/5N@F/ General

Teaser NEVER EVER Edition

Previous Thread
>Links to purchasables
FNAF 1 - SL: store.steampowered.com/bundle/1729/
FNAF BOOK: amazon.com/Five-Nights-Freddys-Silver-Eyes/dp/133813437X
FNAF WORLD: gamejolt.com/games/fnaf-world/124921

Official Site: scottgames.com
Asset Rips: s.rtag.me/freddy
IRC: #FNAF on Rizon
Fan Booru: 5naf.booru.org
Writing Archive: pastebin.com/fryFnrQ9
Voice Archive: pastebin.com/8mN8gJYP
List of Content Creators: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1clzZcsTzZzZh6EUFR-nmF4F7zHiXTCeB4AehZLF1OHs/edit?usp=sharing
Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=Qw88zQTxq48


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2nd for sweets

>last thread hit image limit with nearly 100 posts left
Damn, when was the last time that happened? I literally can't remember.

here comes a special boy!
overalls with autism!

Reposting spooky

In the meantime, I'm experimenting with making a text-based CYOA like those old-school adventure books. Expect the first dozen-ish chapters of that to get posted sometime this week along with another Roommates lemon.

I don't know. Was there high caliber shitposting or a quest involved?

Some time in 2015 or so after Undertale came out was the last time I remember.
Slow quiet threads can be quite comfy.

The long awaited, most anticipated third chapter of "Springtrap just wants a quiet life". A tale of suffering and high-impact violence. Comments and critique would be much appreciated.


Here are the first two parts, compiled in one neat and tidy document.

Not much shitposting actually

>Slow quiet threads can be quite comfy.
Truth. Exhibit A:

I don't get it

I missed this the first time it was posted. Glad I didn't miss it again.

You have a knack for body horror. This story supersedes the game itself in my eyes since it's pacing and the descriptions are that well executed. It takes the idea of Ennard wearing a suit and actually goes in an interesting direction. I especially loved the brown sludge, that bit made me think of what happens when you mix your skittles in water.

Good stuff, ShadowBon. Aside from this little error
Harder and harder he tried, but AMOUNT OF WILLPOWER was enough to return control of his own body to him.

Basically, after a thread reached bump limit, 2 threads got made at the same time. One of them, which everyone decided to use, got real shitpost-y real fast. Instead of letting the other one, which was linked, fall off the board as usual,5-10 people decided to use it instead. They kept it bumped for the 3 days it took the "actual" thread to reach bump limit, and during that time it had actual game discussion, some OC, and everyone was polite to one another. Then everyone else flooded in and turned it to shit immediately.

The way Ennard left Michael's body was really stupid.

Getting vomited out without any blood or guts somehow is the dumbest way to do it. He should've ripped his way out of Mike and rode off in his severed head like The Thing for something that's both darkly humorous and actually pretty creepy.

>That thread theme

New Gen when?

It could be that sense Baby was his sister, that she wanted to leave, if she had to, in a way that would still leave a body for Michael to use.

Granted just being thrown up into a sewer after the plan actually worked is pretty hilarious.

Thanks user, it means a lot to me. The idea of someone being aware but unable to do anything after getting suited is one that I feel is underutilized, and this was sort of a logical next step.
>that error
Oops, fixed it.

>using "he" for Ennard when 4 of the 5 animatronics that make her up are female
>using "he" when Ennard's dominant personality is Baby

Reminds me of that Harlan Ellison story "I have no mouth and I must scream". Although conversely, having an artificial intelligence whose motivations with your suffering are a completely mystery is spooky in it's own right, separate from the international hate machine that is AM.

I agree with you, that idea's underrated. I was surprised and subsequently pleased to see someone converge that idea and Sister Location, which is admittedly pretty sparse on OC.

Baby seemed to recognize him more as his dad, going off of the Private Room and the Night 4 monologue, the latter of which is more than just a little aggressive. It seems more like you're a convenience, rather than an aid to her.

The bushy eyebrows and stupid look on Ennard's face in the Private Room make me go for he.


Damn, this story is pretty good. The mental image of Ennard practicing how to act human but not quite succeeding was spooky and the description of Ennard's evacuation was really vivid. Nice job.
>another Roommates lemon
Oh boy, I'm excited now. There better be some bunny loving[./spoiler]

It reminds me of those /x/ skinwalker stories where the guy comes back all jerky and "off". Might be my favorite piece of OC someone's done with SL to date.

Between the weird movements and the voice imitation I wonder if Scott got inspiration for Ennard from the skinwalker stories, actually.

Oh sorry, go the names mixed up, long day.

