League of Legends General - /lolg/

OLD: comfy bfs edition~


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xth for breast metal waifu

>tfw ywn give vladfag the bbc

mating press means nothing if they dont got tits

>Even to this day, I am 100% certain that C9 and TSM would've made semi's had they been on the opposite side of the knockout brackets


neither of those teams were gonna beat ssw, no chance. c9 was the better team and had a chance at beating ssb. tsm would have lost to ssb almost certainly.

tsm fans love to cling to the one game where ssw fucked around and intentionally lost

the SSW TSM series is entertaining but it's just like a challenger vs bronze stomp

the C9 SSB series is really high quality league of legends

>50 images early
truly the girls(male) are the worst people

Anyone miss Janna's old voice?


doesnt 750+ replies mean time for new tread

>mating someone with the physique and mentality of a 13 year old boy


yes it does, the guy is just being a cunt because big bara daddys didnt make the thread

those degenerates just ban evade, he'll be back.

i know because i was one of them like 3 years ago


>Kha'Zix is first pick in literally every single pro game
>Picked nearly as often as Lee in SoloQ and has one of the highest winrates in the game
>Riot is giving him a slap on the wrist at best.

How the fuck does this retarded champ manage to avoid the nerf bat so often. Fuck Cancerbug


fuck off

The half dragon is for _______

>Kha'Zix is open
>pick Evelynn instead and give Kha to Akaadian
is Moon trolling?

>the C9 SSB series is really high quality league of legends
I'll watch that after this LCS stream is over.

>No Kha'zix ban
I know he's squishy assassin, but seriously, he's a pain.

I wanna be a big, strong top laner who don't need no jungler. Who play?

>Keith on an immobile adc
>Gate on a squishy support

i mean if you group and have any tanks/cc he just stops existing lategame

hes popular in pro games and solo queue because they play him well and their games end fast

>that lack of enthusiasm

MSI can't come soon enough

ok all this reminiscing about S4 hyped me up a bit

/lolg/ what is your list of best native talent across the major regions (NA, EU, CN, KR, TW)?

Talon, Darius, Renekton, Panth, Jayce

just play lane bullys and first back for 3 control wards


why are Kha'Zix and Rengar popular again?

Why isn't Warwick OP or a first ban?

I prefer bwc because it has the chance of belonging to a stunningly beautiful guy

>lemonnation comes back to playing in esports
>instead of only being able to play morg he's only able to play Malz

>hey guys we need to group so we don't get picked off by k6 and we can just win 5v5
>an ally has been slain

I don't mean swapped opponents.

I mean actually swapped the side of the bracket they were on.

>Intentionally lost
Don't think they intentionally lost, more like BM'ing by picking 3 losing lanes with zero waveclear because they thought they'd shit on TSM no matter what they did.

Galio. Even though i play him at mid.

Just go to your lane and troll the fuck out of the enemy guy whos strugling to find out why the hell you dont take damage ,why you heal and why you buttfuck him whenever you ult.

AP,AD,whatever they are you CAN tank them and then FUCK them

Execution of the dragon race.


Jayce, Jarvan, Renekton, Wukong


make sure kids to ALWAYS play the META

if you wanted it too user all you had to do was ask.



new jungle is very hostile to many junglers, rengar and k6 are the few that can farm up the jungle and still be able to gank lanes without wasting time backing too much.

warwick isnt out yet on the competitive scene yet, they're always a week behind.

Good fucking list, m80.

But user she is infertile and would probably burn the man dick if they tried impregnating her by force

i call it "Riot wants every other champion to suck because lulz but hey,you have the illusion of many options"

>Sona not on this list
>camille not on this list

no irelia no vote

>no camille

no vote

ive stopped playing top lane for now

there is literally no reason to play any other top laner than those 3

So after reading Warwick's story, does anyone just really wish there'll be a story where Singed sneaks up on Riven, drugs her, then takes her back to his laboratory for experiments that culminates in her going insane?

none of these champs will be played in tournaments ever again
>j4 jungle
>Gragas jungle
>sejuani jungle

season 5 was so fun



You can play fiora.
Most people are retarded and will feed her. Also yorick.

Maokai is legit freelo
It's too fucking fun just standing in the middle of people and not taking damage at all.

id prefer if he experiments on her, making her boobs grow or become super thicc

this is canon incorrect, it'd be warm/hot but not painful

on 7.2 poppy isnt good anymore and jayce is still good

season 5 was pretty cool

season 6 sucked so much ass that i quit the game for a while

>wanting nigger cock


>Not making a story where Singed turn in Riven to Noxus

She was played twice in the LCK.

>not doing experiments to make her butt bigger

Tell that to the girls on BLACKED bby.
They probably thought the same thing til the received it.


I want to cuddle!

Oh shit really? My bad then


I feel like Leona hasn't been that useful ever since the release of Thresh. There is just no point in going all-in anymore. She no longer punishes people for focusing her. Her CC is no longer a bother to the enemy.


On the contrary, her tits will start growing if you MATING PRESS her enough.

how do I angry viking man


Your welcome.

Maybe she needs changes to her kit.



>Rumble jungle
this is both fun and comfy

Xth for cuddly 2x4s

I used to meme with Camille support, my shenanigans are finally catching up to me. Don't look forward to this.

Which one?

So what will be the new designated "shitter" skin for Jhin, now that he has 3?

People are saying Blood Moon will be, but I don't know... BM has the advantage of more satisfying auto sounds and just better sound effects in general, while HN has some particle effects that might be easier to see.

I still prefer Blood Moon's design and particle effects by a mile. High Noon needs a good chroma pack for me to reconsider it.Then again, some skin designs have their way causing their user to subconsciously lose or win team fights, so we'll see.

man this is the first time i see good jinx art

Boost her passive bonus damage so she works in a burst lane.

>champion named the glorious executioner has no execution missing%health mechanic in his kit

uhhhhh lolbabs?


tank katarina?

Ain't nothing wrong with that


if the jhin has a jhin skin
good chance he's a shitter

>Draven and Darius are the blood brothers
>Draven doesn't have a bleed mechanic
really gets your sulci and gyri groovin

>keith doing his best doublelift impression

>having to honestly ask if the newer skin with an edgy black and red color scheme, demon mask and word "blood" in the name will attract more bad players than the older humorous cowboy skin

who are the most 'get the fuck out of my lane' champions and how do i play them

i only play full tanks

>strong thighs

She doesn't even walk anywhere nevermind actually work out her legs. Everything about Sona is soft and pillowy

>release draven's passive

no fuck that.

Shadow Isles team
Top: Yorick
Jungle: Hecarim
Mid: Karthus
ADC: Kalista
Support: Thresh or Elise


ranged tops

Jayce, Pantheon, Kennen, Quinn, Darius

do you know how thighs are formed user

there's only one
and no I'm not talking about spinning chicken man
I'm talking about the sonic thunder axe wielder angry viking man


What's the joke in a cowboy skin?


in order of late-game viability after your early game lane-stomping ends

> ADC Kalista
> Not Mordekaiser

Is jungle the thinking man's role?

Anyone else think Banshee's needs a buff? Almost never see it get built anymore

fucking newfags

hes really easy
fight them early by chaining qs
dont overthrow your q so you can pick it up fast
at 6 just get them on your side of the lane and all-in chasing them to their tower

take ghost

How good do you think her butt smells? its so puffy and big

I quit jungle after I realized I'm not into masochism.