown Starbucks "communists" are just useful idiots
/pol/ is ultimately against globalism. Not cultural Marxism or communism.
Globalism is the worst fucking buzzword
It means something different to everybody
How is that "failing?" More people are too educated to work in fields and factories? It's a transition from an old model that will have casualties (like coal mines and shit) but it's far from a "fault" of capitalism, if anything it attests to capitalism's flexibility. If there's a "fault" in capitalism it's people taking the shortest-term view, like you've done here, that the workforce as it is, right now, outpaces the demand for workers. But what about when labor is distributed and not centralized, when hundreds of people contribute small bits of effort into, say, training an AI? We're already heading in this direction.
>/pol/ is one person
why don't you kill yourself ?
Transhumanism will be what replaces capitalism, not communism.
It means to /pol/ the end of nation states and we all become one blob of culture less mixed race mindless consumers
Liberals have no connection to communism.
The lack of labour jobs is exactly why current model of capitalism will fail, because traditional labour jobs historically created a steady supply of demand for workforce while currently amount of viable jobs are decreasing rapidly while population increases. IT sector is booming yes but it is not booming enough to replace all the traditional jobs. Automation will only accentuate this problem, creating an increasing demand of jobs while reducing the amount available with many of the blue-collar jobs disappearing.
Current economic model cannot survive in an environment where there is more workforce than jobs available. You'll have to implement basic income and land value tax with increase of automation and increase of population, as well as greater, centralised focus to individual welfare to provide an economic market to not allow companies to just cherrypick best workers for least pay while having a high amount of unemployed youth.
We can already see this becoming a reality and we haven't even reached a point where automation completely eliminated a specific type of work, what will happen when there are no more miners, drivers? 60 years ago people thought like you did and that automation would allow us to work 5 hours a day and have 30 or perhaps even 20 hour workweeks while having a lot of leisure time. Instead what we see is increased amount of unemployment and 10 hour work days and regularly over 50 hour workweeks to maximise profit for the higher ups. What stops a company from employing one person and make him do the job of multiple people in 8-10 hour work days when anyone who says we could have less is called a lazy leech?
to be fair to OP, they could have meant "what made you stop being a liberal and become a communist instead?"