/gwt/ - GWENT: The Witcher Card Game General

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>Gameplay demo (E3)
>Gameplay Demo (Gamescom)

>leveling and ranking reward system explained

For people who don't know, there is a CDPR Gwent stream in 4 hours going over the patch on monday.


Can't wait to purge all you filthy northerners with my Nilfgaard deck

NR was pretty gutted. I think Rad control and Henselt promote as the only two viable NR archetypes.

Nadrac is god-tier
KIndblacktoof and merchant are good for info as is Gwent City ALTHOUGH the latter is more a source for the latest cheeses

Feels so good. I just auto-gg NR babbies at this point. Can't be asked. It's like meme meta Doto at this point

whens the stream? in euro bongs

3 hours and 40 minutes. Figure it out.

at what rank does the ST roach olgierd cancer deck start popping out? currently at 11 and havent met once so far

80% of the games in 13 and 14. It's atrocious, Monday can't come soon enough.

>Add a gold card to my new deck
>It never gets picked in the mulligan

you wont know suffering until you have 3 golds in your last 4 cards

I do. I didn't know the that I play an ST cheese until about a month ago.

Generally glad that my faction and NR get the nerfd to shit. Dependency on that scenario is so fucking dull. Somewhat like Shani and whatever Cuck-fatso was called.


>only 5 people


So what actually happens when the patch goes out?

All progress gets wiped but we get the stuff from our ranks and any saved kegs? Or do we also lose our ranks and kegs?

I ask because it was a fucking pain in the ass to climb out of the starting levels. The only way to do it was through PFI abuse and the REEEEEEE from the other side who had just spammed their shit expecting an easy win was palpable. But as a starter you literally don't even have the cards to do anything else, and if I have to go through that shit again I'll probably bail on the whole deal.

give it time

the game is in closed beta right now, and if rebbit sub numbers are any indication, this game is already bigger than TES:L which is a good sign.

on topic: do any of you guys get ranked anxiety? I've been winning a lot lately but I know a losing streak is incoming.

Nilfgaard looks OP as fuck, but I've got 55 (will probably have close to 75 kegs by feb 6) kegs ready to open so that will be fun

Actually, from the gameplay reveals it looks like most decks, unless they get some edits to their current cards, will be rather fucked over by the first Nilfgaardian addition.

DOES the progress get wiped though?

I can see a resurgence in Monsters with Nilfgaard coming out. They seem very susceptible to weather.

Does anyone think that the animated cards are actually taken from cutscenes from the eventual single player campaign? They seem a little too high quality to be just card-arts.

is this coming to GNU?

i want to play but i don't want to use windows just for this.

The wipe won't happen with the nilfgaard patch. marcin said they will have more information on the wipe either later this week or next week.

There will be a wipe. CDPR has said they will clarify a few things "in the coming days". I expect it to happen right before the game goes into open beta, which shouldn't be until Spring 2017 so there are a good 3 months left in closed beta.

I just hope the people who put in hundreds of hours get fair compensation for their time. Does anyone know what Hearthstone did to compensate beta testers?

windows/xbox and ps4 later. possibly mobile but they haven't confirmed anything yet. no plans for linux as far as i know.

Stream in 7 minutes


I completely fucking agree. I've put in maybe 300 hours into this game, rank 14, top 100 (peak rank 62) and am completely f2p. Would be completely gutted to have to start over again w/o some nice re-compensation even though I know I am not entitled to it and know what a closed beta entails. Oh well.

Judging by how non-jewy CDPR is with the current system I hope they do something like, giving us 20% of all the kegs we've ever opened, but maybe locked for 1 month so you can't get an advantage straight-away or something similar to that.

I figured this game would be coming to mobile. But why the fuck is it so demanding? My r9 290x revs the fuck up when this game is running. And the card swapping animations aren't really 60fps.

they haven't optimized any of it yet. it runs on the same engine as hearthstone though so i imagine once they do an optimization pass (probably just before open beta) the game will run a lot better.

Would damn well hope so! What will these single player campaigns look like anyway?

I have no clue, but I do recall hearing something about them having an exploration aspect to them. I don't know what that means at all.

