League of Legends general - /lolg/

Best hat edition


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>no talon bf to camp botlane with



xth for Cute Ashe

well then i have yet to meet a good fiora i guess
where do they get good? master? challenger?


Is it still a good idea to build Youmuu's on Yi right after you finish Bloodrazor? It's what I've been doing against mostly squishy teams, but Guinsoo's is such a huge power spike for Yi that I'm starting to feel like delaying it to my 5th item (Bloodrazor > Youmuu's > Boots > Bork> Guinsoo's) instead of building it after Bloodrazor and BotRK is a bad idea.

What do I do as a jungler if all of my laners have losing match ups and are getting destroyed in lane


>go on tilt for a month
>pick up swain again
>start winning
>haven't lost one today
thanks swain

What do you know that other yorick players don't? I'm only a d5 shitter and I'm not good enough to play fiora in ranked as she's my pubstomp champion but I keep her in my pocket for yorick.

It feels exceptionally free at all stages of the game. From my side of the fence it feels like you only have 1 skill as your w and your e mean nothing to me.

best boobs

Why is he so much fun, bois?

> jungler asks for mid
> say no because i don't jungle
> they go kat jungle
> donate kills to enemy mid and say "should've given me mid ;)"
> mid gets fed
> whole team spams in all chat to report me for losing lane

why is this allowed

diamond 5 tales

I want to dance with Orianna.

how do I snowball a won lane into a win as a tank top? tahm top can win 9/10 lanes but I can't do shit if other lanes feed and I can just be ignored in teamfights while my team gets shredded

gold 5 450k mastery morde one trick
ama again

feels good my man

you tryhards should chill once in a while

report the little bitch for int feeding?

>W - Wind Wall now counts turret shots as a projectile.

what would be the results of this?

>as a tank top
You gank mid or you fuck up their jg with the help of your jg or midlane.
>as tahm top
You dont translate a won lane into a won game from my experience. You bring very little to a team fight compared to say naut or mao.

how much mastery do you have on her

Is he really viable even after the Rylai's nerf?

i know, for instance, that in early game fiora loses any trade when ghouls are involved in any way - autoattacks and Q aggro the ghouls so if you want to do more than Q+aa, you lose

yorick will sustain the trades, while fiora won't (without lifesteal at least)

what do you mean by "your e means nothing to me"?
you mean "i dodge your e every time", "i parry your e every time" or "your e does 0 dmg to me"? because the only good answer is the first one

after 6 a good yorick will not come to your vision range without 3 graves or ult (unless he's winning the lane, which he should)

after 11 yorick will either counter fiora's splitpush under the tower, group with the team and take towers, or lose

that's the general idea behind fighting fiora
there are so many gimmicks going for yorick though which can be applied to any match up

>any yordle except Corki and Heimer
You just know it's some lowlife anime faggot.

You just know it's an edgy teenager.

>Their Ezreal is a kiting master who shows up big in teamfights
>My Ezreal never groups, instead choosing to autistically splitpush all game

>gold 5

>Not playing champions based on viability alone

You just know it's a sub-diamond 3 shitter

after the swifties nerf, proposed gblade nerf, after the ghost nerf, the list goes on for every indirect morde nerf in the past few months
pls riot give morde 5 or 10 more base movespeed as any compensation

you can play him i guess but its like shooting yourself in the foot and trying to run a marathon uphill


>picking disgusting shit just because they're meta

You just know it's some drooling retard with zero skill.

>Caring about anything but the kit and general gameplay in a moba

Nice projections about lowlife-ism there bro.

How do we make Fiddlesticks great again?

Xth for cuddly 2x4 that deserves love and nice things

>disgusting shit

You do realise that it's entirely subjective, right? I mean if you don't you're the one who's a drooling retard. Why are you even trying to talk about the skill when it has nothing to do with the subject?

t. below diamond 3

i'm working on it man pls no bully

i want to ruin jinx slim figure by impregnating her

Every champion is viable in soloq at every level

KR urgot one tricks exist for a reason

Lowest in the game again!

This. (-_-) Don't hate just because I'm some Lucky Star and K-On fan. It's all subjective (^__^)

He's decent for low-elo soloq and shit. Other than that he's too immobile, needs to be close to deal dmg, it's neither bursty nor big enough when sustained, all in all it's a very niche champ and he doesn't fit current league at all and only good for that ult cheese. I wouldn't be surprised if they pull another rework on him in a year or two and make him some hypermobile sustain mage.

You trying to be ironic now or what? You completely missed point either way.

i missed you too :3!

