Have you ever hit someone?
Have you ever hit someone?
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No, and I pray to God I never do.
thatll teach those kids to trust their mother
with my fist yeah
honestly if I ever killed some kid with my car I'd probably kill myself out of shame or some shit
Once. Was a drunk fuck who walked out into the road.
In a work truck. Only part that bothered me having to waste hours of time waiting for cops doing paper work and shit for work. Then going to take a drug test. Because of this drunk fuck I had to stop running calls and waste time making less money.
Kinda wished he had died so he could pass on his genes
I am trying to feel better. I recent;y accidentally ran a red light and almost hit a man crossing the street. I slammed on the brake and stopped an inch away from him. I feel horrible because this was obviously all my fault and I should have been paying attention. This was the first time this has happened and I hope it will be the last.
Almost did yesterday because he jaywalked slowly at night wearing all black in a part of the street with no street lights, worst part was he could have crossed at a lit crosswalk if he'd just walked 20 feet south.
Yeah. Nothing crazy but when I was 18 I bought a 93 wrangler for a couple thousand bucks (with help from mom and dad). Second day I had it I was driving around getting better at stick I came to a yield with some 4-door waiting there. I saw the car move forward and turned my head to check for oncoming traffic before merging. Lo and behold the car in front of me decided to slam on the brakes instead and I put the two towing hooks right through the rear bumper of the car and tore it off. They were pretty cool about it and also took the blame for it. It's the only accident I've had.
I collided with a cyclist, and by collided, I mean he was riding on the sidewalks, and went through the intersection when I was turning right, nailed the passenger front quarter.
>pic related, me in white shirt calling my dad, losing my shit because I may have killed a dude
>the dude was fine
>97 XJ
>one of the cops was telling me he liked my Jeep
Correction, 97 ZJ. My XJ is a 99 and not pictured.
>pic related
Almost took out a guy once. He suddenly walked onto the road between cars, instead of the crosswalk that was not even 10 feet away. Braked hard. He was looking down at his fucking phone the entire time, didn't even look up to see how close he was to being hit. I drive a Pontiac Torrent, and I was going at a reasonable speed, he would've gotten injured bad. I would have stopped to give him hell, but I had better things to waste my time on.
Hope he learnt his lesson. Once I got to the red light where he would have been able to cross, looked back to see some officers talking to him. The jerk J-walked, and then almost got hit right in front of a police station, where some trainees were out to learn how to control the streetlights.
Fucking hate people who loose all sense of awareness on their phones.
Everyone makes mistakes and I'd honestly put you above the average driver for acknowledging you were a dumb shit who felt awful about it instead of making excuses and blaming everyone else
i like how she didnt even try to pull them back
looks like a beaver got a hold of your bumper
what a shitty mother lol,
I really want to crawl over some communists.
No, but I've been oh so tempted. People just wander out into the road, so I have to brake.
Saw someone nearly get killed in London yesterday. Idiot wandered out over a crossing, car would have hit him if it hadn't braked.
I fucking hate that. Black people are the worst for that, because there's literally no way to see them unless you flash your high beams into dark patches that are common crossings.
only the once. guy walks out from behind a bus without even looking, i figured some retard would do it so i was only doing 20 and he was fine, but he had the fucking nerve to tell me to watch where i'm going, so i called him a cunt and carried on.
aside from that, there are always faggot cyclist fuckheads using the pavement & pedestrian crossings here so i frequently stop as close as i can to them and angrily yell out the window that they aren't a cunting pedestrian
defensive driving would be alot more effective, you know
I did this. Near a train station so all types of jaywalking.
>21:00, pitch black nighttime
>construction nearby [not active] meant that streetlights were temporarily off
>two lanes, one forward and one oncoming
>man in all black walking in the center of my lane facing away from me
>talking on phone and completely unaware of what's behind him
>car coming in oncoming lane and pedestrians on sidewalk to the right
>slam brakes
>rolls over hood and onto windshield and over car
Stopped to help and waited for cops to come etc. Insurance companies determined it was mostly not my fault so i didn't get fucked. Don't know how bad he got hurt but he was pretty doozy after the hit. Maybe concussed?
i hit ur mum wif muh dik
was he indian?
Praying worked so far
How do you know?
That was parent of the year.
The parent takes their kids out into the street without looking from behind an obstacle.
No, he was a white man. I assume you're asking because of jaywalking?
>Have you ever hit someone?
Almost hit 3 people last year. Normally, three is a lot of near-misses and would make it my fault, but NONE of it was my fault. The traffic light is green, but people just keep on shuffling out into the roadway even though it says Don't Walk. Too many homeless and they hate all us normies. Walking and blocking traffic is one of the ways they get revenge.