NR and ST up in flames

ahh time to get drunk

Prediction: the update will be fantastic (introducing new game mechanics) but all decks aside from Nilf will be fucked over. However, since it will take some time to assemble an unbeatable Nilf deck, an open beta manages to roll over with its new updates which balances out the rest of the decks.

Butterfly spell looks so good. That art is amazing.


35 posts
10 posters
that looks alright i guess

Just wait for more people toplay the game. Those sick of sucking publisher cock on Plebbit will then come here where a healthy amount of candour is met with appreciation instead of the banhammer

im already sick of it. most threads are just whiny and most of the useful stuff can't be found on reddit but on gwentify etc.

wake me up when it's monday lads.

rip discard skelliger


Thanks for the answer.

Ciri best girl

Single player campaigns will be pretty much an RPG, with combat being presented as Gwent matches. You have a map that you move your character (in the first campaign it's going to be Geralt) around, exploration, quests, voiced dialogues (with options to choose from), choices affecting the storyline. So it's pretty much a smaller Witcher game with simpler visuals and Gwent replacing the regular combat..


stay out of my gwent general waifufags!


>vs Brouver
>vs Brouver
>vs Brouver
>vs Foltest
>vs Brouver

i'm not so interested in this patch, nilfgaard patch couldn't come any sooner

Same. I even stopped doing my dailies.

Don't do this. Farm kegs instead and open them when the patch arrives

this thread isn't going to survive the night, is it?

well we don't have trissfag who bumps the thread with his autism

Don't be so gloomy. 50% of Veeky Forums is waifu faggotry so our odds of survival are hlaf-decent at least.

There are still a fuck load of things to do until more people join us such as making pastebins with tutorials and Youtube links and the sticky generally could use some work.

i can work on one right now.

also, is there any interest in a gwent discord server?

I'll do my best to keep it bumped til 1-2am my time, from then on some eurogwentfag will have to take my place, in like 6-7 hours

Will you craft it?

i will dream about her and jerk off to her

i try to craft whatever meta deck is hot right now

if I don't get her in my 60 kegs I've saved up for Nilf, then I'll craft her

>tfw i only saved up 2 kegs and 1000 scraps for Nilf

im going to buy 40 but still..

What does she do? I'm guessing she snares the strongest card(s) in her row at the end of two turns or something?

works only if the card is stronger than her

Welp. RIP my PFI deck, which is literally the only reason I can get any wins against established players as it is.

Gwent: Better be an early adopter or whale, because otherwise fuck you, boobshitter. WHy did you think you'd be allowed to play?


maybe youre just bad?

I just want to get into the beta..

PFI is literally garbage at 2000+ mmr

Scoia'Tael is the most OP deck and used almost exclusively by the top 300 right now

I literally started playing on the weekend.

Being sent against Level 44 players who have Gold and Silver decks up the wazoo with the alternate, better faction leaders /fucking sucks/ and the only way to get wins is to convince them you're a retard so they blow through their hand in the first round and get taken out by your weenies in the last two or get a perfect draw yourself.

I am literally playing a Wolf Witcher/PFI deck at the moment because I can't assemble a meta deck yet. Established players dropping a ton of kegs and scraps to move to a new meta isn't really going to improve my position much. Or, like, at all.

this shit should be addressed ASAP, hopefully alongside the nilfgaard patch they will fix the matchmaking. I know it's frustrating but keep at it senpai. When I play casual mode and play someone ranked way below me I win 1 round then forfeit the match as a courtesy.


just had to draw a match vs a top 50 guy because I didn't draw Yeavinn earlier and had him in my hand in round 3


just pulled 4 epics from 4 kegs,

premium harald the cripple
eskel (repeat)

I literally pulled 3 legendaries in the span of 4 kegs the other day. Also it was after opening like 6 packs ever.
I am legitimately wondering if drop rates were changed.

same thing happened to me, 5 legendaries in the span of 7 kegs

I think the system recognizes when you haven't received that many good cards and will load a bunch of them onto you in a short span of time, only way I can explain that phenomenon.

so which deck is the best one to climb ranks?

I found Weather Monsters easiest to start and am having some success with Wolf Witchers and PFI right now.

