If the cult of Yahweh was never formed would we be better or worse off?
What changes would, in your opinion be a positive or negative?
What if Abrahamic religions didn't exist?
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The world would be much better
Some other religion would step in for people to die/kill for. The cycle must continue
The real question is how you would prevent Abrahamic religions from existing. How would this be accomplished? You'd have to kill Abraham's parents before Abraham is born.
>Abraham not being a purely mythical figure
This. Except instead of a decline of religiosity over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, the cult of Sol Invictus would experience religious revival to due to scientific discoveries of the sun being a giant perpetual nuke that literally supplies all the energy for 99.9% of the biomass on Earth.
They needed to convert the jews.
Instead they tried hellenizing them, and we got Christianity.
Western (global) civilization might not exist. The world would look entirely different. No religions have had the galvanizing effects of Christianity and Islam. Religion wouldn't be much a tool of war and control, but rather a facet of culture. You'd meet some stranger in the street, learn that some of his Gods seemed remarkably similar to yours, and maybe syncretized or had some gay pagan buttsex.
Did Sol Invictus demand sole worship though? I find it likely that he might become the most popular but I doubt the old pantheon would fade away entirely.
But there would be a whole lot of arguments on the basis of the existence of many other stars, plenty of which are bigger and brighter than the sun.
Monotheism would have developed anyway, just based other myths. It probably wouldn't be as dominant as it is today, though.
Of which zero life has been detected to orbit, which would again further the unique life breathing capabilities of Sol.
There's a good chance life exists on plenty of planets and even maybe something complex and multicellular
Friendly reminder that Yay Vey is a mischievous Jewish jinn, and that Jesus is the savior from the Pleroma.
Worse because literally everyone would have to burn in hell.
>lel dirty sand god will punish me for not listening to his jew lies so he will send me to the underworld
Stay cucked Cultist
The "What if" does not change the reality. What if peanut butter never existed? It matters not, because peanut butter does exist, and you observe the cause and effect with what is, not "what could have been" because the "what if" is actually an illusion all together.
So no Yahweh
The Roman Empire didn't became christian
Jupiter or Mithra or both are the main pagan god while the Persian Empire remains Zoroastrian
The 2 empires live a longer time and both are of course imperialist
The permanent war between them would be a religious war too
> a positive or negative changes?
dunno depend how long is the war
The name is applied to the Self-Existing God of All and also used to generalize the demiurge and different Gnostic gods.
One person says Yhwh, they mean the Demiurge, and another says Yhwh, and mean the Highest God, Who the Pleroma is but a mere aspect.
The name is applied to both, and even the demiurge is but an extension of the same Source that we are.
Even pagans can use religion for imperializing and war and control, the same way they did before Islam and Christianity existed. Religion is divided by creed, even the Pagan cultures.
>If the cult of Yahweh was never formed would we be better or worse off?
Would you like pederasty, "kill yourself" be a literal command and not a meme, and one retarded mess up causing you to be permanently ostracized and possible unmerciful punishment? If you say "yes" to these then yeah you would conisder it is better off for the Yahweh religion to not exist. if "no" however then be glad the Yahweh religion existed so it can give birth to Christianity eventually
>literal command and not a meme, and one retarded mess up causing you to be permanently ostracized and possible unmerciful punishment?
>actually not believing honor suicide is common
Things would be about the same, only different. There was a worldwide burst of religions like Christianity and Buddhism based around texts purporting to tell the true stories of real divine people. Something else would have spread in the West and it probably wouldn't look that different if you squinted at it.
The same thing but with different religions, or new religions would crop up with similar ideologies.
Yes, I think so too. We know that the Hebrew bible is written by many authors in different times. In some passages he's the familiar insecure, jealous Canaanite god. In some passages there is a loftier conception. So yes I believe both the demiurge and the high God are referred there.
>implying this isn't a thing in Christianity
an authoritarian religion like christianity was needed to tame the germanic tribes and civilize europe. after 1000 AD christianity was more of a bane than a boon.
islam wasn't needed originally. but after the stagnation of chritianity, islam contributed as a rival religion and culture, and it encouraged christian kingdoms to progress and become stronger.
judaism was only needed as a means to create christianity.
Citation needed
Those are not traditions of the Kurds. Honour killing is but Turkish government obviously doesn't allow that so Kurds try to force the women to "honour suicide" to avoid incarceration but then the government passed a law making a crime forcing someone to suicide as well.
So it's not an essential part of the local tradition, just it's struggle against law.
>Christians caused the fall of Rome
>Arab raiders would never have taken advantage of ERE/Persian self induced weakness