League of Legends General - /lolg/


Sun Sex edition

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comfy bfs~

Sona is a cute waifu of extraordinary size!

Is Quinn top viable?

Here is your reminder for the thread that this piece of shit has still not been nerfed, after rengar has been reworked TWICE. Here are some cold hard facts.

* Nocturne's ult range is longer than rengar's at rank1. At rank 3, the range is over double that of rengar.
B, Nocturne doesn't have to hit you with a skilshot to cc you, or spend any resource. The two second fear happens with zero counterplay or gameplay.
Third, Nocturne has been ignored solely due to a low pick rate. If players picked him more, he would be hated just as much as rengar.

Look at these numbers. LOOK AT THESE GOD DAMN NUMBERS

Yes but if you fuck up you lose. Also shes mostly played against bruisers to kite them until they commit suicide

how do i start enjoying league again

>his that triple boost on warwick blood scent
>hit the NOS button
>entire team is ? pinging because im literally flying across the map
>ult from 15 miles away

Holy shit this needs to be nerfed ASAP. Its fun as fuck, but jesus its so broken.

I'm looking at Nocturne and not seeing anything that needs to be nerfed.

Meanwhile Kha'zix is destroying entire LCS teams and being a pain in the neck

so like a kennen that doesn't teamfight?

stop giving a fuck about what the meta says you should play and get good at a champion you actually like

You're not wrong at all but unless he builds full armor pen you cant kill shit. He's just like Lee, VI and J4 where if they just build full fuck your shit armor pen then they oneshot people but they can't or they'll instantly die


More like ranged pantheon since if you dont win by 25 minutes youre probably fucked

not really
a lot of it is wrong
like what does oldfag have to do with vg vs vgs and his info on who's oldfag and who isn't is mostly wrong
it's also very biased towards and against some players and ignorant towards others


I'm going to remind you mortals again. My cum tastes like stars. Try it some time.


obligatory statement about the absurdity of sonas placement on the chart

>avoid like the plague


I already do that though, always have always will
I don't really know what champions are meta/strong right now
am I a fotm faggot without knowing it

>very biased towards and against some players and ignorant toward others
Such as?

Either way it's by far the most accurate and comprehensive list we have CURRENTLY -- not that the other lists provide a high standard.

>Taric not S-tier

thigh author here, come on man. They literally altered a skin to reveal more of his midriff

pls change that angel wiggums is one of styles buttbuddies, i do not associate with him in any way out side of vg vs vg and i will not have my name slandered

>Nocturne goes full lethality
>he dies instantly
>I have GA
>my team is ahead because real junglers can gank


hey don't let that meaningless slander get you down my fellow c-rank friend

Which skin should i buy for Elise?

Aside from Veigar?


I mean I dont think Im that unlikeable right?

We'll rise in the ranks, brother.

Blood Moon is the best and has the best splash.

But Classic Elise is still pretty good.

Compa is shit, stop posting her. Vert best girl.

Far better list than the other two imo, good job

>Avoid like the plague
Rude as fuck. Also I talk shit whether I'm winning or losing. I don't do it seriously though unlike all the people who do it because they need to win the custom game.

I actually didn't make this tier list. The other ones are just shitty and outdated, so I posted this one to let Veeky Forums players that this is the real one, not welding or whoever's shit lists.

well i don't think anyone would deny that you're a huge memer but i think you're a swell guy

>Glass: oldfag who used to be hard stuck in low silver but somehow skyrockted to Diamond 3 the following season; one of the best players in Veeky Forums hands down; good to lane against for practice

dude what I haven't been anywhere near silver since season 1

You do know Michael J Fox is just Japancakez, right?

Well shit



I mean yeah but everyone is a memer here

Thanks for the vote of confidence friend

Alright, was thinking about buying Blood Moon anyways.
>having a folder dedicated to question mark anime girls
>not using every one until you have to search for more
don't judge me

archives not working
but Majin did a write-up of some shit that was wrong with it

Missing some silver surfers like Spritual Liege and Tarot Person

>report X he said he was inting in champ select
No, why didn't you just dodge then you fuckin' faggot?

easy game
EASY life

>Talon guy not on talon feeding

As predicted.

you're welcome retard

don't fucking ping me again or i'll int the next time i see you

suicide for kills shaco very good champ

talon sucks so I dont play him

no problem BMF

suck my dick d00d you were losing us the game by not grouping vs that comp
u might be good enough to shit on some random rioter playing teemo but you gotta have some sense smacked into you

Im not BMF pal....

