Because I will never know what it is, or what it could've been for me.
>tfw no gf
Because I will never know what it is, or what it could've been for me.
>tfw no gf
Other urls found in this thread:
Love is the sense of life, you aren't loved you might as well be dead...
Baby don't hurt me
how are you holding up lads?
What you think is love is actually desperation
Real love is in companionship
It's easy to make a girl love you, just force her to look into your eyes each time she cums, she'll attribute your face to her emotions and start loving you
Men don't love women the same way, it's more of a companionship thing
It's not real love. It's only for breeding.
whats real love then
>inb4 pederasty
Well, you first then.
Why don't you just take a pickup course and get laid, faggot?
not even your parents?
Don't hurt me.
Not even them to some extent. They got divorced when I was younger and ever since then they became bitter and harsh to their offspring.
I still have feelings for them but I wouldn't really call it a true love, just familiar love.
only lesbians can experience true love
I just got dumped by my ex a week ago, and I strongly feel that my obsession with talking about history and history memes contributed a lot to her decision.
The measure of ones devotion to someone else.
i'm doing alright, i've accepted that I'm an inferior male that will never know love, and it comforts me because it's petty and silly to long and wish for something that one could never have attained in the first place.
every time I get the urge for a relationship I simply masturbate and remind myself that because so socially/emotionally immature, any sort of relationship that I managed to trip and fall into by accident would never last or end well.
it's lonely sometimes, but those feelings are passing. if you are never meant to know love it's easier just to take it in stride and just continue living life rather than to shout a the sky asking for an explanation when it's sitting right there in front of you.
Jesus loves you, user.
Love is just chemicals in your brain
Get real
ptsd is just chemicals in your brain, get real faggot
Love is when she's resting her head on your chest while you watch a movie together and your heartbeat coos her to sleep.
I want to fucking kill myself, she ripped my heart out
There is illusory love, which is basically idealization and is sometimes motivated by lust.
And then, there's true love which is accepting the other as a deeply flawed person but loving her anyway. Basically, love is finding a complementarity and losing your sense of self entirely through an alterity.
I hate you reductionist fucks so much.
love is comfort
Loving another man. Seriously. It's not sexual, it's real love.
You can only love a woman if you're infatuated and you ignore her faults, or maybe I just never met the one, who knows.
>your heartbeat coos her to sleep.
If your heart "coos" you should go to the fucking doctor because that's not normal
Also grow up
I started second year of college telling myself things would be different. I've spent all summer at an internship, but spent so much time working and barely any time socializing I feel like I forgot how to. Everyone is moving faster and its harder to make friends as a sophomore now that social cliques are forming again. My roommates always have plans on weekends and I'm stuck in my dorm watching paint dry. I don't know if I want a romantic interest or just some friends. Will it be over soon user?
you accepted and knowingly willingly knew that could happen else you wouldnt have been with her and youd have been with her anyway
>tfw you love Archaeology but have no archaeologist gf to dig up buried treasure with
>tfw I want to go to around my countryside with a metal detector looking for loot but can't because it's illegal
>tfw no /archaeology/ board
That's it lads.
I'm starting to feel more and more that true love does not really exist. It is basically a romanticized idea of lust, something that only exists in the fictional worlds of literature and cinema.
I'm pretty young (20), but I've been attracted to women since I was 14 and have been boning/relationshiping since I was 16. Sometimes, for a brief moment, you feel really close to the other person. You believe that finally, you've fallen in love. You only see her qualities and ignore her flaws.
But eventually that feeling disappears. It becomes boring. You start to more and more notice her flaws. It reaches a point where you start thinking "why am I even here with this person".
And just like that, you break up with the person you once thought you loved. But then you meet another girl, and it's the same thing all over again. You think "maybe she's the one", only to inevitably be disillusioned once again.
I've been on that rollercoaster many times, and each time it's the same thing.
Am I right Veeky Forums? Or am I just too young to understand? Is true love a spook?