>Watching anime at all

Absolutely degenerate.jpg

You can use fiora q to dodge Yorick e on reaction every time is what I meant. Early levels I use riposte on your Q which makes it feel like you have 0 abilities as opposed to 1 plus the nasty attack speed slow.

And ghouls are retarded. You just wait for them to fight minions and you kill them in an auto.

And if you are right in which a good Yorick can best a good fiora early, Yorick has nothing to stop fiora from turning it into a farm lane until mid game where she undoubtedly wins.

I just don't see it. have you fought any fiora one tricks like yourself or are they just checking op.gg and going for their first game?

tips for a wannabe tristana onetrick

I want to mega stuff Sona!

Hey guys, should I buy Hyena WW? It's on sale. Keep in mind I'm a poor fag

No, you missed the point, you braindead piece of trash.

returning from a break, is soraka still cancer?

Is there anything better in this game than Kled's dismounted charging animation?

I told you, those buffs did nothing! She's plenty strong in the hands of a good player!!

depends on how long you've been gone
her chemo continue everyday in this season

is there anything worse in this game than Kled's voice

i want to pump shyvana full of seed until shes overstuffed and bulging

>adc splitpushing

where does this meme came from ??

Remember when they tried to make Quinn into the "splitpush ADC"

Runes? Build path?

When senpai veigar ganks ur lane and notices you

theyre farming you tards

What's the point of playing an adc bottom.
People do better playing mages bottom and every objective is easy to kill.

I wanna FUCK the plain doll.

Taliyah's voice

Kek. You're seriously considering 4 abilities and a passive to be "disgusting" and go extreme lengths to project onto them your own disliked stereotypes such as cringey anime fans? Look at what you're doing mate. Every champ has all kinds of players playing them. Well whatever you're too mad over essentially nothing.

>every objective is easy
Sure after like 30 mins
adc can kill drag earlier
also put a mage bot and they dont get enough XP to stay relevant

Because if you played adc anywhere else you'd get fucking annihilated. Early game adc needs the support. You also have more presence at dragon with the duo bot lane. And if you don't bring an adc your lategame will simply be worse.

Heimer players

Adc does more damage in good team comps, it's also ranged and it's ad, most viable adcs bring utility too.

I honestly think Kled has the second-best VO among 2016's champs (after Jhin, obviously).
The "Yeah, tacos" line is definitely randumb, but everything else that he says is gold

Jhin's fanbase.

your hatred only makes me stronger, friend.

Top-heavy Poppy is best Poppy. Shame there's not a lot of art in that vein.

>D2 with Fiora as his most played champion
>Fails to parry a max-range Nautilus Q
>Multiple times

How the fuck do these people get into my games

How do I build/play taliyah?

Last game my ahri went up against mf in midlane and mf still got fed.
What's up with that?

it gets worse when you know that parry works before the animation even plays.
He's that bad.

Don't at the moment, and that's coming from someone who likes her overall; she just doesn't do anything well enough that she's worth picking over other mages.


good trax

Actually, there's a few startup frames before the parry actually come into effect. Never been able to hit her in that time myself, but I've seen it happen.

>also put a mage bot and they dont get enough XP to stay relevant
Why is that a problem when they're stronger throughout three quarters of the game than the enemy bot?

>loading into game with ashe sup who asked for mid when there was 5 sec left for midlaner to lock

How fucked am I?

how do i play him


I keep hearing from people that she's not shit though
which is it

Fine because adcs are meant to be played as supports right now anyways.

should have dodged. make sure to report.

What elo do you hear from people that she's not shit?

That's the thing, though - she's NOT shit. She's actually rather decent.

But therein lies the problem: she's just decent overall, not great at anything in particular. Combine that with a somewhat tough learning curve for her wonky abilities, and she ends up being a poor choice most of the time.

she has the aatrox effect

Teach me your ways senpai

you dont

Eh, nah. At least she has that cute daughteru thing going for her and interesting abilities; AAtrox's personality is about as intriguing as wet cardboard, and nothing in his kit is particularly effective or fun to use.

>no cute bf to carry nerds with

What went wrong?

SKT gonna start streaming on twitch

I want to gently stroke Talon's face

>watching soulless gooke

what's even the point

I guess. I might still pick her up though, she doesn't seem as hard as Orianna and gives that semi-control mage feel like Lux

>cute daughteru thing going for he

What sort of offensive item do you like going if you're way ahead? I've tried Ghostblade and BoTRK but I can't decide.