League of Legends General - /lolg/


Your gay boy is trash edition

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lemme bounce this one off you guys

pantheon support

instead of one shitter daring to show his face in your lane there are two

Xth for Katarina
best girl

For best ship

xth for mordekaiser

Lux has an incest fetish.

What champions would Join team skull?

>Their WW vs our WW

>botlane still exists

Ekko because thug life.

that's the bronzest thing i've ever seen and i've seen, and done some pretty bronze things.

Filler mains report in!

>adcs so bad that even adcs one shot other adcs


>early but I don't give a fuck

neck yourself retard, that kind of new thread creation is the autism that creates four threads at once

>he walks toward the morde

Guess you like Autofill.

sion can play every role

All lol girls are sluts with daddy issues who dye their hair. Only Kindred is pure,


No one wants to fuck that furry slut. Also, censor that heresy.

>gif of her shaking her ass

i want her to sit in my lap, so i can pat her on the head

How do I into Veigar, lolg?

post some epic webms



Only a couple more games until my promos, /lolg/!

I lost my folder of lewds recently, and need help restocking. Post whatever you please, but I am partial to bountiful busts sonafag im looking at you


I want her to sit on my lap so her firm ass can crush my cock


Play him support

>no Syndra

Max W for wave clear, then Q
lasthit creep and hit Champs with your Q to get mad stacks
EZ game EZ life

why does demacia have the best girls

Finally someone with no gayish thread

thanks based sion

fuck you

Is Olaf a strong jungle pick?

I've had success playing him top, but dunno if he has enough mobility and cc for strong ganks.


Kled killed her and took her place.

Remove the furry along with the bird and fox.
She's old.

comfy bfs~

Because it has the tightest girls

i know that feel blitz

her shield takes so damn long to go away

Yeah, his ganks aren't the best but with axes, ghost and ult they're fairly good, and he's got one of the best clears in the game.


How do I play ap amumu? Do I go sunfire, mask, magic pen, and ap items, or just regular ap items?

He's A tier. Chain slowing people with axes makes for surprisingly good ganks and you can dive pretty hard after you hit six. Overall really solid

Recently started playing Sion and have a question: any tips for laning against a Garen player who is actually good?

Go tank and be infinitely more useful

Lulu is my STAR!

Thanks much.

Speaking of clears, which would be the best starting skill order for jungling?

Why does Hecarim feel like a worse Skarner?

Also here you go lewd user

I love Smochi!

garen is a fucking easy matchup

his silence interrupts your Q so that's all you have to look out for

if you're the villain then yeah he's scary because he'll just fuck you up and ignore resistances but he really does not threaten you otherwise

Noxian Poppy best Poppy.

Jungle starting item, then rush RoA ASAP
After that, anything goes. Magicpen is nice, abyssal is nice, if you wanna meme on them hardcore you can go for a deathcap as 3rd or 4th item. Just remember to pick decent engages.

Start q, then w, then e. Max q, then e. Remember your clear gets faster when you are low so don't be afraid to hold on to your potions

That artist needs to make more.

Do I build magic pen of they don't have any resistance items?


So you can do true damage to them?

No, no

sry im nub i don't know how it works

xth for breast metal waifu

>Kz makes it through the 6 (six) (seis) bans

When will people stop sucking Bjerg's dick and admit that Sven is the best TSM player?

Can i get some tips for a silver support to move up?

should i just play carry supports like zyra? i play alot of taric, he seems to have a lot of utility.

side note does anyone have a pic someone drew here of a sketch of sion trying to fit through a door. thanks.

"Magic penetration is a champion statistic which allows the magic damage done from their abilities, enhanced attacks, etc. to ignore some or all of a target's magic resistance.