However if Ennard wanted to escape mostly undetected and not leave any viasble evidence that he/she left then he had to escape in a way that would be almost unnoticeable. A way that someone could easily just think that they saw something. Escaping through the mouth and into a sewer allows for that. No dead/really messed up body left behind, and no proof of something just popping out of William.

There's gonna be more bunny loving than you can handle.
Funnily enough, I actually read back through some of those skinwalker stories before writing this.

>another Roommates lemon
>oh boy I wonder which the previous one was
>checks pastebin
>it's the beanie nightmare one
Looking forward to your next one.

Posting while the guy/gal that does this is out

It'll be a good one if you like BonBon

>want to submit
>but stuck on hands ATM

So help me GOD I will get this done before the fight AU meme dies out completely!

I don't think it will die out until more are added.

I know at least four OC fags are working on comics/art for it right now, myself one of them, and that's just in casual conversation on the side. If you want to add, don't feel like there's some scary deadline, take your time, make a good character.

It's a shame there aren't any writefags who've shown interest in it. There's been plenty of drawfaggotry and Protom did a bunch of voicefaggotry, but the third side of the OC triangle hasn't really done anything.

He could have just watched or read Pet Semetary. Not to sound cynical, but /x/ wasn't the first community to modernize folklore about cryptic or evil entities taking possession of people and trying to live among us.

Because it's primarily an art-focused thing. It's almost exclusively about character design and nothing else.

Make that 5 (unless you somehow were already counting me, granted I'm not really an OCFag so, meh), I would like to work on some of the things I posted in that long list last thread, make more, and also redo my first attempt seeing as how Brawly got reworked in Nightmare Fredbear. Unfortunately I don't have lots of free time these days.

Are any OCfags using the phantom puppet?

... cause uh, I got an idea. I just don't wanna destroy anyone's progress.

Had an idea, but go for it.

>Phantom Puppet
>the character of double irrelevancy
I think you should good.

Most of the writefagging I could fathom as a NEVER GUESS WHOOOO~~~ would be better off as anonymous discussion about stuff like the setting of the fighting ring. Like if it was an underground fight tournament, if it was publicized, why it's being done. Settings and themes and all that.
The reason why that is: most drawfags almost never read writefaggotry. No shame in admitting it, just how this place is.

Kick(e)y is perfect and the best character.

She's a discount AlekkBon though.

Well the feet are fucking weird. Main thing is she's looking at the viewer? I don't know if you meant to do that.

why has she switched her normal feet out for stumps

So her kick is a 'stab' thanks to edged feet and hydraulic powered thighs for stronger kicking. Advanced Russian combat style, Americunts wouldn't understand the complexity.

Makes walking very difficult.

Her feet were always like that, even back when Zed first drew her. Ghost just added the paw things to it.

When is Crisis going to draw Kicky getting fucked by a dog because he's gonna do it, I know it.

Her head and "feet" look weird man. Also her legs are definitely too short.

She and other Zedbots would make for some absolutely fucking dangerous robofurry ballet.

Fucking decapitated from a pirouette and all that graceful jazz

Don't forget that the strength of the fighting AU comes from the different styles and people converging together. Writefags don't have any of that synergy beyond my own suspicion that they're the only people who read writefaggotry.

The last time a group of them came together to write something was two years ago, and it ended up like a set up for the fucking Aristrocrats. Trying to get writefags into the ring kek is like getting a toddler through Mordor.

We need more epic fight scenes like this

>still no shirt
You know, you could at least PRETEND that you're taking part in the Fight AU for reasons beyond your fetishes.

The stumps make it eerie.

90% of drawfaggotry is furry user. That ship sailed a long time ago

>it's the FNAF movie
>Little Girls starts playing

Not liking the 'compromise between Zed feet and regular feet'. On top of the legs looking too small here.

>glassy damaged eye instead of some sort of robot eye

I think it's because writefags in particular have these different ideas in their head on which way the story and setting will go so they end up getting a clusterfuck.
Drawfags focus on one idea and they contribute their own pieces to it. When writefags try to collaborate bits and pieces at a time it turns out very differently. It's the drawfag equivalent of saying "draw a bonnie" and handing them each a piece of a 3x3 square, then putting the assigned pieces together.

Those feet remind me of this.

Hey. Zed draws her without a shirt a lot too. It's purely for aesthetic reasons, and not even slightly because of thirst for best fighter.

Probably, writefags are really diverse in genres and style.

The mosaic thing could be an entertaining trainwreck though

It'd probably end up looking like something right out of those custom night menu edits.

every image either has shirt on or shirt obscured only one has her messing with shirt still on too

It would look like a flockdraw image.

