PlayStation 4 General #417 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

>Old Thread:
Don't look Edition


>WiLD still in development, new off-screen image

>Song of Memories videos sample five in-game songs

>NieR: Automata PS4 model to be announced for Japan next week, prototype gameplay

>Double Dragon IV overview trailer, actions detailed

>Double Dragon IV overview trailer, actions detailed

>Gal Gun: Double Peace Bilingual launches February 23 in Japan

>Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix Square Enix e-Store purchases include ’15th Anniversary Box’ in Japan

>Musou Stars ‘Darius, Honoka, Marie Rose, and Shiki’ character introduction trailers

>20 minutes of The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 gameplay


>PS4 Pro vs Slim comparison


>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to remove 2B's panty.

Isn't she wearing a leotard?

Post your profile.

Post your next plat.

someone update this please please please

I like this girl

God Eater 2

I like you.

Did you remember to redeem your VR passport?
Maybe I'll try Yakuza, never went for them before.

thinking about canceling my Switch preorder and buying a PS4 Pro instead. will the PS4 Pro get support for more than two years?

Wtf I just came!

How will you plat GE2 of you've been playing so so SoSC?

>redeem your VR passport

Sony devs are loyal and stick to their hardware for years

>tfw you will never cum over her back and hair.

If you have DOAX3 japan edition, you fucked up.
VR passport, which allows access to VR paradise mode, was free until yesterday.

Gravity Rush 2, soon.

I want the BlazBlue Central Fiction one too, but "Blue Flamed Challenger" means no.

I will be done with both at about the same time, probably.

Is there a list or something of confirmed Pro settings for games?
If not does anyone know the differences for Persona 5, Dragon Quest Heroes 2, and Yakuza 0

yakuza 0 and persona won't have any, since they're fucking ps3 games and came out in japan before the pro.

1-3 Tales of Berseria
4-6 Monster Hunter
7-9 Majora's Mask
0 Fap

GR2 made the same mistake as 1.

Nevi not appearing in random places of the world

What are you watching this season?


No. I don't wanna be bullied

What game is this?

I have the Asian Vita version and no PSVR so have a free shrug.

What? I had a random nevi fight once, it only happened once in 35 hours though.

Post more



KonoSuba: The Game

Maybe the asian version will be free when it comes out.

How do I play mahjong



Infinite Warfare sucked.

Hi Citrus-Chan~

bye, faggot

Why are you so mean?

so uh im gonna leak one of the free ps+ games coming out in february. gravity rush remastered

She already has a boyfriend you know?


What's that got to do with being friendly online?



>One person single handedly destroyed this gen

Kronie has stopped posting.

We've had YNA, forty, addy, citrus, nyon and haruhifag ruin this general these past few months.

Why would you know, did you ask?

No one takes that faggot seriously

Don't forget damoreth.

>these past few months

Roboaddy BTFO


>She already has a boyfriend
user, "she" probably is the boyfriend.

Yes, these past few months because I included Citrus and Nyon drama. No one really knew Citrus or cared about Nyon before that. Haruhifag also often posted on and off in this general every few weeks, only now he stopped for a longer time.

I think 40 is friends with citrus.
Some of the posts I've been seeing and the timing with which 40 shows up its just too much to be a simple coincidence.
I'll keep monitoring things but keep that in mind.

40 is always acting innocent with his trip yet he's been already caught samefagging and shitposting without his trip on. You can never trust attention whores.

Most namefags are friends with one another due to council duties helping run things user.

Are you the boyfriend, YNA?

>Still talking about your made up council
You're a 20+ year old dude who chases around Citrus (who's a guy), watches fujoshit shows, is a poorfag and sucks dicks for money and not only that but you act chuuni. Couldn't get more embarrassing than this desu.

nobody takes citrus seriously either

it's just some mentally ill faggot shitposting about his waifu (husbando)

One day listanon will return and save us from the impending doom.

>made up council
How new can you fucking get?

>made up council

I didn't know she had one desu

literally who?

The user who updates the recommended games list.

Doesn't this make you a cuck now?

>but you act chuuni


>tfw you defend YNA and his delusions

Hey, /ps4g/. How is everyone doing today?

Hello, fuck you!

>nyon completely ignored
>citrus posting full throttle after one mention
Nyon is the ugly one, kek.

Embargo lifts February 2nd.

Looks like I lost the Cytrus bowl

>made up

LMAO, that's the beauty of the council, everyone thinks it's fake but only those who aren't part of it get to laugh at the idea.

Why else do you think every famous namefag from vitagen and ps4g has a twitter account?

desu Nyon being russian takes away any attractive factor that she might have


How do I get into the council
Do I just need to put on a name and make a twitter

Hello, fuck you too senpai!

>Creates council
>Has no power or is in anyway relevant
>Brags to others about it
pathetic desu

Shitposters have more power than them.

>tfw I'm just sitting here watching yns run this mouth about the council
>I know the truth, and it's greater than he thinks he knows
Watch what you say little boy...

ruined my mood, I'm quitting gaming

fug I'm sorry master :^)

Good. Neck yourself while you're at it.

Go check on vitagen, I asked you for something.
It's gonna be worse than this is you don't deliver...

This gen is too mean

Thumbs up if you agree

attempt was made


You are literally homo, yo know??

I changed my mind.

*thumbs up*

Woah shit, nyon actually delivered.
Nyon lewds on vitagen right now!

Yo what the fuck

Thumbs down. Shit eaters like YNA need to be publicly executed.

What the fuck is a "vitagen"?

PS5 is going to be so strong.

I can tell they are prepping up an enhancement of Ryzen for it in two years time.

That's the color of my shit after eating curry.
