When will sex be considered a Human Right? No one can survive without it for long

When will sex be considered a Human Right? No one can survive without it for long.

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>tfw no government assigned gf

We have internet now. Imagine how things were before. You have it better than ever.

Consider one year of sexual conscription for all able females

>No one can survive without it for long
but that's not true

Here's your government issued onahole. It's used, but has been cleaned to FDA standards. Failure to ejaculate at least once per day into the onahole will result in a fine of $200, to be increased incrementally for each infraction.

Nah, they'll just mandate you buy one on the state onahole exchange or face tax penalty

You will become mentally deranged without pussy

No you won't.

>maybe I could be your gf tonight?


When robotics and tech reach a point where we can produce androids that look and feel like a real person, with warmth, touch, smell


And what do you propose?

If every person who didn't have sex went on a killing spree there would be way more mass murders than there currently are. Besides, Elliot had extreme narcissism and vanity issues, it wasn't just not having sex that contributed to his poor mental health.

In his case the lack of sex was a product of his mental health rather than the cause of it. He looked fine. He had money. Some guys don't even need that. He was just a creepy autismofuck whenever he opened his mouth.

Can we get some highlights from the manifesto? I could use a laugh

So what if he was creepy autismlord, maybe if he had some sex he wouldn't have gone berserk
The problem was getting the sex in the fisrt place

Every person does not manifest their pain in the same way. Elliot vented his frustration on others, but for every Elliot there are millions just like him who do not resort to violence but feel exactly the same.

Is this a troll or a retard?

Lack of sex doesn't make anyone worse.

What makes people worse is desiring sex. If you desire sex and don't get it, you become miserable. If you desire sex and get it, your want more of it.

That's why Epicurus and many others were celibate.

You think the government should have sent him a hooker or something? Nobody owes you sex.

Everyone should be asexual instead. Sex causes nothing but violence and war.

If people just are stuck with their hand and imagination for years on end it will drive them insane. Today we have easy access to the largest archive of HD videos with every kind of fetish imaginable along with various onaholes and other types pf artficial vagina, this dilutes our perspective. A man with just his imagination and hand will go insane.

According to the scriptures these monks are reading,OP is a huge pleb.

Plenty of people are perfectly happy and celibate.
The great sages were either celibate or only had sex for procreation.

Great sages? Nearly everyone can't survive celibacy without going insane. Just because someone says they are celibate doesn't mean they are. You have access to the Internet and fleshlights true "celibacy" no longer exists.

They didn't fap all the time though. Fapping every day and wishing for a gf will make one crazy. Nofap combined with mediation and/or devotions unto God will make one wise.

Just because you can watch porn and buy a fleshlight doesn't mean you have to, dummy.

>No one can survive without it for long.
You're a living testament to why this isn't true, OP.

What does this have to do with wjat I said? Large numbers of people can remain celibate today for prolonged periods only because of modern tech. Things were different in the past.

I've read manga like that, seems like a great idea.

>you will never sack an enemy city and rape their women
Happier times. Fuck the internet, I would trade places any day.

23 years and I'm perfectly fine(I.e. No psychiatric visits/medication) just me and miss hand.

But obviously this is just a bait thread to have people point out they are virgins so you can laugh at them, so yeah, not really expecting scholarly/peer reviewed articles.

I propose both a mandatory maximum of two sexual partners per year and a mandatory minimum of two sexual partners per year

You're clearly not married.

>A man with just his imagination and hand will go insane.
In that case, you suck even at having sex with yourself, dude.

>So inept you can't even masterbate properly
Man that's a new level of just plain sad.

As soon as you consent to offer up your boipucci to Jamal for his needs.

True celibacy requires no-fap, not just abstaining from intercourse.

>not the other way around

Blacks have rounder butts for a reason.

When will property be considered a Human Right? No one can survive without it for long.

He was mentally deranged since birth

Wanna bet? Watch THIS!