I think he's asking because indian people are always on their phones talking to someone and they enjoy walking around
No, but almost hit some retard cyclist who crossed the street at full speed without looking if something was coming.
hypocrite much?
Yes, 2 niggers trying to kill me and steal my shit.
I am brazillian, AMA.
even if the pedestrian is 100% responsible, the driver almost always at fault
>the driver is always at fault
>when the pedestrian is 100% at fault
I was parked at a gas station waiting for my gf to get out with some drinks because road trip to az. When my gf got in the car I inched out of the parking spot looking both ways as I looked to the right there was two dumb Mexican cunts that I assumed were going to wait for me to get out because they stopped and it looked like they were waiting for me to get out so I look to the left to make sure there was no cars as I'm backing up I just hear something hit the back of my memeR2 the fat Mexican bitch yells out
>"ow watch you're going what the fuck"
My extreme high precision observing eyes activated and I noticed she was eating a hotdog and I replied with "stop stuffing your face in and pay attention to were you're walking you fat fuck!"
As I exited out of the gas station I guess my memeR2 was triggered from being touched by the fat bitch and it snapped a little bit as I was leaving the gas station i look over to my girlfriend she was laughing and holding her sides and told me I looked like a dork the whole entire time
I hate my own race sometimes and I still don't know who was at fault me or the fat cunt I bumped
Nice try, FBI.
I was hit twice and both time the other driver was at fault. Both times my car was totalled. And both happened within two years of each other.
I'm more scared of someone else hitting me than me ever hitting them
Yeah, barely..
>be me in Dallas, TX
>fat mexican woman with a baby in the stroller
>she missed her chance to cross the street as the sign had the "Don't Cross" hand on
>I get the left turn only light, proceed to accelerate
>stupid fat spic walks right in front of my car with the baby
>tapped her with my car
>she gives me a mean look with her jabba the hut face
>stands there for 3 seconds, everyone behind me honking at her to get the fugg out of the way
Granted I should of looked both ways before going, I do now because I don't wanna run into this scenario again. Thanks to her, I got a dashcam.
No, but my friend hit me in my driveway. Beat the shit out of him for scratching my bumper.
Bull frickin' horseshit
I remember a news story when a white van man slammed into some poor pedestrian crossing the road.
However, not only was she running across a pedestrian crossing with the lights on green. She did so to chase a pound-note that had blew out of her hand...
Driver at fault, nah...
neck yourself if you're being unironic.
probably being figurative
Here in Canadastan. If you hit a child, which 9 times out of 10 was being fucking retarted and running out in traffic, Everyone will assume it was the drivers fault for "not being careful enough" even if it was an impossible situation for the driver to avoid.
>Driving 40 in school zone
>Kids standing on sidewalk
>One kid darts out 4 feet in front of you trying to cross
>Hits the kid
>"OMG you hit the kid, you fucking bastard. why didnt you brake?!?"
>Literally impossible to brake in time
>"Why didnt you swerve then?!?"
>Hit more kids then?
>Well. you should have been more careful since it was a school zone so its your fault
Was just driving in Toronto today. I was going to change lanes, driving in a 50 zone, so I started doing a shoulder check. As I turned my gaze back on the road, I shit you not, a man with a stroller had been jaywalking right in front of me, not even looking in my direction. If I killed this retard and his spawn, what would happen to me? Of course I'd lose my license and probably get sent to prison to get raped by niggers and pakis.
does this mean *gasp*
audi > beemer?!?!?
In my local town, a guy was driving down some suburbs all cool like in October-November.
Massive piles of leaves on the road so the landfill can pick them up.
The car drove over some of the piles of leave since they were so massive he had no choice.
Turns out though that a kid was playing in that pile of leaves.
Kid got squished.
Cops ruled it was his fault for not seeing the kid even.
Not a word about how maybe the kid shouldn't have been playing on the fucking road.
>caring what the retarded public thinks
Just make sure your dashcam is on. As long as the courts (if it even goes that far) see that there was nothing you could do, no problem. This is one of the reasons I never drive anything without my dashcam.
Best $100 I ever spent.
some bitch in a wheelchair yelled at me for "almost hitting her" when I made a right hand turn, but she was like 20 feet away and could clearly see me turning as could I see her. Yelled back at her to stop being a fucking insurance jew and sped off.
>pic related but older and more disabled
I recently almost got hit by someone running a red light while I was crossing the street.
What were you driving?
Silver Honda civic.