/simg/ - Simulation Games General

VIGGEN edition
Previous thread: A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/



>Steam group


>BMS download links

>Air, Land and Sea pastebin

>Repository of various aviation related material


>Example of welcome games
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT Rally, Ship Simulator.

>Example of non-welcome games
Ácé Cómbát, Wár Thúndér, Wórld óf _____, Ármá 1-3, Thé Síms, Sím Cíty, Góát Símúlátór

Other urls found in this thread:



op for pic


Was lit senpai, we have a lot to learn about the viggen and tactics though.


Our biggest mistake was not understanding how the Rb-04s group target mode worked.

I think I understand it now though.

We shouldn't have every single missile going for the same ship anymore.


Really gets the tingles going.

>those disgusting wing tip vortices that are active 24/7

Literally the one reason I haven't bought the module yet besides the fact that I'm not a good enough goy to buy from their shitty store and give up what little consumer protection Steam gives me over a bunch of incompetent Russians.

>Not linking the OP pastebin or google docs thing

Jesus christ OP you had literally one fucking job

Confirmed bug, they're still looking into it.

>literally only reason you aren't buying the most lit module so far is because of a small graphical effect being incorrect

How's it like living with terminal autism?

I am the victim of a conspiracy.

I got hyped by the Gazelle and everyone seemed to drop it after a couple of weeks and ago back to flying FC3 aircraft.

Hesitant to buy new modules at full price.

FC3 has the best plane in the game so I don't blame you.

why are infantry simulators banned from /simg/

full fidelity F-15/Mig-29 when

fucking never my nigga

i would suck ED's dick no lie

I mean, I still find the gazelle fun and interesting from time to time. I have no doubt in my mind the Bo-105 will completely replace it, however.

The Viggen however, is a complete game changer. A fast and capable strike aircraft is something we've never had before. The systems management, the weapons delivery, the LIT AS FUCK collimated Maverick sight. Everything about this plane is incredible. It's almost got A-10C levels of complexity to be quite honest.

And no the MiG-21 is not a capable strike aircraft due to lack of fuel, ordnance, and capability. It can however make a ghetto strike aircraft if need be.

Because the ar_ma community of Veeky Forums are literally the most cancerous people on the face of the planet. They literally shitposted their thread out of existence.

Agreed, the Viggen is fantastic.

It's perfect because it excels at the things which are fun to do in DCS.

>there will never be a modern, capable Russian module to look forward too

Just kill me.

I know it's typical to jerk off about aircraft on release but god fucking damn, just getting to the target area in the Viggen is fun. It's not like a lot of aircraft in game where you get bored flying to the target area, have fun, and be bored flying back.

Only found out about the Bo-105 a couple of days ago, haven't really been following DCS recently. Seems as close as we'll get to a Little Bird any time soon.

Mig-21 is probably the only other aircraft that I don't own that interests me at the moment, besides possibly the Viggen if I look into it some more. I just have a hard enough time learning the systems to begin with, without trying to grasp foreign nomenclature and methodology (not just the language which is normally fixed by provided cockpit textures, but everything you learn while flying US aircraft is thrown out the window when flying non-US stuff)

I'm yet to fly a full fidelity aircraft with an actual radar. I don't know if the Viggen's can be used for BVR (probably not due to the age and mission requirement, and the other guided munitions seem very dated, BVR is a pretty recent thing I assume), but the terrain navigation and what not looks very interesting.

slav planes are shit, nobody wants to spend years modeling shit in high fidelity

russians need to make a modern, capable plane first

Do these winter retextures (assuming they're winter retextures of Caucasus) come stock with the module or are they an addon? I noticed lots of people flying the Viggen are using it all of a sudden, wondering if it's just them trying to get immersed and using one of the mods or if the module devs added a retexture to the game for it.

It's not modern but MiG-23 is practically confirmed.

Still no info on who's doing it, but previous sources seem to point to LN

If I had to choose between the Viggen and the MiG I'll go for the Viggen every time to be honest.

In the short time I've flown it it's exceeded literally all my expectations.

The MiG can do more air to air stuff I suppose, but the Viggen is just so much more interesting.

They are Barthek's textures, I've been using them for quite awhile now. The default textures look like hot garbage I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.

If you've never looked into terrain texture mods before the big names for DCS texture mods are:
Bartek's GTM
Mustang's Textures
Starway's Caucasus Texture DLC

Some notable things to also look into:
Picksking's Texture Compilation

desu if like DCS 3rd gen and you don't own the MiG-21 and Viggen tf is wrong whichu?

They are both superb

If we had the JA version with the fox 3s we'd literally be completely set and never need another plane

>Chinese knock off TrackIR

366RMB, holy shit

they just do not care

why are you afraid of saying arma
what about OFP?

I guess as the local simg chink I could see how much it takes to ship it over here and then ship it out again.

But I don't want to pay Trump tax doe :(

war thunder is a sim


alright boys what am I in for

Here is the vod for ops:

twitch tv/videos/118170870

>Playing Basra 86 on a l*ptop
>Low draw distance
>Can't find the setting that controls it
I am in a fresh hell

This is probably the most aesthetic takeoff we've ever done:



>turning on the radar on ground
>giving everyone cancer

doing gods work there

>the fat piece of shit known as the Viggen

lmfao no.

Overly-complex bug-ridden micromanagement the game.

So if you don't mind any of that then go for it


>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't think the Viggen is the most aesthetic aircraft in DCS

Oh :(

Not a FA-18

Sorry for potato quality.

