How do Dharmic religions reconcile the concept of reincarnation with constant population growth?
How do Dharmic religions reconcile the concept of reincarnation with constant population growth?
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God can make new souls.
All religions that believe in reincarnation also believe there are other worlds you don't see. So you can't say there's growth since you don't have the entire population of worlds to look at.
It's not just human souls incarnating as humans.
Are there not less of many species now than in the past, as well as more of some species such as humans?
They just make up new lies to cover up the old lies.
It's all Maya out there so don't worry about it.
This. I mean it's a scientific fact that all energy levels have remained constant.
So why would 'new' life be coming into this equation?
Svarga, Patala and Prithvi are the three prime worlds, Patala is apprently subdivided into 7 further divisions, these seven lower regions bila-svargas ("subterranean heavens") and they are regarded as planets or planetary systems below the earth, they are called Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala.
Of course all of this is dependent on which Purana you are using as a source, because Padma, Vayu and Bhagavata all have their own interpretations.
Our race expands others (insects, tigers,alien species, fish) die or shrink.
The great majority of souls are wandering around through inorganic matter. The universe dies out and is reborn trillions of times in order for a soul to end up in a sentient creature. When you die, trillions of universes will die and be born before you find another body, but the time will pass nearly instantly.
Eastern religions basically have a mathematical philosophy regarding cosmology which allows room for a lot of things to happen. On the flip side you could put Abrahamic faiths to question with their idea of an endless or ever expanding heaven and hell.
Reincarnating people = Respawns.
Population Growth = New players entering the server.
Wasnt hard, was it?
Souls are immaterial and supernatural, science doesn't apply.
animals reincarnating as humans
which sadly explains india perfectly.
>tfw you realize your maid said the most profound statement about your country in all your life.
God/Brahman is infinite, so there will always be an infinite amount of manifestations, i guess. Though what mindfucks me, if that's so, how could someone truly escape reincarnation? do people who attain nirvana actually come back in the end? What if this ride never ends, because of how complex it is, your personality/manifestation might reappear.
Hurr, the number of animals today is higher than ever. Livestock
where are the dinosaurs?
Alive and well. One of them is just outside my window.
There are currently seven billion people alive today and the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived. This means that we are nowhere near close to having more alive than dead. In fact, there are 15 dead people for every person living.Feb 4, 2012
Do the dead outnumber the living? - BBC News -
perhaps everyone will magically go infertile as the gap decreases (doubt it will ever be reconsiled)
Not sure what you mean famm.
I'm not sure if you understand how animal classifications work either.
Birds are still dinosaurs and humans are still great apes and both of us are still chordates.
arent many of those dead people the same souls then
All souls are part of Brahman, like an ocean, the souls are simply droplets that are part of the ocean. So there can be infinite amount of souls or one brahman.
All beings don't have a soul, no one re-incarnates, but rather gets reborn. What gets reborn is not soul but rather chain link of karma. Thus we can infinite number of population growth or no population at all.
All beings have souls, including bacteria/trees/plants/etc. Thus to us, human population growth is simply balancing out the the other lives that we kill.
Animals, devils, gods, etc. are all part of the cycle.
As a buddhist, Jain's view is the best in terms of what could be actually possible.
I would also like to add to Buddhists that, buddhist believe that once a being reaches enlightenment it is not longer reborn, and is no longer part of the cycle.
What happen to them if they're not born again?
Enlightenment is not Nirvana.
Nirvana is the final extinguishing. Enlightenment is simply awakening.
>animal classification
all those dinosaurs and every dead animal was reborn, increasingly as people.
Cause the sun powers the earth constantly so plants can grow along with every other life form.
Animal souls are converting into human souls after death due to good karma or something.
They probably just assumed that the total number of organisms (and therefore souls) in the world is constant, which is a fair assumption for that time but they couldn't prove it either way. I'm not even sure if we have good estimates of that sort of thing today.
reincarnation =/= rebirth.
Why would you have to re-enter Earth immediately after you left it? Couldn't you be reincarnated far into the future/past relative to your last death?
Most clever answers.The first one is very underrated.
Reminds me of this:
>mathematical philosophy regarding cosmology
You cannot form a coherent sentence just by juxtaposing concepts that impress you friendo