/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Hope you're ready
To get comfy

> Next Jam: Comfy Jam

> Play Demo Day 12!

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Thread
> Previous Demo Days

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> Engines
Monogame: monogame.net/
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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What progress are you planning to make this thread?

lolidev did literally nothing wrong

I'm going to make a model

I don't plan on the player flying anything bigger than a fighter, but having to fight against larger ships with turrets and stuff seem like a given. It's part of the reason I've been working on pic related. The other part being that I want the player's weapons to also be turreted to make mouse flying easier.

I've never been a great pixel artist, please give me some tips toward the grass and cliff walls.

I don't think I have a "style". All my games are wildly different from one another.


I would get rid of the fog and use more vibrant colors
shift the hue for highlight/shadows rather than just adjusting the brightness of the one hue

idea guy here:
A comfy game where you create a dorodango.

Simplify a lot more. Reduce the noise of the whole tile.

Pick a little more depth and add in different hues, instead of just different values.

The grass and the wall clash because their colour schemes and values are so different. You have to change one or the other to be closer or to add in some transition art between them.

Overall it is a really nice design, so try and tweak before going in for full re-draws.

Grass looks fine, but cliffs look boring, because of repeating pattern. Add more cliff-things, so it won't be all the same everywhere (or at least lest noticeable) and it will be good.

The laser is a cube? Why not a cylinder?

Add sounds to webm related, tweak the hammer subweapon, start on the ultra sword pickup and it's new attack.

and then start playtesting the shit out of it all

Thank you! I'll pull out my tablet and see if I can get it looking less repetitive and a bit more simple. I can make a couple cliff tiles and use those randomly on cliff walls to lessen the repeating effect.

I just started following some godot tutorials.
Hopefully I'll be good to go and experiment on my own after that.

Oh, man. First the girl poops into your open hands. Then you get to work polishing it up. The better job you do, the more lustrous the shine, the more she will want to marry you when you present your gift.

Going to ask on this thread also:
So with GM:S I can display fps but I cannot seem to get it to display decimal values with it. Does anyone know what I would need to do in order to get (i.e.) 58.3 to show up instead of just 58?

I guess what I am aiming for is as accurate a representation of the value as possible for display.



I meant more in terms of a ship to fleet role. Going back to the freespace example, you couldn't go near that type of corvette because it'd shred you. Instead you'd be screening your allied corvettes against enemy bombers/fighters so they can go over and kill it.

Of course, missions were still scripted so you got to fly around the deathstar and blow up it's reactor.

You may already have a completely different gameplay loop already knocking about in your head, which is fine. I was just curious.


there is something profoundly disturbed about the jewish mind

You might be able to calculate the FPS yourself with the deltavalue which would give you a decimal but I can't remember how that worked since we have the fps var now.

Oh, I see. I'm aiming for a very arcade approach, so while larger ships would definitely be more dangerous and require care when fighting, it wouldn't be so dangerous that you couldn't do it at all. I do really like the idea of having backup and friendlies though, even if they would mostly be for distractions than anything else. I like when it's not just you. Plus it just looks cool.

But I'm just ideaguying at this point though. I'm nowhere near close enough to really say anything like that.


I'm gonna do some research and see whether it is viable to turn my idea into a game


What, am I the only one who finds this sexually enticing? Come on!

read the sticky :^)

It was an ideaguy question from the start. Good luck, I enjoy seeing the spacedevs progress.


Bad news. The boss told me Comfy Jam is cancelled unless someone gives me a good comfy game idea.

No time to waste, hand your best ideas over.

I think I'll add the melee attack. Just spent the last few hours wrestling with the hand rig not exporting properly.

Note to anyone else who attempts 3D LibGDX: Don't go overboard on control bones and extra constraints in your rig, the Blender G3D exporter can be really unreliable with non-deforming bones.

I want to make an isometric game for practice.
I'm pretty god damn slow when it comes to doing art, so I'd like to make it as fast as possible without making it look like ass.

SOOO what do you guys think would be faster to create and animate, low-poly 3D models or 16-bit-esque pixelart?

Soap Bubble clone

You have to make the perfect ass groove in the Simpsons couch.



I changed something somewhere in my code and now nothing works. It just makes me feel like quitting.

How much animation do you want?
If you can't draw, low poly is ultimately easier because animation is just tweening instead of drawing new frames. The downside is there's more effort required to setup a model so it's ready

Made a basic animation class with SFML.

Now the pixelshit is animated.


are you using version control?

I'm only making a game because /agdg/ is comfy

/agdg/ posting does not require you to be working on a game

Party hard?


I'd prefer at least a decent amount of animation because I want the world to feel alive.
I'm not as concern with the amount of polygons or pixels than I am with animations.

So maybe that means 3D models would be more ideal for me. Sadly, I'm extremely compulsive and pretty bad at 3D modeling, so I'll probably have to practice with that a lot more, if I go down that route.