You have been visited by the cheeky Iraqi's of water crossings. Ba'athism and Khuzestan will come to you but only if you respond to this post with "God Speed, Saddam!"

these vigger shills should fucking piss off

it's horribly slow jet without ARH, big fucking whoop

God Speed, Saddam

I love me some SABOW always fun to hop in and do some campaigns.

I just don't understand why the devs don't keep on with the title, would love to see more theaters and tanks, hell just let us use the chieftains or other tanks in-game, the models are already there.

I'd imagine their working on DLC for the newest Graviteam, they're working on Cold War DLC again, along with the fact of how niche SABOW is.

Beyond hyped for when I finally build a proper rig. Max settings Graviteam and SABOW are the first things I'm gonna play.

>mfw to intelligent to be a pilot and watch anime

same desu, wen playing DCS I basically required to read my aerodynamics and fluid mechanics textbooks or else it becomes boring

btw you manage to get your position at NASA?

I have bad news, user

>tfw too intelligent to call my self a pilot when I just got my stupid pilot medical done

Yeah I know they will pump out more DLC and whatnot for it and they are juggling graviteam tactics atm but damn, it would be awesome if SABOW and tactics were combined fuuuuuuu dreamgame right there.


>when you accidentally stray too close to an SA-11 on your egress back to base

I can only afford one which do I get?

Get a gun and shoot your self lol

Just having a completely different role in DCS is just fucking amazing, brings life into the game desu.

>take any plane
>take ground ordinance
>fly low




I'm locked???





"gaggle" comes to mind


top 10 anime battles.

where can i pirate FSX payware

This is some A*e Comb*t shit


The Viggen seems to be overperforming. For now we're going to ban them from 104th on the red side.

>we FINALLY have a ground attack aircraft! This is so new!

you're an idiot.

>where can I get even more shitty aircraft that fly on rails in MSFS's ancient code that modders were somehow able to get away with charging people for

Viggen is already boring...


I just want to play around and experiment.
They won't get away with charging me, that's the point.

rutracker dot org

Once you've flown one aircraft in FSX, youve flown them all. Good riddance to that piece of shit series

Not systems-wise.

Also, pretty payware scenery and briefly novel career add-ons.

Why does CLoD look so good.

First for frogs

I feel like the muted tone and colours make it look really "gritty" for some reason

>flight models don't matter in a flight sim
>even if that sim has gliders
>and helos, which are unflyable

Jesus christ, you're delusional

>On Rails
Really matter?

It just seems like an excuse for players of military sims to laugh at those who fly civilian by proxy. X-Plane isn't on rails, but still isn't good enough anyway because it can't properly simulate a dogfight between two F-15STOL/MTDs, even though in practice both amount to FMS programming and ATC procedure simulators, because the most adventurous thing you're allowed to do in an airliner is a barrel or is it Aileron? - damn euphemism treadmill roll, and even then you're not snapping the controls around.

>tfw silly fighters try to catch you, but run out of fuel and have to go home within minutes.

That post didn't even say that flight model doesn't matter. It says that aircraft differ in systems, even if their flight models are identical.
You can probably find a broadly accurate payware jet fighter. Of course a .cfg file hacked together by Venezuelan teenagers based on the default A321 is going to suck, and of course the default aircraft are going to suck. The question is whether or not you can replace it with worthwhile add-ons.
If you want to judge a sim purely by what's packed in, DCS is just a weird little thing with a cheapo Su-25 and a European P-51. It's not particularly impressive.

>It just seems like an excuse for players of military sims to laugh at those who fly civilian by proxy.
you only just noticed?

>Really matter?

>do flight models really matter?

Not only do you ask if flight models really matter, but you attack combat sims... for some reason? Well yes, by and large combat sims are the only flight sims to model high fidelity physics. Which you seem to think is a bad thing. Which makes it look like you're not actually interested in FLYING at all.

Even when I was a kid I knew there was something off about the flight models of MSFS, especially compared to the original 2001 IL-2 which I got at the same time.

Guess which sim helped me learn how to fly and impressed my first flight instructor with my subtle control movements, which most first time students dont have.

Hint: it wasn't the sim with the shitty on rails flight modeling.

MSFS can help you get instrument rated. That's about the extent of its usefullness as a sim. Which isn't saying much because placards can achieve the same affect. People who play it exclusively akways walk away with the complete wrong idea of how aircraft actually behave and operate

>Not only do you ask if flight models really matter
Within a very specific context: The modelling of flying commuter-trains.

And more broadly, it's about method rather than quality. When I say "On Rails" I'm referring to flight-modelling using .cfg files, instead of calculating in the manner X-Plane does. "On Rails" describing that fudge for modelling how aircraft perform - which can still yield adequate performance if you do it properly. It's not using .cfg files that lets you take the default MSFS 737s to near-sonic speeds at max throttle: It's using badly made ones that does.

>you attack combat sims... for some reason?
Please quote the section of the post you believe constitutes an attack on combat sims.
>Which makes it look like you're not actually interested in FLYING at all.
You got me there. I'm interested in arguing on the internet.

>Hint: it wasn't the sim with the shitty on rails flight modeling.
It wasn't the original IL-2?

The autism is strong in this thread

best kept this way

>You got me there. I'm interested in arguing on the internet.

Well you certainly aren't interested in FLYING, that's for sure.

I'm saving it for later.
I'm going to fly like Ikarus when my parents stop supporting me and the state refuses me autismbux. :^)


I get it. Cuz you don't actually know anything about flying, so you'll crash. Good one.

>I'm referring to flight-modelling using .cfg files

So anything but X Plane and the shitbox we use in University then.