is there any historical evidence that they are evil?
The jews
Define evil
i suppose i worded this poorly
is there any historical reason as to why they are hated by everyone?
I don't really believe in "da jooz" but if there was ever a time when they got control of western nations it was in the late 1800's when they were loaning them money.
Relatively genius race. They are also very ethnocentric and their agendas often clashed with the majorities of the nations they lived in.
They wouldn't be a problem if they all moved to Israel.
Even if you're not a strormfag It's really hard to ignore the fact that they are behind nearly every major catastrophe in western civilization
I think its their ethnocentrism what made them the usual scapegoat for everything
Well they commited genocide against all non-jews after the Hasmoneans gained independence.
>oy vey the seleukids are evil oppressors for fighting the terrorist maccabeans
>better oppress and murder all non-jews now that we're free
Antiochus IV Epiphanes did nothing wrong!
hmm his nose seems rather big to me...
Jewish conspiracy is just smoke and mirrors to hide the true puppeteer of the world - the Anglo.
They weren't Catholic/ Christian and didn't believe in their teachings. They were considered heathens, and weren't just oppressed in Germany, but Italy and England.
Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice gives a bit of insight to this.
That's a weird way of spelling lizard people
Because of their ability to rise to the top of most societies
Go away David Icke (ANGLO)
you can't really say that they're evil since they're just defending their own interests. hypocrites yeah since they have their own ethnostate and would probably take an implicit stance against any one who says the same for a European nation.
It's interesting how most social groups think there's a big bad and that they're the victim
ITT memes from /pol/
This is surprisingly accurate.
>Anglos angling
it makes so much sense
>another /pol/ shilling thread
Well, if you are even remotely conservative or reactionary, you can't avoid being at least a bit antisemitic.
It logically follows from the other positions you have.
So what, all non-liberal jews are self hating then? Your opinion is stupid as fuck
>So what, all non-liberal jews are self hating then?
No, antisemitism isn't necessarily hatred towards jews, it can be distrust or suspicion towards them. And yes, they should do that.
>Your opinion is stupid as fuck
You sound angry. You shouldn't be.
There is literally no reason being conservative should require someone being anti semetic, explain your reasoning
If you are conservative/reactionary you support a long list of things. Let's not list them here, we can come back to this if it's needed.
Jews are disproportionally against most elements that make up that long list of things.
Which means, distrust of jewish influence and power is perfectly proper for someone who is conservative/reactionary.
>If you are conservative/reactionary you support a long list of things. Let's not list them here, we can come back to this if it's needed.
But you said "even remotely," implying that if you agree with any conservative views at all then you shouldn't trust jews.
>Jews are disproportionally against most elements that make up that long list of things.
So what, because most jews are liberal it justifies not trusting/disliking them or even fearingg their influence? By your logic, you should also not trust anyone who is gay, or lives in California, or is between the age of 15 and 30. Those are some very powerful groups with a lot of influnce. But I don't see you saying "if you are a conservative then naturally you shouldn't trust young adults."
Face it, your beliefes are based in fear and not reason
I don't believe in le jewish NWO but i do think Jews help each other or give themselves preference over the goyim. They've been doing that forever.
>So what, because most jews are liberal it justifies not trusting/disliking them or even fearingg their influence?
Is that a serious question?
If group X on average wants a lot more of A while you want more of B, should you approve of increased political influence of group x? Should you trust them with more political power? No, it's insane, it completely goes against your own interests.
In case you don't get it, I don't mean distrust of jews on a day to day basis, like distrust of jewish neighbors or some stupid shit like that. I'm referring to them exercising political power.
And yes, I also distrust young adults when it comes to political power, ideally I would raise the voting age to 25 at minimum.
>Face it, your beliefes are based in fear and not reason
Setting aside how much of a buzzphrase that is, fear of what, exactly?
And it's based entirely on reason, do you think anyone wants to be antisemitic in the western world in the 21st century? Do you think there are cookies if you're antisemitic? No, it's one of the worst things that you can do socially. Nobody wakes up one day "i'm going to distrust jews", no, it's one of those ideas that you only accept if you can't do otherwise, it's far too socially unacepptable to be something you just adopt because you feel like it
>And yes, I also distrust young adults when it comes to political power, ideally I would raise the voting age to 25 at minimum
So you would change the law to prevent people who don't have the same opinion you do from voting or having influnce? Hood idea, why don't we just ban California from voting? Or ban anyone with a PhD in any scientific field from voting since the majority of scholars are liberal? How can you even call yourself an advocate of democracy? Why have voting at all, since the majority of the world is liberal you should be against the principle of voting entirely.