What if League of Legends had a champion that was a psychotic mad scientist that had powers or abilities involving poison and had an obscenely annoying signature laugh?

Geeze, glad I've never joined the discord or Veeky Forums games. You guys sound like you all hate eachother and take videogames very seriously.

oh sorry merc treads


you are a literal welfare diamond for years lol

again, you're welcome for the carry i hope you can hit masters one day

winning Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is serious business i strive very hard to sit at the top of the ladder at the end of each season

>both team getting ready to teamfight
>they both play footsies poiking at each other waiting for an engage
>this goes on for about 16 seconds


Sneaky acts like he's 14 but honestly I'd still fug

Golds and below drink the Riot cooldaid and think that the answer to trolls and feeders is to righteously play out the game and then fill out reports to make the game a better place.

...Except one player in the game might bother to report.
And because that player doesn't know how things work, he has reported frivolously before so his reports don't mean anything.
And nobody reads reports.
And automatic punishment systems are easy to avoid.
And all the first couple of reports do is trigger the server to do a heuristic check on the chat log.
And it's literally impossible to get punished from a single game, even with nine reports.

These idiots are like religious faithfuls that respond to beatings by believing that a higher power will save them. They deserve no sympathy.

I honor feeders.

welp, you caught us Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums players.
we all hate and conspire against each other
and every single player takes it so seriously it's like a ranked game

not really, it's just a bunch of people playing fucking custom games. that's it.

wait who are you then?

Try again. Making me feel pretty awful pal.

I have hit masters multiple times though :tihkning:

what would the medallion look like for the top 10 vg players at the end of season

>Turkish guy reports me after game for not wanting to teach him english

what the fuck.

Low elos should learn to stop back talking diamond 1s or higher. If someone from bronze has an opinion that differs from a diamond 1's, the bronzie should NOT try to reason with the high elo. He shouldn't ask why either. He should take what the diamond says as fact without talking back. Too many times, I've seen a bronzie backtalk a diamond 1, and it's disgusting, because the bronzie is wrong most of the time. The only time a bronzie is right is when 500,000 bronzies are talking back to a single diamond 1. There's a reason why you're stuck in bronze. It's because you think differently than the diamonds. Start thinking like a diamond.

literally only like 2 people are unanimously hated, cmon dude

>this is a thing

Literally garen

reporting back for abuse of report system is easy bans

I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention!
look tomoka, everyone starts from the bottom
you'll get your time in the spotlight soon enough

it looks like this, im wearing one right now

yet you never end there LOL

AND watchem!

>not mentioned
feels bad lad

Oh, Alistar?
Yeah, he's a top lad.

>not running this rune page when you are inting

apply yourself kiddo

Im Yogg....Guys....

Did you become a childcare working so you could use your vg experience welding?

>he doesn't use -time dead runes to get back to the jungle faster after suiciding

>corki, janna, and kha all on the same team
smells of stacked teams with a win boner

oh... well in that case i kinda agree with the list

hate to ruin this spicy meme but we know it's you yoggers don't cry :~)

If a Bronze 1 player that plays every hero calls out a Diamond 1 two trick pony on his champion pool and telling him he'd be NOTHING without the champs he abuses, is he in the right?

Keep in mind the Bronze 1 is only angry at the Diamond 1 for having the audacity to give him some pointers on climbing while having such a low champion pool himself.

guess that means i should post with a trip more

>only 2 weeks for the best skin in the game


No, since Diamond is high enough that one or two champs, no matter how strong can carry you without either mechanical skill or knowledge of the game.

what is this last option for?

why is it here

being a 1 trick pony is bad and disgusting because its usally some cheesy shit that never works in actual team play thats a fact

a 1 role pony is fine though, like only mid players are usually good but if you can only mid AND only play say katarina ur most likely a shit player

1 trick ponies get high elo on mechanics and cheap tricks that only work in soloq take them out of that environment and they are nothing

but the bronze is a retard loser and should never talk to begin with

>doesn't talk much

I'd participate more but I'm in college :T

hey now we're even since you bullied me in game

how do you convince your team to buy an executioner's calling somewhere against the enemy maokai and ww?

hey I like your memes my man
here's vg memes tier list because I'm bored

funny roleplaying
pretending to be retarded
inside jokes
cringe roleplaying
unironically tryharding
mindless spam
trying too hard to be relevant

is pastebin.com/Nvvngyjq written by you?

>will only work in soloq
Yeah and?
What if I only care about soloq and don't give a fuck about a team enviroment?

Is meme building pretending to be retarded?