Do you think if I go out with Flat he'll carry me in content
Jack Moore
If Gilgamesh could stop going down that'd be great, thanks.
Jackson Flores
Jordan Brooks
its every aether server
Michael Bailey
I want a midlander bf
Luis Young
Have you picked out your dress for our EB?
Robert Lopez
anyone wanna give me a month of game time
Mason Martin
Juan Cooper
Well ok
Alexander Rogers
you already posted this dumbass aetherfag, always looking for attention baka
Alexander Kelly
Jackson Wilson
Teachers' assistant slaps schoolgirl for not paying attention in class [1896]
Dominic Wood
Is there a way to have the fairy use embrace multiple times on the same target through a macro?
Ethan Bennett
not needed when abe can be the best player at every job he picks up
Jason Walker
Post your favorite AFK spots, jackanapes.
Dylan Green
Easton Peterson
what the fuck did you say about me you little bitch
Sebastian Rogers
I meant which should I play I can't play rdm for another 5 months
Bentley Harris
dont falseflag me jerk
Andrew Roberts
What to do while it's down.
Jonathan Foster
i want a bf that will make me feel loved enjoy my company gifts are okay too
Matthew James
how can someone so cute be so good at everything
aaaaaaaaaaaah I'm jealous
Samuel Thomas
>casters and healers get the look I want from Sohm Al (Hard)
Wish the glamour system was better
Kayden Rivera
lav beds
Nathan Richardson
me by that fire
Jayden Ward
So, is Red Mage going to be a carbon copy of BLM or SMN?
Eli Roberts
You guys just tell me when it's back up, okay?
Jason Johnson
Christopher Cruz
I'm about ready to transfer to primal at this rate.
Cooper Ortiz
I wanna frug alphinaud's bp
Justin Clark
How do you think the Soft shitters feel that you pick up SCH and outparse them in two weeks
Brody Edwards
Skip soar or disband
Ily.... Hands off
Jack Hill
>tfw youre a good bard AND would make a good boyfriend
Jayden Scott
None. It's going to be a bard that has to stand in close range to hit
Nathan Morales
who's this tranny
Luis Hernandez
Jace Peterson
Owen Martinez
Seto go away!
Jose Brown
Jacob Ramirez
you stop being so cute!!
Colton Walker
marry me illyasviel
Julian Parker
Jackson Barnes
>Face 4 miqo'te
Joseph Kelly
Is NIN a carbon copy of DRG or MNK?
Owen Baker
>only need 3 more pvp wins for the third horse >getting increasingly angry with every match
I don't think I'm going to make it
William Green
Hes right though. Youre pretty much the cutest suncat.
Sebastian Lee
>whm asks for mage's at 6k mp
Nolan Lee
>best support and best healer on balmung does anyone even come close to abe's skill level?
Henry Ross
Easton Watson
Blake Myers
Yes. All the melee DPS have very similar skill sets and rotations. This was made even worse with Heavensward.
The only thing that differentiates them are their oGCDs.
Andrew Myers
lovely eu ra
Christian Hall
>167034271 There is no such thing as a Support.
Ryder Smith
probably feels like nothing because healer damage gets cucked by inconsistent groups and bad cohealers
Parker Gray
Did the servers just shit themselves? I just tried to teleport somewhere and got a connection error, now I'm in a server queue behind 2000 people.
Chase Bell
Hunter Parker
name ten things that aren't cats
Gabriel Martin
You need to be born angry to make it.
Leo Murphy
>Almost Valentine's Day >Severe lack of EB's I need two right now. PST.
Andrew Ramirez
My friends and I just tried to come back after a short break. Looks like the servers died
Parker Fisher
Joshua Howard
>Was out of town all weekend >"It's all good, I'll just run Dun Scaith on Monday to finish Scripture and get my weekly Shilling."
Jordan Lopez
How would you make them unique though?
Ryder Jenkins
Fat chest owo
Charles Jackson
How come you dont use those lines too?
Tyler Kelly
>Aether imploding for the third week in a row
This is fine.
Gavin Brown
>doing any 24 man raid on Monday Son, let me tell you about hell.
Joseph Martinez
Whats the catch?
Jayden Nguyen
Don't start this shit. I don't have a document with how mDPS would work if I designed them.
Go look at any other themepark, even WoW, and compare their DPS, healers, and tanks to FFXIV. You'll see how homogeneous FFXIV's classes are to each other.
Blake Harris
{Thank (you)!}
Isaac Campbell
if you're autistic you can macro /pac "Embrace" to every skill so that the fairy will cast it every single time you do anything
Anthony Johnson
>if RDM has an infinite MP mechanic like umbral ice, it's a carbon copy of BLM >if RDM has an MP restoring ability like aetherflow, it's a carbon copy of SMN >if RDM has a refresh ability like shroud of saints, it's a carbon copy of WHM
>if RDM uses primarily hard hitting nuke spells it's a carbon copy of BLM >if RDM uses more than one DoT it's a carbon copy of SMN
you're rather boring. what would they have to do for something to not be a "carbon copy" of something else in your silly little reality?
Angel Barnes
I'd take hell over a dead data server.
Colton Cooper
mooncat post.
Liam Scott
If you want to actually raid you'll need to eventually make a macro targetting your tank(s) or a mouseover macro so you can spam Embrace on a single target when necessary.
Julian Rodriguez
What is the story behind your in game name?
Jason Nelson
Nicholas Brooks
No catch
Jaxon Edwards
Looked at Winamp (yes, really winamp)
Jonathan Evans
Hey there Rover Come on over
Gorgeous Raen.
Hunter Nelson
cutecat post !!
Matthew Cox
Still trying Grid anons if you're still there.
Benjamin Edwards
>all these strawmen Are you fucking serious right now? It's not that each class only has one thing from another class.
Each mDPS has a self-buff they need to upkeep through a combo. Each mDPS has two DoT, one tied to a combo and one not. Each mDPS has similar general attack abilities for their rotation.
Are you going to seriously argue that classes like AST/WHM and PLD/DRK literally don't have abilities copy and pasted to each other next?
Ian Brooks
All this elezen.
Aiden Jackson
Parker Smith
Was looking for a name for Obvlivion found out about my boy Frank Epperson who invented the popsicle. Used that name in Obvivion and several other games. In Persona 3 Portable I needed a name from the female protagonist so I went with Emily because I like the name and oh, Emily by Jukebox the Ghost was playing at the time. The name kinda just stuck for default girl names.
Gavin Gomez
Rate my new character please.
Ryder Perry
Austin Peterson
Adrian Adams
Jaxon Campbell
>try to log in twice >both times over 1k log in >about to log in >get error
Lucas Garcia
So what server do we go to when Aether is down?
Aaron Green
I'm not denying ff jobs are all similar, I was just curious about possible new versions. You don't really have to get so fired up for nothing.
Connor Stewart
>finally get in a good roll of flames wins >booted out when I queue for the next run Just wait it out. I was in the middle of stuff but I guess it's a sign to take a break.