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Reinhardt is balanced and if you think otherwise, you are clinically retarded edition

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>be very good at the game
>solo _QUICKPLAY_ EU PC takes 4-6 minutes to find a match
>it's always players from the same tiny 9/10 matches are with or against sweaty autistic tryhard stacks
>have to play at absolute peak and quad gold or it's a loss

you baddies should be happy with your relax games and 20 sec matchmaking times.

Cutest and best pairing

Blue assassin

Xth for delete Symmetra

>Ana mains bitching about her slap on the wrist

Fucking annoys the shit out of me.

Can they stop nerfing Ana? I like my overpowered brown waifu.

Black hole of fun like any sniper.

>nor did he say Rein was OP
He literally did and he spend several hours arguing about it.
Please tell me you're doing this for (You)s and aren't actually a drooling retard with only half a brain.

Jamison Fawkes!

I've mostly been playing rein or a healer since no one else picks them.

>he can't actually think rein is anything less than fair and balanced....he's obviously just baiting me XD

Is McCree currently balanced?


Nobody of sound mind could legitimately think that, which means you're either baiting for (You)s or LITERALLY a retard. There's no in between. Either way, your opinion holds no weight.

Friendly reminder that high stats with unpopular heroes is more important than having a really high win ratio

This is your Huckleberry for tonight.

>you will never be pinned against a wall and hammered by a large german man

Remember when Ana was extremely broken. Not like right now, but when she had 30% speed boost with her ult and actually had a 100% pick rate

good times.

>its so obvious he's baiting me, no one in their right mind could think that there's possibly something wrong with reinhard. even if he does his opinion doesnt matter anyway XD

And she's not still broken?

>be gold D.va main
>have my OP main nerf
>start to cry in agony about how every tank needs to be nerfed now
>make myself look like an absolute retard

yeah that was the point of my post lol

how good the succ gonna be wehn I get home?

>tfw playing on console and a random on your team is soldier main with mouse/keyboard
>tfw play zen and we group up

who /climbing/ right now?

Post your rank.

>I got placed in gold. Here's how I dealt with it:
>You gotta realize everyone there THINKS they're good enough to be plat/diamond, but they're so concerned with "muh meta" that they can't flesh out what exactly it is they're good at.
>All you gotta do is stay calm. I listen to music during my comp matches, anything to just keep me chill. If you focus on your game, chances are you'll improve way faster then the guys who're overthinking everything.
>Pick who you're good at. Even junkrat has his moments.

>uhh i cant come up with anything to keep that rein doesnt need something done....I know if i make him post his rank i can call him a shitter for being anything less than a grandmaster, he'll have to shut up after that. everyone knows that only grandmasters can have an opinion on game balance

How much longer are we going to pretend that Roadhog is an okay champion to have in a competitive game when he's rewarded for pressing a button with guaranteed kills?

Ana is the most fun hero in the game, I don't know why people want her nerfed desu, her being broken adds to the fun

And Mako Rutledge

not even close
but 76 is even more broken so it matters less in lineups that only need 1 dps to be effective
same thing with zen kinda, anas so prolific that everyones forgotten what a piece of shit he is

So you acknowledge that you're trash and that your opinion means nothing? Either stop embarrassing yourself or post your rank.



Yes! They're both great!

Post bloo!

>rein OP
>ana OP
>zarya OP
>soldier OP
who IS balanced, /owg/ ?

Unless he misses

And after the next D.va buff she'll be a hard counter to him

How is the grinding coming along /owg/?

Soldier is shit, literally never understood this meme. Even in the pro scene tracer has a higher pickrate.


Anyone else who plays D. Va a lot gotten more aggressive in their playstyle since the patch? She sucks at staying back and taking/blocking damage now, so I pretty much play her as an alternate Winston.

>sneak around to ambush people
>if Reinhardt's blocking and his team's clustered behind him I'll Boost headlong into them and scatter them like bowling pins
>anyone near a cliff or pit I try to ram them into it

It's funny because before I'd be super-defensive with her and devour attacks while rarely going into the thick of things.


So you're telling me that the opinion a silver player who thinks Bastion is overpowered should be considered as equally as a Top 500 player.

Like, not even joking I want to see you try and rationalize this.

Stopped playing like a month ago because the meta was unplayably bad, have they fixed it yet?

Is this EU masters?

Because your opinion doesn't hold water if you're a sub-2500 shitter who doesn't understand the mechanics.
>F-fuck! H-he asked for my rank! B-better post more le ebin gr33ntext XDDDD
Post your rank.

>HA he wont post his rank I KNEW IT his opinion automatically means nothing now and everyone knows it, time to act all smug and shit XDDD

he's underpowered

>more aggressive
I don't understand, with less armor you think you'd be doing the opposite

You could have a deep understanding of the game's mechanics and not even touch comp, and you can know literally nothing about certain characters and be masters in this game. The person's rank should not matter if the argument itself is sound.

He is one of the best heroes in the game for fighting from behind a Rein shield

>inb4 Rein sucks too xd

Either post your rank or shut the fuck up.

