Fisting Walls Edition
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>What is Conan Exiles?
Conan Exiles is a survival game made by the Dev of Age of Conan, and it's currently on the Early Access limbo.
Fisting Walls Edition
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>What is Conan Exiles?
Conan Exiles is a survival game made by the Dev of Age of Conan, and it's currently on the Early Access limbo.
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>tfw too poor to buy this game.
i hate not having a job. it's so hard to find one
the lag is fucking horrific. Most broken early access game to ever exist.
lets hope this does a better job living than arkg did.
lets start arguing about which is the best of the top 3 survival games: ark, rust and conan
No, that was Ark.
I love the conan setting.
Where can I go to buy a server host?
Post tiddies and pict tripods.
Idk if you're trying to subtlety beg for the game but if you're not incapable of manual labor I'm 100% sure any warehouse job will hire you.
They don't drug test or background check or require high school diploma.
Or ask your family.
But I already know you won't get a job, because if you really wanted one, you'd of had one long ago.
Dude the game is only 30 bucks, if you cant spare this little you should not be idle on Veeky Forums right now. Go suck a dick in an alley or something.
Ive been playin in the /v/ server and the game is fun, but its really barebones right now. Wouldnt recomend It in this state, but I love craft-survival and the Conan setting is right up my alley. If the same aplies to you, get on it.
Getting on it right fucking now
>the Conan setting is right up my alley.
How well executed is the setting compared to Age of Conan?
I am amazed /pol/ hasnt been triggered by the BKC
Developers are norwegian, they crave black cock, nothing to be surprised about.
I guess It will be more aparent in later game, but as far as I'm playing It makes justice.
I can't find a decent server with non-default settings for leveling/gathering/etc,
isn't there a blitz mode for that?
Ive been killing barbarians non stop the xp is fucking pathetic
Dunno, i lvl up fairly easily Just gathering resources, at least in the begginnig.
No, adjusting the XP/Gather rates is something easy to change.
Fastest leveling method?
Killing antelopes.
if you build a base does it disable the respawn points near it?
im near an iron spawn and i need to know how far away i need to build
y'all wanna get together in a server? i can't get my friends to play. im not a good salesman :/ early access survival building game? yeah they're not going to buy it
game desperately needs sex mods if it wants to retain any kind of community
what's the server?
What do they look like? I havent seen one yet.
I really want to buy this game, but so far the lag looks like it's simply out of control and almost game-breaking. Realistically, how long would it take for them to fix the lag? I don't want to have to wait like 2 weeks or anything like that. I barely want to wait a week.
Can't find the Veeky Forums server, tried all the filter options and went through the list manually
It's Funcom, who is known for rough starts. Give it a bit. However it is also an open world survival game, which those seem to fail rather often. Dunno.
Well, the devs released a patch or 2 shortly after release, so they are at least trying somewhat.
the /v/ server I've seen is called "Veeky Forums videogames"
ya gotta keep trying til ya see it user
remember it's launch, no game has ever had a good launch.
give them anywhere from 3 days to a month if they're even going to try to make a good game.
til then, try to find a server with a particularly good host, try to find a server that doesn't have too many people (I hear it gets really laggy after 40), try to find a server that restarts whenever it starts having issues, etc.
Where are the vagina pictures and webms?
Its just dicks all day what the fuck?
pvp? blitz? or pve?
anyone else having glitches not having servers being listed, closing down the game, and not being able to open it again until you end the process from the Task Manager?
Honestly don't see this game being tolerable for very much longer. This low of a level (14) and the grind is absolutely ridiculous. All the NPCs are super boring to fight and give barely any experience singularly, so you just have to spend an hour just finding and killing npcs to level up once. The costs for the recipes are ridiculous and levelling up just gets slower and slower with nowhere to go with more challenging yet better rewarding enemies. Sure you could join a server with 100x exp but it's going to have crazy resource values too which will just be dumb. Or you could play solo and fight ONLY the absolutely retarded trash tier ai.
If anyone is thinking about buying this game, definitely don't buy it yet.
Wish I wasn't over 2hrs so now I'll have to wait for them to never release it so I can refund instead
Sounds like problems from almost every open world survival game on release. I don't have the game, nor do I have much intention to. Just thought I'd mention this.
Have played both Ark and Rust because of friends that have the 'tisms for this type of game. Neither of those were remotely this bad. Ignoring the stuff that shamelessly copied from Ark, I'm feeling it's impossible for this to be interesting long-term
Did you play either of those on release? Both of those were as bad if not worse than this. Ark was literally unplayable.
Well I'm not talking about those on release, I'm talking about whether or not I could live with myself not warning people to not buy the game right now. I'd go so far as to argue that if people bought it right now, it will sully their experience of the game later even if it does get better.
