Just found out I'm Dutch. Someone redpill me on the Netherlands.
Just found out I'm Dutch. Someone redpill me on the Netherlands
Great traders.
Dude weed lmao
Im sorry user
Nation within a nation fucked over east asia then got bumblasted after nutmeg dropped in popularity.
>Muh heritage
They used to be Germans but they ragequit the
500 years ago, took to the sea, and became sort of relevant for a while.
>tfw raised all your life to hate French Canadians
>tfw grandmother was self-hating
>tfw you are French Canadian
The nation of Netherlands was born from the holdings of the Spanish, they fought with Spanish for 80 years. Great pirates, better traders, infamous for their VOC. Pioneered capitalism and shareholding and they had the first economic bubble. Their zenith was during 17th century and with wealth and courage of their entrepreneurs and navy they became the foremost economy, they struck several very decisive blows to English navy and their seabeggars captured cities from Spanish navy. Ugly women, beautiful ships.
>just found out im 1/8th dutch
How did you suddenly find out you're Dutch?
He is an American that just learned his great grandfather was a Dutch immigrant.
Swamp Jews.
stay in your province sale traitre you've been contaminated
Why would you hate French Canadians? French Canadians have right to hate Anglo-Canadians for how much suffering they caused to Quebec for absolutely no reason at all and without the blessings of UK.
>Just found out I'm Dutch
Meanwhile in the Netherlands, a Dutchman is cringing.
Just swap the Scottish flag for the Dutch one.
Actually worthwhile for like 30 years.
I'm a first generation Dutch person and I'm cringing. White Americans in general make me cringe with their "heritage" bullshit. You're an American, be happy with that and don't try to act like where your great-grandparents from makes you special or has any relevance on who you are. Trying to claim a heritage like that only makes you look like a tool an creates frustration for people like me who actually did grow up with a different cultural background.
depends if they have significant ancestry of that ethnicity, large amounts of Latin Americans are almost entirely Iberian.
this person is 80% Iberian, thus isn't really a muhheritage 1/16th fag, but not really a native of Iberia.
Latin Americans are not "white" but Iberian, they have literally 0 non Iberian Euro ancestry.
One of the most dishonorable nations there's ever been
Not really. All that matters to me is what culture someone grew up with. If they grew up just like any other white American, they're just another white American. If they actually maintained a fair amount of cultural traditions (holidays, language, customs, etc.) then they're not. For example, New Mexican Hispanos aren't generic American white people to me. But some pasty guy from Idaho that has entirely German ethnicity, but lives like any other redneck is.
Well, we used to be cool but we're the epithome of SJW now
You know all those stereotypes about Jews? Just transplant them to the dutch and you've got the idea.
>where are you from
>sons of spain
would be accurate.
Iberians are totally white, are you insane? The thing that makes people south of the USA non-white are native American and slave ancestry
white means European, "white" latin americans are entirely Iberian not mixed euro ethnics.
>Just found out I'm Dutch.