>Or am I just too young
Yeah. Love isn't some Disney magic shit where everything fits into place perfectly. Like all things it's pragmatic and not idealistic.
Not that great mate.
Gf of 8 years and I broke up.
Far far too young, complacency is not as bad as it sounds.
You grow used to a person, that's what happens when you're with them. The same principals apply to your immediate family. Accepting flaws is important as no one is truly flawless, especially yourself. It's not the thrill of meeting an exciting new wonderful person, it's the companionship aspect that someone earlier in this thread was talking about. Of course, you shouldn't shackle yourself to people you don't love, but to ignore all their other qualities due to a few flaws is a flaw in itself. Being too fickle and bored with things is a result of you being young, you want to experience new things.
When you get some time to think about it, what you're going to want is someone who fills the role of a best friend or a sibling, but who has a physical and emotional interest in yourself. That time probably isn't for you yet because you're too used to the rush of initial love. A lot of love is acceptance, and too many young people treat love like window shopping. You can buy something cheap and colorful that'll last a bit, or you can buckle down and invest your time and money into something you know you'll be depending on and using all your life.
How'd that come to be if you don't mind me asking.
I'm in love with the idea of being in love.
I can't even being to imagine what it would feel like for someone to be attracted to you and want to be around you. What the fuck would sex or kissing even feel like? Must be like explaining colour to a blind man.
26 fucking years old and I have less experience with girls than kids a decade younger than me.
2 years younger than you and I just got both of those a few months ago. Don't give up hope.
Furthermore, don't make it a contest. Just meet people and talk to them normally. I find love something much more easier to obtain when you've built a solid friendship with a person.
Of course, I don't mean try to date any possible female friend willing to talk to you, or make friends for that purpose. You got to do it when it feels right. Coming out of your shell is scary but you'll have to do it to find love, and friendship too for the matter. Life isn't like some anime where those thing can plop into your lap.
She's confused about what she wants to do with her life and she feels like we've gotten too comfortable in our relationship and its stagnating the other aspects of our lives.
jej >not fucking hot 20 year olds
ah, rough to hear. Was she giving some time to ruminate on this or is this an immediate type of deal. Something that long might come back around just due to familiarity, though I'm not trying to say that things will get back to normal. I dunno, just some thoughts from a rando on Veeky Forums. I hope things freshen up in your life lad.
It was really rough at first because I still really love her, she's basically my best friend. I could tell something was up beforehand but couldn't tell what, kind of like a dog that's being taken to the vet. So when it happened it was really sudden, but she's opened up to the thought of just taking a break because she wants time to organize her thoughts and feelings.
We've continued talking and decided to take it one step at a time. We're going to be meeting up again at some point between today and the 18th to see how we feel and where we want to go from there.
So pretty much just one step at a time. It's challenging in two ways though, mainly we're so used to talking to eachother all the time and changing the dynamic of that relationship is incredibly weird and a bit depressing. And secondly, we dont really have anything negative to say about eachother. We both really care for eachother and because of that its hard to justify not being together, mentally.
If you don't know what love is, how do you know what it could be for you?
It's a good thing you broke up swiftly.
I have never, ever seen a non-marital relationship get "fixed" after a partner decided to take a break. Never.
Love is a spook. Not even memeing you here
Yea that's what I've figured as well. And even if we did manage to get back together I find the odds of it lasting aren't in my favor.
Literally everything you do/feel is just "chemicals in your brain" you autistic faggot
She wants to fuck other men. Isn't it obvious?
damn you figured it all out
science is over, we've discovered it all
29 yr old virgin here
What do?
Love is an emotion intended to keep a mating pair together long enough to raise up a child who can follow the tribe on its own
Beta men are more susceptible to it and tend to mate guard as well as pedestalize their mate
Alphas don't really feel romantic love because their genetic line has been secured by dozens of women
Start with the Greeks, OP
well that's utter bullshit
why has psuedoscience been so rampant online recently?
people really care about their comfort bubbles not being shattered