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Hello world

aw heck i wanted the first post.

one more day, one more chance

hot fresh speedrunning tips ??

If I clean the apartment and get my life together I will nodev for a day. What do.

have autism

>that death screen

Gooble gobble one of us!
the Rect tool is fun

he's not wrong

one day games will be about intrinsic reward again

I like Lewis Longarm and his long arms as he walks. He don't give no shits.


>the one with the retarded leg

Yuki is my waifu. Tonight I will make good progress for her.

I want to make an MMO, where should I start?




Can you post the old gifs of you fighting the skull boss where he's going to take over the world for no FUCKING REASON

Here. Now give me my artguy shekels

I'm sorry to say this, user, but Haruhi is an overrated piece of garbage. Yuki is fine though, but she ended up in the wrong crowd.


I'm sorry to say this, user, but your opinion is wrong and Haruhi is a great series.

With an idea

start by looking at the 99.9% failure rate and realize that you're a dumbass

that moment you realize you have wasted your goddamn life and it's caught on camera

Separate your game into a client and server, all together, with movement prediction and yadda yadda, simulated latency. Then separate them via a protocol into two actual executables and add the TCP/UDP stuff.

it was glorious. true kino

wow that sounds hard. how do you do that in rpgmaker?


was he trolling when he claimed to beat the record the one time he didn't stream the game?

Very carefully.

I'm sort of doing this, but really only for learning and stuff. It's probably a very bad idea if I ever wanted people to play it.

If I animate for one body mesh, can I easily add armor to it later with the same animations?

If you transfer the weights to the armor some how

Yes, make the armor pieces children of their respective bones and it should be fine

Also, now that I look at , I think you should take out that "move and stop" mechanic. It kinda ruins the point of choosing the right path at the right time.
Instead, I would make something like pic related, so that you have to time your movements to avoid hitting enemies in your way.
Looks like a cool mobile game, btw.


More games should do this, right?

how did you do this

>It's like X, but Y

>It's like [your favorite game] but good

>X and Y are two obscure games that were only released in Japan

New poster here. Would a match-4 styled after Kirby's Avalanche work well in a 3D engine, or should I go for a 2D engine?

>2D gameplay
>3D engine
For what purpose?
Really it depends on who does the art.

you talking to me cracker?
nah just kidding, you cool

UE4 is easy to work with and a good learning tool.

eat a dick, jermaine.

2D libraries are trivial to work with if you aren't a shitter.
Dunno about your level of expertise though.

>instead of a random corner

to be fair, it's not random. top-left is where the eye always starts because that's how we read pages

I'm , but not . I code for a living and my preferred language is C++. I do have some OpenGL background. Not sure where to go from there.

basically 90% of my ideas in a nutshell

is that bad?

It's still a nice platform with a large community and a good way to learn some things before making other game designs. I'm a different UE4 person making a different project. Just saying they aren't making a stupid choice if their goal is learning, or if they have the art skills to really do a great job of 2d gameplay in 3d graphics.

>tfw .Net dev
>tfw creeping on people with DateTime

"Where were you yesterday?

"umm what?"

"You think this is a fucking game?"

"Umm I'll just exit the program and restart it..."

>Write the time out and save it when the game closes.
>Do check to see if the user just restarted teh program.


>Delete save files
>Write data into the alpha channels of .png assets to hide data

"You thought you could just "Re-Roll" your character? You thought you could just savescum? You thought those worlds just "Stopped Existing" because you deleted the save files... user the "game" has just begun."

go to bed tobyfox

>X and Y

in what universe mate

Toby's the kind of fucker I could see shitposting here.

>want to post my progress on agdg
>scared people call me "who?" and tell me to fuck off

that chart is so wrong

Now try that again with coherence.

whodevs are only people who come with nearly finished games to start shilling their greenlight/kickstarter/patreon whatever

or people who post only on recaps/demo days and don't participate in the community

post some barebones thing first like a cube of some sort, then slowly show your game in subsequent posts as if it was progress

I'm a who?

Don't fuck off, I'll be nice. Can't guarantee anyone else's behaviour of course.

You post your progress right now or I'm gonna kick your ass.

