Why was St. Boniface so based?
Why was St. Boniface so based?
>hurr if your god is so strong, prove he'll stop me
Christ Cucks
t. bootyblasted LARPers
>I don't care!!! b-b-b-btw what you posted is a myth!!!
Nah, stay bootyblasted though.
>the pope does something
>every catholic does it
>it's not like we had a shit pope before
Good logic there.
Odin sure is into some kinky shit
His display of strength was the tree falling and nobody stopping Boniface from doing it
What book is this from?
>book by David F. Greenberg
>trusting kikes
The Talmud also states Jesus is in hell in a cauldron of boiling semen for eternity.
That was my point. I look it up and the claim seems like bullshit.
From wiki
"Odin is mentioned as a practitioner of seiðr, a form of magic considered shameful for men to perform, so was reserved for women.[citation needed] It is possible that the practice of seiðr involved passive sexual rites, and Odin was taunted with this fact."
Seiðr doesn't seem to be gay and I cant find any other source on the semen.
>I propose that the (mainly) Babylonian stories about Jesus and his family are deliberate and highly sophisticated counternarratives to the stories about Jesus' life and death in the Gospels – narratives that presuppose a detailed knowledge of the New Testament in particular the Gospel of John, presumably through the Diatessaron and/or the Peshitta, the New Testament of the Syrian Church. More precisely, I will argue – following indeed some of the older research – that they are polemical counternarratives that parody the New Testament stories, most notably the story of Jesus' birth and death. They ridicule Jesus' birth from a virgin, as maintained by the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and they contest fervently the claim that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. Most remarkably, they counter the New Testament Passion story with its message of the Jews' guilt and shame as Christ killers. Instead, they reverse it completely: yes, they maintain, we accept responsibility for it, but there is no reason to feel ashamed because we rightfully executed a blasphemer and idolater. Jesus deserved death, and he got what he deserved. Accordingly, they subvert the Christian idea of Jesus' resurrection by having him punished forever in hell and by making clear that this fate awaits his followers as well, who believe in this impostor. There is no resurrection, they insist, not for him and not for his followers; in other words, there is no justification whatsoever for this Christian sect that impudently claims to be the new covenant and that is on its way to establish itself as a new religion (not least as a "Church" with political power).
>mfw someone tries to assign the blame for Jesus' death to the Romans
I want off this ride.
Why don't people realize all religions have a common enemy? Our forefathers had it clear, the jewish seed must be swept from this earth.
If i burn down a church or demolish a crucifix go doesnt strike me down either so idk what its supposed to prove, except that bonifatius was able to walk into some non-Christian village backed up by Frankish might and annoy the locals with his bullshit,
>If i burn down a church or demolish a crucifix go doesnt strike me down either so idk what its supposed to prove
That none of those are actually God. The tree was Odin to them.
If you burn down a church, it pisses of Christians because you're breaking their shit. You can buy a new TV, but I'm sure you'd be pissed if I unloaded a shotgun into it.
Break our shit, we just build more. Go to a EuroPagan and challenge their gods in the name of your god and not get smoted for doing so and the Pagan starts following your god because they think the one who's representative gets assblasted is a weak god.
The stronger war god was the one who's army won the battle.
Here is another
>The tree was Odin to them.
Please at least try to understand religions other than your own.
First of all, >using the word cuckold incorrectly. Second of all, WOO more bullshit from some unsourced infographic on Veeky Forums. You've sure presented a strong argument.
Why would an Indo-European celebrate the death of his people's religion?
Christianity has been good to us, I have no animosity towards it, but I would like for there to be something like very heavy folklore and tradition rooted in past beliefs alongside Christianity.
I just don't understand how you can break your own shit and shit all over your past and be so smug about it.
>Christianity has been good to us
>all our shit is broken
>from some unsourced infographic on Veeky Forums. You've sure presented a strong argument.
This is from the Bridge of the Gods, by Len Robertson
As in, being Christian since the 7-9th centuries and it's not like it's been a failure, but turning around and spitting on the thousands of years practicing your native religion is kinda fucked.
Why would you hate Thunor for instance? He was a deity that championed humankind, yet you have to go chop his tree down. All you have to do is say he isn't real.
I'm looking this up and I'm only seeing a story book, not a research novel or anything.
>Why would you hate Thunor for instance?
He had no compassion for trolls and even trolls need love.
Why do you keep posting fanfiction?
It's a free country.
He was an autist who contributed to the paucity of knowledge regarding continental Germanic paganism.
Why should you elevate one sinner above others?
>things that totally happened