His problem was wanting a GF, not getting sex.

wanking > sex

less prep time, less agreement, etc.

>When will health care be considered a Human Right? No one can survive without it for long

>nobody Stirnerposted about this

really makes you think

Yes you can lol

Just don't catch anything worse than a flu or get a major injury and you'll be fine.

Didnt hitler do this with the SS?
wasnt there a program where if you had good blood you could fuck good blooded chicks all you wanted. and like ten thousands babies were born during that time?
i forget the numbers and how it works but maybe somebody else has links and shit.

nevermind found it

To be accepted into the Lebensborn, pregnant women had to have the right racial characteristics — blonde hair and blue eyes — prove that they had no genetic disorders, and be able to prove the identity of the father, who had to meet similar criteria. They had to swear fealty to Nazism, and were indoctrinated with Hitler’s ideology while they were in residence.

Many of the fathers were SS officers with their own families. Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, encouraged his men to sire children outside of marriage as a way of building a German master race.

About 6,000 to 8,000 people were born in these clinics in Germany between 1936 and 1945. Because of the program’s secrecy, most were not told for decades the circumstances of their births or the identities of their fathers, which were not recorded on their birth certificates. Some still do not know the truth.

That's a spook.

>No one can survive without it for long.
>You will become mentally deranged without pussy

I know this is a bait thread, but sex is the most overrated thing ever.
Sane people can learn to live without it.
What will affect people's mental and physical health is loneliness.

This is probably what most internet virgins really hate but they they have been conditioned to only talk about the sexual part
It's the lack of direct human contact and intimacy that has no substitute. A "meaningful relationship", as cliche as that sounds.
Simply having random sex with some strangers even if they are attractive won't be enough.

It is a human right already. If you can find a partner it's illegal for anyone to forcibly break you up while having sex.

...So theoretically, I can stay out of Jail as long as I keep fucking?

>I've read manga like that


It is already a human right in several first world countries.

someday you virgins will know how boring it actually is

I want a mandated bf but he has to be top tier

Honestly, I would prefer Internet to be one.

>Honestly, I would prefer Internet to be one.
But it is, according to the UN resolution from June.


>Human Right
I hate this meme.

The only right you have to be left alone peacefully

No his problem was being a self hating half asian, and blaming his lack of a GF on that. Thats why he killed the dudes as well, they were asian

You're posting on Veeky Forums, you have access to the internet... Your point is moot.

>No one can survive without it for long.
What is considered long? 29 years?

I haven't touched a girl, spoken to a girl in casual conversation, held hands with a girl, kissed, or hugged a girl. I'd doing fine, relatively speaking.

Heard you talking shit like I wouldn't hear it, shitposter-chan

I'm not that guy. Just pointing out you're full of shit.

To build, pointlessly, off
Just because your thirsty doesn't mean you have to lash out at others for your own insecurities user, to some people, we realized long ago that sex was just something that wasn't going to happen and accepted it.

It's honestly one less thing you have to obsess over in life, even if the popular media pushes hard how important it is.

Now please, dismiss everything I've said in one sentence fragment.

How so? Please tell me.

I don't care, I'm not that person. He just claimed that people would go insane without any porn/sex/fleshlight like toys. He said if you just use your hand and imagination for years you go insane. I don't know if that's true or not but you have no leg to stand on. You're posting on Veeky Forums right now, you never passed his test.

It's considered a right in Sweden and Germany just ask a refugee.

By posting here I some how have a mental condition?

And here I thought I was just here to get advice from Veeky Forums and read the "interesting" opinions and discussions here, but ok.

user I think you might be projecting your own issues onto me a bit if you honestly think that you can't be well adjusted and browse this Peruvian flute tune board.


>By posting here I some how have a mental condition?

No, I'm just calling you out on your bullshit. I never claimed you were insane.

ok? I'm still confused as to how access to the internet plays a part in this. How it some how stops this theoretical mental condition caused by lack of sex.