Just post your rank already

meta was never relevant for solo queue

>lol all he's doing is calling me out on what im doing if i just keep demanding his rank he'll surely look stupid then


Why is Roadhog allowed to instantly kill any hero with 400 health or less, while having 600 health himself and a heal? What did Jeff Kaplan mean when he balanced this character?

I'm not the person you're arguing against, but rank still shouldn't matter and you shouldn't care about someone who's only greentexting dumb shit at you.

If Roadhog didn't oneshot him he'd be balanced, but yeah in the current state of things he's kinda UP

because this game is for little kids

Why would I say rein sucks if he actually has a high pickrate? Soldier is overrated.

everyone in every single game is 3800+, more 4k+ than lower

quickplay matchmaking is retarded

Post your rank.

Post your rank or shut the fuck up. The opinion of a gold shitter like you means literally nothing.

Wew all these tards demanding to see rank thinking it means shit

Why am I ranked at 2700 when my stats ranking are so much better?
Medals top 4% and Damage & Kills top 13%


>Misses a hook
>Oh no, I have to wait six seconds to try again

Well, she can't tank anymore, so might as well make her useful somehow.

Also, despite the damage for each pellet being lowered by 1, it feels like she kills faster thanks to the tighter spread, especially on larger characters like the other tanks.

Unbreakable friendships!

why did they bother to add a competitive mode if they were just going to copypaste the matchmaking from quick play

is it supposed to just be a containment zone for the thousands of aimbotters this game has or something

Hey, if it's a smaller pool of players, more chance of getting noticed.

it's something

I replied to the wrong person. And your point still wrong. Some silver shitter who has 20 hours in every hero will still have an opinion that is worth less than a DPS main who is 4000 SR because they know how heroes are in the hands of skilled players.
>rank doesn't mean anything
This is literally wrong. Post your rank.

And then you're a big fat ultimate battery for the enemy team until then

>dude just get it over with, post your rank so i can call you retarded no matter what it is
no its supposed to give you a nice little number that magically makes you a game design genius or something :^)

Reaper's damage is fine, the problem is Ana + three/four tanks. Reaper simply can't out-damage Ana's mega-heal bullshit and can't take on four tanks at once.

Why won't he just post his rank? Is he embarrassed?

>Ana has a dart which merely sleeps characters and it's on a 12 second cool-down with a small hitbox
>Roadhog has an instant kill ability and it's on a 6 second KD with a range of 20 meters and a huge hitbox

Have you ever heard the phrase "the exception, not the rule"...?

Because most players who only quickplay and don't touch comp are casuals who don't care about in-depth strategy. And most Master+ players I GUARANTEE at least understand what every hero does.

Are there players that break these expectations? Perhaps. But it's nothing compared to the number of players that don't.

Just post it already.

Post your rank. You're obviously insecure about your skill level. You sound like a fat chick making excuses as to why you can't use your webcam or meet in person.

Is... is this what gold shitters actually think?

The thing is, before you could do exactly the same basic thing and basically not get punished for it at all because you had so much armor

Also I think "denser" would be a better way to describe her spread now, since it isn't any smaller than it was before

pls respond. Trying to figure out if I'm shit or the ranking system is even shittier.

that's the last thing i want. it's already a stupidly annoying circlejerk. nothing more frustrating than facing the same exact stack, several times per day, every SINGLE day

reaper to a point
tracer sorta
lucio is close
prebuff soldier was
genji if you completely exclude bad hitboxes since thats not really a balance thing and more of a "blizzard is bad at making games" thing, and rein really has the same issue

>rank doesn't mean anything
You know what it does, but having a higher rank doesn't automatically invalidate someone else's opinion that you don't like

This argument has been made since day 1 and it's really not as significant as people think because every point of damage the enemy deals to you to charge their ults is a point that your healers can use charging theirs

Yes because they play hog by running towards the enemy team in the open and throwing hooks and dying when they miss. They don't know what cover and corners are.

I've recently started playing Winston.
I don't think I've ever had this much fun with the game.
Chasing Genji around as he desperately tries to get away or, even better, deflect the Tickle Gun, is pretty hilarious.

>but having a higher rank doesn't automatically invalidate someone else's opinion that you don't like
It invalidates the opinions of anyone who is below diamond.

>he wont post his rank and he wont shut up no matter how obvious i make it that he should think his opinion doesn't and wont matter. i know i'll start comparing him to degenerates to invalidate him

Daily reminder:
Tank meta will continue for exactly as long as blizzard takes to accept hog is the cause of it.

And this is why everyone besides the one fag is saying that rank matters when talking hero balance. Because it does

To be fair you can be mechanically skilled and still understand fuck an all about how the game works and vice-versa.

I'm sure there are a bunch of shitters who are just terrible at games but understand how the flow works.

Post your rank already. It's not hard.

>defense hanamura
>one teammate stands at their spawn and is instantly killed and another lost connection the entire first round
>they roll through and get 6 minutes
>I ask if we can just draw instead and get told to fuck off
>we still manage to cap 4
>on their last turn to attack they lose a player
>they ask for a draw
>tell them to fuck off

Just post it

I think weird, and I tend to be aggressive anyway with the tanks except for Reinhardt and D. Va until the patch.

I know she fires 11 instead of 8 now, but didn't they also tighten the spread a little?

No it doesn't really....not completely anyway mainly see