Really it all comes down to what RNGesus decides to bless you with when you start opening Kegs. It might shit out an awesome Skellige deck, or like me you might get nothing but 5-Scrap mill fodder and regrets.

Working my way to a Reaver draw deck with reinforced catapults but it's slow, slow going.

well i try it with discard skelliger then

New patch comming, what cards do you think are looking too strong?

I think Schirru is gonna be too good.
5 gold strength that kills your strongest unit no matter what, triggered by non-gold special from either player.
If you're not playing ST you can't do anything against him, and even if you have Morren, good luck guessing which trap to target.

Letho banishing cards also is too strong.
Not only he'll prevent the abillities but there's also a high chance the opponent will Bekkers all that delicious strength.

>trebs in 2k17
good luck mate, youre gonna need it

I dunno, I've been schooled by a bunch of high-rank players with the seige engines that take off points every three turns with their players cloning and Adrenaline Rushing them to keep them in play.

Maybe it's a meme deck, but it fucks a newbie's shit up pretty hard.

I'm just sad that most of my decks are trash after the patch

also I'm so fucking scared that gwent is going to turn into shit like hs. I'm still extremely pissed that they "deleted" patron warrior and implemented more rng cards.

So are my decks. Apart from monsters.

I just wander if dwarfs can pull it out for ST. ST might have been nerfed to death though.

everything indicates that they wont introduce many rng elements and are going to reduce the ones the game has now (monsters passive)

ST nerf was EXTREMELY necessary

Not arguing against the necessity for the nerf but Scoia'Tael will now suck in a meta that will be dominated by extremely control-heavy Nilfgaard decks.

ST needed more balanced combos to replace the BMC-Merc combo but just got a blanket nerf instead.

i dont know, dwarves are looking pretty solid to me after the patch

also monsters will be better than nilf

>I am queing up for Gwent and there's PFI >Imma insta gg
>There comes a Scoia'Tael
>Let me move my hand so I can play muh mercs
>Dundun dun dun
>I need chains only
>Here's maerdrom
>I said I need a chain only
>Here's 3 maerdroms
>My ST cheese is gonna kick your ass
>Well fuck this game

>I'm still queing up for Gwent and there's PFI
>There comes a Scoia'Tael

MOnsters are too dependent on what they draw during the next round and Nilfgaard tremendously fucks with that.

First they nerf the control-heavy meta and then re-buff it through the backdoor

So, you people reckon we are getting a Toussant faction somewhere after the release?

Toussaint are a Nilfgaardian province. I wouldn't get your hopes up but it could be cool.

What would even be their schtick?

Wished I was as lucky as you guys. I literally had TWO out of 100 kegs give me a choice between 3 legendaries.

wont happen
we are going to get toussant cards under the nilfgaardian faction.

I mean, there are some pretty important Toussant characters that are not in Nilf right now.

That is why i was surpirsed. But well, i am not going to complain about Caretaker, Yen and Nithral, they work surprisingly well in monsters starter after you cut useless shit for them.

maybe Ofier, but not Toussaint since they are Nilfgaard province

I really don't want to see Toussaint as a seperate faction. Maybe we get a Toussaint update somewhere along the road for Nilfgaard, but probably not anytime soon.

I think there was a discussion that Maeve will be the fourth leader for the NR. So it is highly likely there will be a fourth leader for Nilfgaard, too. And most likely it will be Anarietta. I also can't come up with three leaders besides her sister maybe.

I'm just wondering what they're gonna do with Kovir or Cintra. The thing is that NR has a lot more leaders mentioned than there is place if they're trying to distribute them consistently to every faction.

We also have Ophir and Serrekania, who we almost know nothing about. The campaign might be a good place to introduce new characters to them.

Thing is, i don't see them fitting for any faction as they're not part of any region currently ingame. If they gonna introduce them somehow as a new faction, seperated or together, i could see them work as somehow "foreigners" or stuff like this.

Add to this that Brouver Hoog is a Scoia'tael leader when in lore he hated them for draining the young dwarfs needed for the Mahakaman mines

Haven't got beta access yet

check your spam folder

Holy hell. They send it to me literally a second ago. Thanks user

holy shit, it made it through the night.