That is a very valid point. I am glad we got that straightened out.
link to the conan exiles wikis that i've found:
they're both barren and bare bones right now but that'll improve with time, if you want info on the game look at them, or if you want to contribute you can go there too.
protip: wikia has a fuckton of ads, is usually considered to be the inferior wiki to most other kinds except when there's no other wiki, and on some wikis (like the warframe wiki) they try to block adblocks and it's a lot of effort to get around
but i'd suggest bringing them both up to par so the community has a choice of their preferred wiki.
>favorite streamer playing this
>looks super mega fun
>someone gifts it to me on steam
>load it up
>no one to play with super lonely
anyone wanna do stuff? i'm a girl btw
yeah i'll do stuff with you.
i'm vagina too btw
I'm a imp btw
try an increased exp server that keeps it fairly low like 2x exp or 3x
or play with some friends to make things go faster
or take a break and pick it up again in a couple of days
What stats are worth putting points into?
Never felt so proud for wearing a skirt.
Game is barebones, but you can still have good fun.
>Game is barebones
As to be expected with a fresh EA release of this genre. But yeah, you can still have a decent amount of fun.
how hard is it to kill a Rhino?
I have an iron pike and shitty lowest tier armor
give 'em a stab and see how well you can kite
if they're anything like elephants... they run quick
Treat them like dark souls. run in circles at their ass and keep swinging.
They aren't bad. You can take them with a stone sword.
>game is so demanding it froze discord
And the Veeky Forums videogames server just died
it has a crazy amount of VRAM usage at max
just wanted to ask this, server dies huh?
>went to go quickly eat
>came back
>Veeky Forums server is gone
hinodori here, signing out for now, if the server goes up in the meanwhile, Renegade please bring my stuff to the camp.
looks like it's back up
Any word on mods?
probably busy putting out launch fires
been trying to find the fucking server for 15 minutes now and no luck, fuck that I'm going to sleep.
someone grab my stuff and throw it in a box so I can get it later.
the server went down for a bit, you probably will have to wait til tomorrow to look for it
It's back up. 9 people are currently in.
Can i fashion in this game?
What is best for leveling?
Killing, crafting, or gathering?
Killing. The other two are useless. Killing also useless on a 1x server so don't expect to level good at all unless you choose a server for it
Is there a better tool for getting bark than the stone pickaxe? The drop rate is atrocious for how much gets consumed.
No idea, but I picked up 40 from a random NPC
i just killed one of the heavy scaleback guys with the horn and it gave me like a third of a level from 20-21 on a 2x server
took me prob like 5 min to kill with iron pike, iron broadsword, and bow
Do you mean shalebacks that guard their eggs? By heavy I'm assuming you don't mean the ones you come across early game because those wouldn't take 5min to kill with iron gear even remotely, and I haven't seen any other shalebacks that are of any other difficulty so I don't know which ones you mean
Best mob to grind on for XP?
up north there are like some super tanky brown ones with a big born that are really aggressive
they take forever to kill and it would have killed me in a straight toe to toe fight in medium armor
im in the northwest corner of the map
i just wanted it to stop chasing me and thought it was a waste of time but when it died it gave a nice chunk of XP and I leveled
fingers crossed
>find a decent server
>having fun.
upgrading to tier 2 right now
>find a fun server
>disconnected from it and can't find it on the server list again
It's been two hours.
mines been pretty dependable though its an RP-pvp
I don't RP so much as PVP
I just want to know if it's common for someone to be unable to find a server in the list like that.
Could've just gone down.
When the server is down yeah.
you can always check the steam server listings
for games with a shitty server browser like this and ark just use the one built into steam
in steam go to view > servers and at the bottom set it to conan exiles
that way you only have to load the list once instead of every time you change server, crash, or get dropped
you can view server info and monitor ping, player count, and who is logged in
you can favorite servers from the list or add them manually using server IP
Okay seriously. Some of the game is pretty subpar, but the faithfulness and feeling of the conan universe is so well represented. Fricken love it. Cant wait to see all the stuff that's going to be added.
Some people are having trouble finding the Veeky Forums server on the list so I guess it's pretty common.
It was shortly, but my friend managed to get back on without issue after a bit. But I can't even get the server to pop up in any listing.
>in steam go to view > servers and at the bottom set it to conan exiles
This doesn't make sense.
>hand hold me
Not too tight though
in your steam window from library or store or whatever click view at the top and in the drop down menu select servers
go to change filters at the bottom of the server window and in the drop down menu for games select conan exiles
>feeding the EA open world survival devs money
>playing a game made by funcom
>literally same level of cuck compared with Rust devs
Thanks to you fucking faggots its gonna encourage other devs to make more shitty fucking games like these
Since when is conan the fucking barbarian relevant again? Fucking nostalgia fanboys are the biggest shills backing this game
recently refunded it but what I played was fun tbfh, will probably buy again in a few months
Honestly, for an open world pvp game, it has the highest potential I've ever seen with so much endgame fun, it's ridiculous
PVE is also really damn fun. Dungeon crawling and fighting monsters with a group is pretty awesome.
Very suprised, but happy about the creature variety, and all the secrets.
is there a Discord?
spot the conan fanboys shilling their nostalgia for free