>If group X on average wants a lot more of A while you want more of B, should you approve of increased political influence of group x?
Key word: on average. Its immoral to surpress a certain group simply because most of them think a certain way. The whole point is that not all of them think that way, a good percentage of jews are conservative, and you would be willing to squander the voices of those who agree with you for literally no reason besides "most of them don't think that way."
Lets look at it this way. Pretend I am a liberal who wants to surpress the conservative vote, so I decree that it is in out best interest to ban anyone over the age of 70 from voting. Does that seem fair and moral to you? Its the same principle.
I wouldn't say that they were "evil" so much as they're socially/religiously programmed to oppose whatever the norm is
>So you would change the law to prevent people who don't have the same opinion you do from voting or having influnce?
Dude, this is not some strange thing I came up with, this is mainstream politics whether you understand it or not.
You do realize that lowering the chance that those against you end up voting and increasing the chance you're going to receive votes is one of the most widespread tactics there is, right?
Setting up elections on off-years is the democrat main tactic for restricting conservative votes, while importing third worlders is their main tactic for increasing votes without doing shit else.
>Pretend I am a liberal who wants to surpress the conservative vote, so I decree that it is in out best interest to ban anyone over the age of 70 from voting. Does that seem fair and moral to you?
Did I talk about fairness or morality anywhere? Anyway, this is not some strange scenario you're cooking up, progressives are already enacting policies that make them far more likely to win elections.
Ansewer me this: Is it fair to import ungodly amounts of people who are disproportionatly going to vote for one party?
>The whole point is that not all of them think that way, a good percentage of jews are conservative, and you would be willing to squander the voices of those who agree with you for literally no reason besides "most of them don't think that way."
I'm not "squandering" anything so I don't know what you're going on about.
Also, when did I ever call myself "an advocate of democracy"? It's an extremely broken and riggable system. But I have to work within one.
Now imagine if this same concept applied to white people. White privilege.
I guess I made a big assumption that you were democratic (as in pro-democracy), if you are not then I apologize. It means a lot of my arguments also make so sense because I was trying to prove that your opinions contradicted democratic principles.
still, I don't understand how you can fear the influence of certain groups simply because the majority of them subscribe to a specific ideology. Wouldn't it make more sense to just fear that ideology? I am not a liberal, but understand that the majority of scholars are liberal. And I don't fear scholars, I fear liberalism. I am willing to bet the majority of people from a group you are a part of are liberal, if this is true (or lets just say it was theoretically true), would you fear the influence of your own people?
White people don't have a history of being as united as Jews and have been fighting each other for 1000's of years.
I hate anglos
>Wouldn't it make more sense to just fear that ideology?
Ideologies don't vote, they don't shoot people, they don't enact laws, they don't do shit. That's what people who subscribe to ideologies do.
Do you fear absolute monarchy? Like, seriously spend time worrying about it. Probably not. Yet the ideology exists today like it existed 500 years ago. Would you start fearing it a significant proportion of the population supported it? You probably would. What changed? Did the ideology change? No. Did the people change? Yes.
>would you fear the influence of your own people?
I "fear" the influence of any group, regardless of me belonging to it, that is very much against stuff that I believe, unless we're talking about a group that I belong to whose exercise of power is fundamental to my survival and/or the survival of the group/s I strongly identify with.
So a conservative jew should be suspicious of other jews in power, unless said jews being in power is the only way jews are going to keep existing in the future. Say, keeping the israeli governments jewish.
Is Kevin Macdonald's 'Culture of Critique' a good book on this subject?
>"haha look at this may may of a may may guys you are dumb pol btfo"
But thats bullshit.
People who support Israel can be found on the right, while people who support Palestine are found on the left.
Define evil. Their group strategy often differs from the majority's and so they'll try to influence them towards that.
They got a far reaching group loyalty and bitch whenever they are caught
I enjoyed reading this exchange.
>it's a /pol/ thread on Veeky Forums
>waah waah muh /pol/ boogeyman
people like you are worse than the average poltard
They killed Jesus and Muhammad.. what more do you need??
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
Well, considering they circumcise babies by biting off the foreskin, I'd say they're pretty evil.