If anything my prolonged exposure to the internet is the cause of the virginity.

Fuck you user, for making me think up an experiment to actually study if this actually has any effect and if exposure to certain types of media has an effect.

Let me clear this up.
You have access to the internet and therefore porn, you might have a sex toy too, I don't know. Of course you will claim you haven't watched porn in 6 years or don't have a fake pussy sex toy, but I would call you a liar. All you have to do is type it in google or go on a different nsfw board. I don't think you're insane just a person lying on the internet.

>Posting on Veeky Forums
>I am fine!

But masterbating and sex are miles apart in many aspects, not to mention the most important factor, and what probably actually matters, the close intimate human contact, which is what op is probably mistaking when he thinks lack of sex causes mental issues.

You can not have sex and if you have a fine social life, be perfectly well adjusted, you can have lots of meaningless sex and be an empty hollow man.

Sex is only a small part of a larger issue stemming from human interactions and deep connections to other humans.

Though obviously there are some who can work out just fine with minimal contact with others, though they are the exception in many cases.

Also lets be honest, I'd be lying if I said I don't browse /h/ most days.

Oh fuck I've been found out, shut it down!

That poster originally said just "hand and imagination for years on end". You replied with "23 years and I'm perfectly fine(I.e. No psychiatric visits/medication) just me and miss hand."

Nice job changing the goalposts and thanks for admitting you browse /h/ and lied. I knew I was right.

user be honest, we we're going to run around in circles for hours shitposting till you found something and shout "I win", right?

I already knew I was right and didn't care or expect a confession. I just wanted to point out you were lying but you kept acting dumb and changing the subject, which is why this went on for so long. I wasn't expecting an admission of defeat, I was expecting denial.
You kept changing subjects and pretending to be too stupid to know what I was saying. This is why things dragged on for so long. So I simply cleared things up but was expecting more denial and feigned stupidity.

Daily reminder you can thank Abrahamic """""""morality"""""""" for your inability to simply go to whores for a fugg.

I can only hope you aren't serious.

>this damage control
I can only hope you didn't seriously believe you fooled anybody with that post.
I just called you out on your bullshit. Everyone who read that post knew you were lying.

You really need to be correct don't you?

> you just use your hand and imagination for years you go insane
I highly doubt that. Isolation certainly leads to the insanity, but masturbation, by itself is completely weak practice if you want to lose your mind. Porn truly messing you brain more than an imagination.

Can you read? I was never expecting any sort of 'victory' just more denial and goal post changing. I just pointed out you were lying but you were afraid of admitting you lied, so you kept denying and changing goalposts.
You really need to save your ego don't you?

[provking shitposting]


I honestly don't know what goes through the mind of people like Can you actually imagine having to have sex with someone? having to give up your freedom just because you wanted to have sex? I am not even going into arguments "lmao imagine if your daughter" or "lel imagine getting a ugly girl", I am talking about simply giving up your freedom because you wanted to have sex.

[So mad he keeps shitposting to save his ego]
You can't save your ego, it's over. Keep shitposting though if it helps with your clear asspain.

Arranged marriages aren't even that bad and that aren't even arranged marriage anyway.

[getting the last word in]

Thid man knows.
Part of the reason that celibatr and monks in abbys work. Bros before hoes man.

I've survived 30 years op.

>Imagine how things were before
Easy to find brothels everywhere.


>Human Right

Sex is not required to survive, sex itself isn't even immediately connected to mental health in any vital way - rather it's about primarily peer acceptance and intimacy. Virginity in men above a certain age equals some sort of core rejection that is very destructive to mental health. Prostitutes does not solve this problem, especially not for men who understand the difference between attracting someone and paying for it; paying an escort a rather small sum of money to have sex doesn't prove anything or say anything about you beyond that you can amass exactly that - a rather small sum of money.

A study mapped the brain activity in couples who masturbated and then had sex - the brain activity during intercourse orgasm was something like 400% stronger than during masturbation induced orgasm.