>one week later
>"ok guys here's my greenlight"

That's true, but that changes when it comes to videogames.
In videogames, you don't read that way, but instead you have a "play area", and a "look area", which are usually near the center of the screen, not the corners.
The "play area" is where the inmediate action happens, and the "look area" is where you're looking at most of the time, since that's where you are going to be next.

Then again, most games (even some in this pic) just put GUI on the corners because sometimes it's hard to integrate it in the game's world, or it would occlude other important elements.
But in your game, it's perfectly doable, so I think it's the best option.

Also, putting it on the left corner would fuck up the balance of the image composition, so if you really want to go with corners, at least put score on the left, and objectives on the right.

I'm not the user making that game

yes, it doesn't always work, but I just wanted to point out that it's not "random" either

Rough animation outline for a Five-SeveN. No polishing/curve editor/camera work yet.

Gonna make the slide pull snappier, the mag in needs some work, and mess with the thumb hitting the mag release since the timing seems a bit off. Gonna speed it up a little as well.

Anything else?

Also here's the draw and lower for it.


I wonder if you could teach me how to make melee animations.

>one week later
wow, you could stretch it out to, like, 3-6 months at least

You said before that you've worked on actual real games before doing animations.

What games are you referring to?


Most of the stuff I post has been for a popular mobile game (Bullet Force) but that's about it. Otherwise I'm currently animating for a WW2 game called "Our Ghosts of War" but I don't have any previous experience.

I only got into animation about a year ago.

i wrote a poem for you, it's called loading:

you load it when you take it out

then you put it back

and take it out again

to load it once more

but it's already loaded

because you loaded it before


I'll write you a poem

It's how my client wants it

it makes me mad too

but I get paid

so fuck you

>I only got into animation about a year ago.
i remember you doing reloading animations a year ago.... have you been doing nothing but reloading animations?

Well I've been doing a shitload of client work so yes. I want to branch out and learn/practice character animation but I don't have the time since I have so much client work to do. As we speak I have a knife, M60, and the rest of that Five-SeveN to finish. For the WW2 game I have so many weapons to animate that I can't even list them all. For the WW2 game, here's one set of animations for one weapon. All of the weapons (seriously, 10 are modelled out, and much more are coming) will need all of these.

I'll be busy for a while.

I'm thinking about taking ritalin to enhnace my dev performance, do any of you have any experience with it? I have a source where i can get it from, so i'm wondering if its worth it

make frequent backups

Seems like a bad itea to me senpai.

well you're welcome back when you become a gamdev.

>A contraption capable of flight? Are you shitting me da vinici? That is a terrible idea!

Do we really need to have the art is gamedev discussion again?

you're doing 3D animation contract work, that's not gamedev, you need to have a game to do gamdev

You're making money on this work I assume?

It's pretty much explicitly gamedev. Every game has people that work on it, doesn't mean they aren't making game.

They're for games, kys. Filtered.

Yeah I'm getting paid for it, as well as profit shares on some of the games I work on.

>Amateur Game Development General
oh sorry let me change that for you
>Contract Worker General
alright you can post now, me and the gamedevs gonna be leaving though, have fun.

Nice job bro, keep up the good work. Many are jelly of your literal job developing video games.

I always wonder if it's the real gogem and he's just a retarded shitposter, or if everybody just puts his name on just make his look even more stupid

TBS without a grid

>Comparing "taking drugs because you're not good enough" to DaVinci creating machines.
You're very stupid already, I'm sure ritalin won't make you any worse

>Warhammer 400000 Squad Command
>Divinity Original Sin
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Phantom Brave

gridless turn-based is actually something I'd like to make in the future

>top-left is where the eye always starts because that's how we read pages
Not everywhere, my friend.

RPG where you start at max level

Any with a level 1 run? I'm going to have a level 1 run challenge available in my RPG and due to how damage works, you can still get through to the end without complete stat shutout, just gotta get good. That's the plan anyways.

finally got paths drawing, should be a lot less frustrating to move characters this way

is it textured draw line where line segments connect the array of points given by unity path finding?

>five additional days to live.
>He’ll also gradually weaken, so you must decide how you’ll go about and who you’ll help during your limited life.

wow, this is kind of what I want for my game as my main character is suffering from high blood pressure, but with 1 year instead of 5 days

nope i'm calculating the position of each dot, they are each an object with a quad and a dot texture