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old: Your gay boy is trash volume 3.

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Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4

Post Ahri!

comfy bfs~

>30 posts early

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums up on NA
needs 4 more
join up
all ranks, levels, and Veeky Forums newcomers are welcome.






Post 'em and say nice things

Also Full Lethality Riven is nightmarish.

TWO for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

Do you prefer the last 2 turrets to shoot out lasers (like before) or bullets?

that gnar still brings you down to 6/10

Post C O M F Y


He's the best!
>vladposter of all people saving us from king gay
wew, keep it coming

>Wtf, calling something a bruiser is too complicated
>I'd rather call them an "Assassin/tank hybrid"

what did I do to make you hate me so much?

>riot tries to rework champion into a fun mid
>ends up breaking them and has to gut them
>gutting them turns them into a broken as fuck jungle and they have to gut them again
>the final gutting turns them into a broken support that needs to, once again, be gutted

Does riot have the most incompetent balance team in the entire industry?

How are you liking the "new" Anivia? I never did try her out seriously after feeding my ass off a couple of games since I can't R-E. I just can't get used to her now


Xth for Katarina
best girl

i don't HATE you
i just hate early threads about a impossible ship
plus i HATE when you use "~", reminds me of someone i dislike talking to
you're ok


This. I also fucking hate that :33! poster too. He's fucking cancer

Gnar's cute though. In all honesty its been awhile since I last played him. I've also been trying to get my masteries up on other champions I main.

She's hard to get used to, I have to rely on that stun so hard or blow my entire kit trying.

welp now that they're finally ruining Malz for good I have to stop onetricking him

who do I play next lolg? I was thinking about taking Swain top but there's no other champion I can reasonably play top if he's picked/banned. Can't play tanks for shit


I NEVER post early

when I make threads its when the image or post limit is reached and NO ONE else makes a thread

that or if lulufags on a thread streak and so sometimes I do like 10 posts early cause its annoying

and although I normally use my ~, I could swap to like one of these ^w^ if youd prefer

fuck no

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums LIVE on NA


kat has a fat butt

I like ganking.

No, I REALLY like ganking.

Which champions should I play?

All emotes are cancer. Go to furaffinity if you want to do that erp shit.

Are there any resource materials for aspiring casters? Also, what are the fundamentals of casting?

>game knowledge?

Anything else?

no don't swap to that or anything along the lines of "rawr x3 OwO whats this~ :3c"

cute* *grabs you by the throat* BACK THE FUCK OFF?!!?!?


xth for breast metal waifu

>every change to gangplank since his rework has been a nerf
>still haven't touched his fucking barrels

when will they nerf his base hp by 20 again clearly this is the issue



does vladfag write smut
I want Vlad to stuff me with his hot cock

Where's my dirty Sion mains at?

holy shit

Tell me a secret.

Is there anything I, as an unironic bronzie, can do to play better instantly, or do I just need to play more games until I learn from experience?

Tfw no diana gf to behead me

owo :3!

I have a crush on a streamer in a very different time zone, so I never get to watch him live :(

I wish we could go back to the days where I could just shoot people with my gun after 50 minutes of farming and no one would ever say GP was broken because he never was.
Is Vladfag the new Morgfag?

Uncontrollable libido. If I don't cum 2-3 times a day MINIMUM my mood turns to shit and I get painfully erect. It was a contributing factor in my last breakup. It doesn't help that I cum like a firehose every time. I've considered going to a psychiatrist about it.


>barrel has zero armor
>hits it for a 1514
>somehow manages to hit their fucking tank for a 1630 and their squishies for 1600+

what is this sorcery

how would kat react if you told her that

I've cried after losing ranked games.

Actually play WITH your team. Ignore those big-name streamers telling you to 1v9, they're actually good at the game so they can't comprehend being shit. It hurts to admit it, but the people on both teams are roughly at your skill level, even if it doesn't look like it. Unless someone unquestionably shows you that they're retarded, assume they're as good at the game as you are.

I want to autistically main the champion I named myself after to look like a onetrick but I hate playing the same champ every game.

How do I become more autistic?

>just got out of game with ziggs/lux vs malz/ziggs

What the fuck is happening bot?

I unironically enjoy laning against Yasuo. It feels like the only matchup in the game that's 100% skill based.

what do you mean by play with my team?

I try to group more often than I used to but I can't really control other people in solo queue

bukkage tier list when????

faggot graves player learns what it feels like to get one shot

I just received the ok from my gf's manager to surprise her at work for Valentines Day. I can't wait to see her smile, it's gonna be great

i like a girl from here. dont know her all that well but she seems chill. just dont know how to go about getting to know her better because im kind of retarded and nervous

its probably a bad idea overall but she seems nice and she complimented me so maybe theres a chance

after he deports welding and team back to mexico

How do I build new WW? What Keystone should I use?

It's more about a state of mind. Don't think "how can I win this game", think "how can WE win this game". Try to see what your team is doing, and instead of going against their plan and doing your own thing, think about how you can assist them with their plan.

Imagine having voice chat. There would be less toxic people if you had to talk.

>Turn voice chat on
>12 year old starts screeching in my ear demanding Blue Buff
>Turn voice chat off

I lost to a yi mid, zed top, diana jungle today. Just fuck my shit up


am i crazy if sunfire cape fucks me over? i feel like it pushes the wave too hard and makes last hitting under turret impossible

it feels good in teamfights though, am i just retarded

Have you just never played any multiplayer game ever?

>mfw everyone on my team are girls but me

just message her and start talking to her user! I know several people who (for better or for worse) have met their bf/gf through league!

ok, makes sense

thank u for advice

I'm just saying if you have to commit to communicating via voice you would be less likely to say really mean things. You would be more focussed on the game and give praise to your team mates.

bets, enemy team took brand edition

What elo is Veeky Forums?
Gold 5 reporting in!
you can probably guess who I main yasuo but lee sin/zed were good guesses too!

she's married tho

cuck her husband

You don't HAVE to rush Sunfire, you only get it if you want the waveclear or if it's on a champ that synergizes with it retardedly well.

Silver 2 atm, giving Ranked another month to cool down before I resume climbing.


ez game


adc 2017

And I'm saying you seriously have not played any multiplayer games with voice chat if you are just that naive. Go play any call of duty game and see if your theory holds true
Protip: It doesn't. If you're mad enough to flame you don't give a shit whether you're typing or saying it outloud. In fact, it's a lot easier to yell at people than to type at people.

t. guy who played call of duty in his teens on his ecksbawks

ah, well might as well give up then

at least i got that sicc coconut kill on you lvl 3

that towerdive never happened

>recreation of what happened in that game

i want to kys myself because tfw no Ahri gf

its okay i love you rumia

even if you got outplayed on the LCS dive

>completely demolishes graves and janna
>nearly kills trundle too
>somehow only does half to the vayne sandwiched between all of them

That damage is already suspect, but what the fuck happened with vayne?

whats it mean if im shit at laning but love going hard as fuck in teamfights

idk how i get better at it i cant pay attention long enough to not fuck up in 20 minutes of laning

When yelling, you run the risk of disturbing other people in the house though. Your neighbors/housemates/parents/siblings would hear you yell. When you're typing no one can hear you so you're able to type all the obscenities you want.

good thing poppy was there to clean up

>Cait sperging out and taking it seriously
This is why no one wants to join.

i was ready since lvl 1.

The 2v4 mid lane never happened either

lmao even the skins are the same

Why are these games never like, normal games? Its like everyone plays as retarded as physically possible.

Thats how you win Veeky Forums games

this is what happens when you have diamonds and bronze in the same games.