Note: Magic Penetration cannot affect enemy magic resistance beyond 0 to deal bonus damage."

you can always build FLAT mpen due to champions having 30 base mres (more for melee champs)

void staff is only against a lot of mres items

people have baseline magic resist u know

magic damage doesnt just deal true damage until you buy a spirit visage or something

Daily reminder to never give up

>tfw no assassin support

Yes though it depends a bit on the situation.
Up to 30 magic pen is always worth it, typically magic pen up to 42 is still worth it though you might overkill some of the squishiest members


i hate people who play splitpushers

ive decided thats the real problem with singed and trynd and shit

you don't fight them, they just play their little game and you have to play along and deal with them or lose an inhib

fucking splitpushers

>coming back from a 10 million gold deficit

I love Lissandra! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!

any help

This shit is fucking retarded

>irelia will never crush your morning wood with her massive pure muscle ass

>all these millions
this is not real right?

play malz, or zyra (against malz), or mf (against zyra)

if you have to pick first go janna. or whatever your best support is

taric is good but risky to pick early. best to save depending on what lane youre up against.

mil is thousand in brazilian portuguese

I'm only play but I will write something.
>Thresh is, I think, best support to get out of silver (not counting """supports""" like Brand or VelKoz). He is pretty much retard-proof, hook is great for picking tards and lantern is good for saving asshats in your team.
>Try to figure out playstyle of your adc. If you think that he plays like shit and is retarded don't follow him blindly.
>When you get out of worst silver, try Nami, Braum or Naut (or Janna or Soraka if you are a healslut)
>Don't focus on your ADC if he is shit. Sometimes it's better to help your most fed teammate in teamfight rather than 0/8 ADC.
>pinks are important. You always want to come back to lane with at least 1 (2 vs Vayne and Twitch)
>as far as builds go, I go Sightstone->Redemption-> Solari on almost everything

I wanna be Lulu's cat!

okay, but how much is a brazillian

who does taric do good against?

about tree fiddy hues

I wonder if Irelia is good at giving lapdances

Everything and nothing.
You will probably get bulied hard on lane but ult is a game-changer.
And if you pick Taric you probably want jungler or top laner with gap-closer for those sweet stuns.

Lamb is NEVER for fucking you silly degenerate. Go back to your slut waifus with dyed hair desu desu


>Be Draven
>Push Lane
>Finally 6 items
>Oh no it's Poopy.
>Attack her
>Q with Crit only does 199 dmg
>Die, because LE BASEDAMAGE XD

But Riot nerfed Poppy amiright? xD

Fucking incompetent Company

melee supports like alistar, blitzcrank, leona, thresh as well

you can outplay ranged supports but its harder to do so. i have a feeling a lot of silver players will just default to something like blitz if they have to support so hes probably good for a blitz buster.

Do you still take ghost on aurelion sol after the nerf?

>lamb is not for lewd
then why is her body so lewd

I played nami to do it.
> poke
> heal
> CC
> ult can turn Team fights

Most silver players cant handle aggressive lanes and nami ist good for that. It takes practice tho'. Thresh is also a safe bet

You're doing something wrong, hecarim is better skarner actually. Mobility out the ass, CC out the ass, decent damage on top of that. He's all about positioning though, you need to know when to charge in, from where to charge in and how to charge in to make an impact, and positioning is something most meleebabs lack. Good hecarim is terrifying on all stages of the game, skarner is much easier to shut down.
You build flat pen when enemy DOESN'T have resistance items, you build percentile pen when enemy DOES have resistance items, it's that easy. Flat pen starts to rapidly fall off after just one resistance item on your target, and it's basically stops existing after 2nd. But the thing is magic pen items are rare and scarce and so-so either way, you build boots on most mages no matter what enemy is building, you build liandries on it's users and pen there is just a nice bonus to the passive, you build wit ends on like, WW sometimes? That's all there is to magic pen iirc.
And you take runes almost every time on any magic damage dealer except niche cases like azir who can take attack speed and some others.

Because she is pure, and purity is naturally attractive :3
You would know that if your waifus were pure desu desu

If I want to learn jg and have fun what should I go and main?

Evelynn or Vi ( this is what I like, but I like evelynn more )

Or should I buy Ivern? I've been main support this season ( played mostly Ap supports ) last season I was mid main and support secondary but I only played utility supports.

I've silver 3 now but I've just started to play lol ( at the end of last season and now I'm back after 2 months break )

I said she's lewd though. You can have an attractive body without being lewd

>Go back to your slut waifus
Jokes on you, my waifu is lamb :^)

tomi is for ____