GSL Code S 1d 21h
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*farts on this thread ruining it forever*
okay carriers are pretty based
i was just walking around
doing no wrong
next i knew i was surrounded by a pack of wild _________
my ass smells like shit
all opinions are my own
i got mold on my toes
*steals that guys opinions*
so now theres two idiots lol
why was there a big debate last year about where REEEE came from
if youre not 12 you know it came from the fuckin myg0t cs video
just seriously ugh
shut up dork
call me a dork again
ree is an /r9k/ meme. it came from the sound that frogs make when you touch them
i wanna have ___ with seulgi
ree is a sound frogs make, you dumb cunt
can see your face getting red from here dude jeez
im not irish tho
stop posting :)
or what?
youll see :)
first of all
i can't see at all. im using text to speech right now
back at it again with the white vans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
remember when that guy thought ree came from the sound frogs make lol
im pretty sure frogs existed before your shitty cs cartoon
just an fyi, the code s event in 1d 20h is the group selection
shut the fuck up everyone i dont even give a shit
just shut the fuck up
lol youre so embarrassed
suck my fucking dick you fucking retard
im actually a deaf-mute im using look to type right now
why would i be embarrassed. we're both posting as Anonymous, and since i won technically you won too, so don't worry about it ;)
keep telling yourself that buddy :)
go on living your life of blissful ignorance :)
teach me how to be as repilled as you xD
like woke type shit, ya feel me?
1. [+1,063, -36] I know that it's not all people that are like that but I think Chinese people in general don't wash as often...
2. [+1,000, -32] Fei's a celebrity so she probably showers everyday but the Chinese in general don't seem to. I know that water was scarce back then but it seems to have just become a cultural thing now. I had a Chinese exchange student and went to her bathroom and it was so disgusting. I knew I was being rude and just asked if she showered often at all and she said she did because she washed her hair once a week. I think not washing often is just a cultural thing.
3. [+752, -15] I was roommates with a Chinese kid for a year too who came from a mid to high class family in Beijing. She was really nice and worked hard in everything but the one bad thing was that she showered once every 3~4 days and wore the same thing everyday.
4. [+75, -7] I'm sure the world would have environmental problems if every single person in China washed every day
5. [+73, -1] I dormed with a few Chinese kids and they never washed. Kids who shared rooms with them all shared the same problem of the smell;; The stereotype comes from experience
omo... imagine the smell
yeah yeah chinese ppl smell like SHIT what else is new
i smell like sour pee
imagine stuffing your mouth with stinky chinky girl feet
would taste really bad and make you gag and eventually throw up when you realize what you're doing
just fapped to seulgi :3
*plugs nose*
>14 IPs
dead general
its 3 am
its not
where the FUCK do you live
in your heart
just go up to her and say hi dude its not that hard
what the frick is wrong with you you worthless yordles
hawaii or alaska
yankee doodle doo!
i'd like to yank your doodle
i'd like to yankee doodle your dandy
innovation please marry me
i bought it for 90 ausbucks on pc and 70 ausbucks on ps4...
we grew out of video games and spend our days reading now
hot big tit...
speaking of ow, i was gifted it here and have like 180 hours in it. (You) said i'll drop it after 10 hours
no i didn't
>implying he's not right
good tweet i like it 2bh
what did he mean by this?
are you a baddie ;)
a god
didn't one of them already rape someone lol
asians can have countries for only asians
niggers can have countries for only niggers
sandniggers can have countries for only sandniggers
jews can have a country for only jews
but whites can't have a country for only whites
really makes you think
yeah nothing worse than prioritizing your own people over future job offers
im a bad "dude"
the only country i can think of that doesn't have any minorities is North Korea
good morning everyone! hope everyone kick ass on the first day of the weekday with school or work, try your best until GSL comes around
too many historical inaccuracies in the siege of jadotville. couldnt enjoy the movie honestly :\
im not gay
im very not gay
moot said we're not allowed to post here anymore
moots a nigger
gook moot
id suck sickziis d*ck desu