League of Legends General - /lolg/


Bird dad edition


Fluffy tails

xth for nidalee

xth for comfy bfs~

Post 'em

xth for riven butts

hey can you use a name so i can find your posts more easily? i appreciate them greatly and would be overjoyed if they all were posted under one name

So I haven't played since like season 4

Why are there fucking plants that do shit?

Why the fuck do smaller golems keep springing out nonstop like those stupid russian dolls?

>Loot boxes?
>Masteries changed for the 100th time
Didn't see that one coming!
>There's a giant scuttle crab at baron now
>Nunu's model STILL hasn't been changed

>tfw cant get lvl 7 on Azir

I want them to give him his mini-rework already

>autofilled to support 4 times now
what have i done to deserve this

xth for sissy style's Kindred cosplay



xth for the Master of Shadows (and my heart)


>ywn cuddle master style and fill him with your man juice

feels bad man

wtf euler is a trap?

They said sometime this year at least.

It is much easier to get S's however since the difference between a good and a bad one is huge.

shut up king grey


There's 3 different types of plants that spawn, they have set spawn times and set spawn areas
Riot loves reworking the jungle
>Loot boxes
I actually like them, considering I've never bought them I just get free stuff
Now you get a free icon to throw up in game and tilt your enemies when you kill them
>Scuttle crab
Kill it and you get a small buff right over the entrance to dragon/baron pit that gives vision as well as a short movespeed buff for killing it
Riot doesn't like him. He got viable for a short period of time and was subsequently gutted

I still dont believe thats you tho

but Id fug that kindred

I didn't make that post. You know better than that---I call you King Gay in threads.


is jax a fragger who goes in deep? his r basically just seems like it lets him go in deep and frag

Have any of you been around to remember back in the day when League of Legends had good art design and personality in it to boot?

Not this overdone, lifeless, anime obsessed garbage it's degenerated to today.

why do people keep name dropping me

so uncool

I want to jam a funnel in Riven's mouth, then pour bleach down her throat!

nice nostalgia for something that never existed faggot


>Being this obvious with bait
No (you) for you.

master style said he wasn't a gay sissy boy when I asked him

guess he lied, he is sissy style i guess


>Someone else reposts your greentext

Feels good man.

How the fuck do you climb out of silver when people like this rammus who just want to feed and pretend they're playing the game get on your team?

Imaqtpie - The Untold Veeky Forums Story Pt. 2

i saved that years ago surprised ur still around

>tfw no femyasuo skin

who are you?

a no name thats been around for a long time

When are the oldbois coming back

Wtf... Was Dr. Euler being a sissy dick lover common knowledge here already...

although saveme sat in Veeky Forums chat still recently but never talked

hes just a slut tho

Fuck that

Rengar is the only champion that improves upon rule63

How likely is it for a player's main reflect their personality, temperament, fetishes, interests and/or etc?

>As balance dictates.
What balance is she talking about that requires following?

A little brutal, but have a butt.

no its saveme his editor but imaqtpie used to come to /v/ chat as well


Don't think it's that close 2bh.

how do you think she keeps her outfit on her body?

The Kinkou order and Ionia's spiritual beliefs regarding balance in general.

for real with the way she dresses, wouldn't a simple swipe from Warwick's claw be enough to reduce her being nude

tfw i played my placements drunk like a fucking retarded imbecile and got placed in SILVER

SaveMe is his editor, aka 2nd Sequence

Nevermind, I figured it out from the context and your reply. I deleted my post because I didn't understand who it was.

What in the flying fuck is this "play it out" meme? Is this some stupid shit reddit's spouting now? God fucking damn. If the game is lost, it's lost. Fuck off with this shit.

Post Ahri!

It's SaveMe you fucking idiot

why did this get deleted?

he deleted it retard


>playing xerath against a team with no divers or assassin

Imaqtpie - UNTOLD Veeky Forums STORY PT. 2 & SAVEME EXPOSED???


but why tho


Who is he talking about?

I still don't get how placements work, they seem to have a huge impact on your elo?

you shouldn't haven't, you have autofill protection after one game

late xth for breast metal waifu

>Enemy plays Xerath
>I pick literally anything else other than aatrox and shit on him

So much for a being of unimaginable power when a big guy with an axe can buttfuck you in lane.

okay so this is probably the right answer but...
I found these ones more entertaining. Oh if you can get through her kamas I'm just undressing her would be super easy.
(thank you for the real answer though user)

cuz he asked a dumb ass question u fukin nerd

>score is about even early game
>lose teamfight bot
>get slightly behind
>they have better comp
>we cant ever win teamfight because they are better at it
>cant splitpush because no waveclear and we cant group
I know Im sliver trash, this is not a muh team post, I just genuinely dont understand how we can win this game. If you cant splitpush, and you cant teamfight, what else is there? There has to be a way that doesn't unreliably pray the enemy team makes a mistake. Do you really just have to hope they're dumber than you? If that's the case, what's the point of even playing if you get down and cant' win teamfights?

>tfw ex wont let me suck her girl cock while she plays league or overwatch anymore

where do i find cute mtf league players

>6 deaths
what a retard

>I know Im sliver trash, this is not a muh team post

right here

ill be ur gf (bf)

what if caitlyn had counterplay

iirc every placement match functions how a normal ranked match does, except the LP gain/loss is dramatically amplified. because of that it's very important to do your best in them and not follow what i did

what i don't know is if every account starts at the same MMR, because i've actually gotten low plat players on my first team on some fresh accounts

every team makes mistakes even pros if you cant capatilize on their mistakes you dont deserve to win

xth for my best friend fucking killed himself for no reason today
he was a huge faggot but fucking why


>tfw becca was my gf for two whole games

feels good man

holy shit im so sorry user i hope your okay

>Can't ban Jayce and I have to face him
>Jayce all-ins me at level 2
>Don't die but he has the advantage


Fuck off

I'm sorry for your loss, user

wait, people actually kys themselves unironically?

>Get a bronzie in normals picking Kalista support cos late night league fucks with the MMR
>I essentially 1v2 as Ezreal because enemy botlane seems to eat paint and can't dodge shit

My main concern is that poor fucker's gonna take it into ranked and feed his arse off.

Ok, ty.

is camille support a thing
should I dodge


>no name suddenly picks up a trip
>shtick is being a dick
>oh btw im an oldfag xD
nice one dude real charismatic persona i love it


oh the memories


People really underestimate the importance of the champion select phase of a match. If you can't put together a coherent team comp that at least in part is made to counter the enemy's composition then you're done assuming equal play level. This usually doesn't matter in Solo Queue because no matter the leads/playstyles/comps you'll always have super variable retards that decide to facecheck a bush in the enemy jungle alone at 50 minutes.

Not every game you can win. Your best bet when you can't win teamfights though is to wear the enemy team thin with rotations. Which is insanely hard to pull off when you can't easily communicate to your team.

I guess that's true. How do you set up a pick? How do you force them to make mistakes? I just hate the idea that when you get behind you just have to be at the mercy of the enemy team making a mistake. That just seems so unreliable and lacking any agency, especially since you can't ever know if that alone teammate is caught out or has backup since if you're behind you don't have vision. I guess i just can't ever tell if what my opponent did is a mistake, or if im being baited. Is that just confidence or something?