This is where you evolve user. Don't stop now you're so close to gaining new power.

TwinBee clone

What's the best way of doing modularity/ composition for game objects in Unity?

Say I want to give my player a gun. I want to make this gun from different component effects. So it can have any number of
>Damage Modifiers
>Damage Types
>Health modifiers
I can just stick a "GunType.ICE" (enum) property on it or something and make it behave slightly differently. It doesn't seem like creating monobehavior scripts for tiny pieces of data like that is the best way to do it.

Any advice?

what if it did

Stop thinking everything has to be a monobehavior attached to a game object. Write shit as regular C# classes and just use the gameobject as a model that's positioned in the world

The boss says no clones, and you two even suggesting that just cut the countdown to jam cancellation in half.

We have only minutes to spare. Give me those games, now.

compile error message doesn't say what doesn't work.


oh, I assumed you were programming

What engines are you guys using? I'm just curious of what's currently popular on here.

No Dev Story

recently started developing. Trying to create some basic skills

UE4 right now, but I usually use Unity.

Why isn't anyone here using the Source engine?

Been using Godot.

unity because I'm a shitter

No More Devs

>tfw game broke because quantum mechanics

Previous polls showed GM and Unity to be in the lead, by a fair margin. Probably correlated with the fact that when a beginner asks what engine to use, the usual answer is "3D: Unity; 2D: GM". Following that is UE4, then with half of GM's number Godot, Monogame, and enginedev iirc.

Personally using Godot.

Will that get serialized correctly? So what's that look like, then, just make a regular-ass C# class or struct with data and use that? Will it work with GetComponent?

but there's no dragon drop in unity
why wouldn't you recommend ue4 to a beginner instead?
it's not like any of them will learn to program

Is Unity 2D as good as GM:S?
I've only messed with Unity 3D a bit and I'm thinking I should get into 2D instead of 3D, but I'm not sure which to choose.

>Will that get serialized correctly?
it's really odd how this is always a question unity devs have about everything

>but there's no dragon drop in unity
Yes there is. It's called the asset store.

>why wouldn't you recommend ue4 to a beginner instead?
Folks usually seem find it easier to learn C# than C++. I prefer not to get mixed up in 3D engine wars, because I have no business with 3D.

Java with libgdx

Unity 2d is absolutely terrible for anything beyond the most basic of 2d games (and even then it's shitty). The only time you would ever want to use it is if you wanted to use 3d backgrounds or something, otherwise it is a massive, timeconsuming headache from start to finish.

If you're going for 2D, pick an engine that is optimised for that. If you're starting out with programming, give GM a go, otherwise check out Godot.

>Folks usually seem find it easier to learn C# than C++
ok, but probably 99% of them will not learn either one
whereas you can make a game without a single line of code™ using blueprints

>Will it work with GetComponent?
No, but when you're using an external system you should never need to use this anyway

Tell me why I shouldn't use SDL2

still messing with textures and palettes. I'm a little happier with this iteration.

Because SFML is better if you want batteries included and GLFW is better if you want a window, input, and an OpenGL context.

Already much better
I'd make the dark parts of the cliff face darker. It's currently got a faded pastel look to it - which is fine on its own - but considering your protag has black in her design, the dark points of the environment should be darker too

Why not just use Unity for 2D as well?

That way by learning Unity, you learn everything.


>GLFW is better if you want a window, input, and an OpenGL context
isn't that like the whole point of using SDL or SFML to begin with?
they just wrap all of that up for you into 3 lines

Nothing wrong with SDL. Small, simple, written in C. And Steam provides a version of SDL on all platforms iirc

>I'll leave this here..

>And Steam provides a version of SDL
this makes no sense

GLFW does as well, but it's designed around it and has a considerably simpler API to do so. SDL comes with a bunch of useless stuff and requires you to link to more libraries like SDL_image and SDL_mixer anyways (unless you really want to program a sound engine on top of raw PCM submission and write glue code between another image loading library and SDL). SFML comes with everything but it's intended to be used as is and is comparatively poorly maintained.

Because then you're using Unity

The dynamic library to link to.

I've been wondering for days if I should draw a tree graphic and use it in game as a flat tree sprite or if I should just model and texture a tree. The latter would be more attractive but possibly feel less PSX like.

Can you give us a close up on her model? Out of game, like in Blender or something?

It's actually a doom mod, and the gameplay is gonna lean more towards Ys and the Dungeons & Dragons beat 'em ups.

Hexen maps drive me nuts, same thing with Centaurs

please stop stealing my artstyle.

>wonder how I can keep my assets in memory without them getting garbage collected
>find a random page that mentions pools
>it completely solves my problem for me with minimum effort

The universe is telling me something

sure thing
>claiming megaman legends' artstyle for your own
good one goy :y

i-i can fix it later...

That you're stupid?

Well you could also just implement your own garbage collector that does exactly what you want but I guess pooling also works

I expect royalites if you make it :^)