Well yes but listen. She was born to be topless. It's part of an esteemed Russian kickboxing technique in Moscow.

then why does she wear the shirt

Right, I'll just lump it under the "Ghost's Fetishes" folder. It's close to bursting at this point, I hope it'll fit.

Is Kicky even anatomically correct? For all you know, you people are getting worked up over nothing.

Nah dude we're talking mosaic style, where one person puts a segment of the whole image. Like one person would get the leg and one person would get the arm, etc. It's how writefags often end up collaborating. They end up working together to put segments together, whereas drawfags draw one whole thing by itself more often than not, placing it by the others.

No, she's probably made of asbestos.

Like everything Zed makes
I swear the man has a thing. A thing for asbestos

Ghost I'm reaching out to you here, one fag to another, when I say I want to rub my dick on those abs.

That's because asbestos smells like friendship. And blood.

Did you know that Russia still exports asbestos even though it fucking sucks?

Not the only thing close to "bursting" ;3

She has big tits!

You figured me out, Dobson.



The general has touched upon virtually every major fetish by now except a few, don't be too surprised user

So you know how in fight games each fighter has their own rival and one they get along with? I think we have enough fighters here to pair them up. So far the only one I can think of is
Grappley and punchy as friends
Pushy and Flippy as rivals

Nighty and whoever Springtrap will be should be rivals.

Edgy versus Thuggery?

This should be the theme that plays when you're fighting against one of the boss characters.


I always think of something like this but with the Toreador March's notes

That would be a great theme for one of the player characters, whichever one's the happy fun character.

This is one of my favorite Mega Man themes and would be great for a Bonnie or Chica character.


Depends on how happy the context is. I always think of something like a "corrupted" character fight, leading to a distortion of the Toreador March. It was one of the ideas I had for a fangame at one point, actually.

While we're on Mega Man music, something like Tornado Man's stage would go well for a Puppet or Springtrap character. Someone with a vendetta; it sounds pretty aggressive.


I think they'd get along actually

I think edgy would be really cocky and only fight the females as some desperate way to show off to them

Aw yeah, that would work great for one of the driven characters, somewhat intense yet still light.

I imagine this theme would work great for Pushy, since she seems to be the soft easy-going character.


So what is everyone's favorite moment from each Fnaf Game.

Beginning of night 4 of Sister Location.

And to preemptively answer the followup question "what is your least favorite moment?", the rest of night 4 of Sister Location.

That's a good discussion starter.

Freddy tearing his head off and Phone Guy's death and subsequent phone call. All the little details too, like the wheezing or changing images
The cutscene on stage in particular, and the first few nights when it's genuinely stressful and not annoying
Phantom Freddy and Springtrap walking by your window. Seeing Purple's death unspoiled was also really great, and probably my favorite moment in the narrative as a whole.
Hell if I know.
Looking over to see Bon Bon missing from Freddy's hand gave me a great surprise. Seeing Ballora's legs off in the distance whizzing by was good. Maintaining Funtime Freddy in general. Overall I'd have to say the hanging bodies were my favorite moment.

Seeing the animatronics looking at the cameras and Foxy peeking out of the curtain.

Foxy and Mangle in the hallway.

Springtrap in the window.

Seeing Nightmare Fredbear in the hallways.

>Sister Location
Ballora twirling across the screen.

Wasn't planning on asking unless the thread died again before I went to bed, which I might as well do.

That's the point, usually when I ask these questions about the game and ect it usually stirs up the thread.

What made Nightmare Fredbear stick out more than Nightmare, as Nightmare is closer that Nightmare Fredbear when in the hallways?
All of you made some good choice.

Also Good Night Thread, hope you have sweet dreams and have a good day tomorrow/latter today, depending on your time zone and what time you read this.

Nightmare was a bit underwhelming, since he's a black Nightmare Fredbear.

Foxy running to the door
Toy Bonnie's stupid slide
Spring tearing his suit head off
Nothing really stood out
Scott going hog wild in general
Same as 4, nothing.

Custom night on SL is goat

I couldn't stop thinking about this.

I've always liked him over Fredbear just because he has a human brain inside him.

The Toreador March was probably hands down one of my favorites of this. I kind of wish that the other games would have had something similar to it.
Though there wasn't much of it, any time the Withereds and the Toys would sort of gang up on you was cool. Also Shadow Bonnie
The minigames.
The little animation of the Nightmare bots going back around the corner of the hallway.
Crawling through Ballora's room on 2.

The good old days of Ranma 1/2 on TV