Stop playing Samurai Edition.
Open Beta - 9th-12th of February.
>fhg Discord
>Competitive For Honor Discord
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
Stop playing Samurai Edition.
Open Beta - 9th-12th of February.
>fhg Discord
>Competitive For Honor Discord
>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
Other urls found in this thread:
gays halt
>constant deus vult spam
It's getting really fucking cringey now.
bays salt haha
What platform for this is the least likely to be dead within a month?
>You will never be Peacekeeper in her sixth month of capture by the horny Viking hordes
>Your belly bulging with pregnancy as they continue to fuck your snatch and shitter almost daily
>being raped by filthy warborn
>Not being ravaged by the ruffian Conqueror
>Not being punished by Lawbringer for your transgressions
Hey I remember this post
Do you never sleep?
please stop
Deus Vult Brothers
The Knights are positioned the worst on the Factions map, our brothers unskilled in Map knowledge did not know putting forces to our front would be met by both the Weebs and Savages.
We Knights must attack to our right and left a sneak attack on both our enemies and let them fight in the middle, we still must provide resources to our front middle lines, but mainly as defense to hold our force strong like a wall.
Never get greedy on our front line, we have superior intellect and will win with strategy.
Expose their flanks.
God Wills It
I do, I just woke up for work.
DEUS VALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how are we positioned worse?
smäsh de wääbs and kristiäns
No, retard. What we need is a fucking Truce with the Nordlings so that we can eradicate the Japs off the map.
>You'll never be a fierce Warden captured by the weak men of the East
>They'll never try to abuse your virtue
>They'll never release you in fear after two of them had met their end crushed between your powerful thighs.
Deus Vult fellow Brother
A passing injured Warden lived long enough to give me intel on the enemy weebs.
Apparently no one was helping supply our forces on our far right flank towards the weebs and the weebs had taken over our supply lines of food water and they turned it into a hentai supply line.
We were not prepared for their Heracy. Pls send Lawbringers to educate the weebs on their degeneracy. We must reclaim our far right supply lines. Ride out with me!
>you'll never be a powerful valkyrie
>you'll never be burnt at the cross for being a pagan
>you'll never be beheaded according to the bushido code
viking women have it hard
3000 votes later...
>Berserker higher than Warlord
DEUS VALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEUS VALT!!!!!!!!!! DEUS VALT!!!!!!!!!
You're way too trusting. We had a truce with the vikings in the closed beta. As soon as they pushed back the weebs they immediately started advancing into our lands.
There is no honor in For Honor
>Nippon activates their Map Revenge Mode
t. delusional knight
The Knights started encroaching on Viking territory first, then the Vikings pushed back and started taking your land.
So the map splits into thirds, BUT it doesn't appear that way to eyes. Mathimatically sure it's 1/3 each.
There is a top the Vikings, button is the Weebs, and Knights are on the left. To appear balanced as 1/3 no one should 100% control the top or bottom the dominant view points. The way they set it up would only appear balanced to the untrained eye is if their was a right side force.
So if a Knight supplies their front line, it is being attacked by both enemies. Because most ppl automatically supply their front line, which is the knights worst spot to supply for offense.
Both front lines for the weebs and vikings are against 1 force.
Knights are at a disadvantage.
Are Westerners incapable of not spelling things phonetically (which is somehow also subject to accent)?
>So if a Knight supplies their front line, it is being attacked by both enemies. Because most ppl automatically supply their front line, which is the knights worst spot to supply for offense.
Are you fucking dumb? All sides are at the exact same disadvantage. You also have the map layout completely wrong.
The weebs and knights are just as far bottom as each other. Every faction has at least two fronts to fight on.
>Not forming a great alliance with the nords and forming a great civilization in both the north and west while simultaneously capturing equal parts of the east.
Nah, you guys advanced first.
Alliances are doomed to fail. Firstly Veeky Forums is not the games whole community, secondly people will backstab the second it's convenient
Who's to say we won't backstab first :^)
Knights started coming back hard the last turn of the closed beta. I hope this is a sign we'll dominate the open beta
Holding out for those slavs!
More factions is a possibility down the road. I took a survey about my closed beta experience, and they asked what I wanted most from the game, and more factions was an option
nope the huge influx of shitters will either make it a toss up or favor the samurai
Too bad "Knights" covers basically hundreds of distinct factions I'd care about.
>suffered horrible withdrawal all week
>just got re-addicted to DD and don't care anymore
Wew! Update soon!
1 week left
tfw exam on next day I'm going to fail
man i should get into it again whats your setup and whats the update?
Not sure whether the latter will break the former, but it's still worth trying out.
Okay, I gotta spoonfeed it to your tiny viking brain.
See those giant "Chess Piece" statues in the back of each factions territory?
Imagine those as the home land, pretend it's where your women and children and supplies are kept.
Now the Vikings piece and the Weebs piece are top and bottom, the Knights piece is not sharing the bottom, it's Knight land is, but to the untrained in maps eye, aka normies, it looks like Knights occupy the left.
So we cover those basics, top bottom dominance.
Sure mathematically it's 1/3 each, but maps aren't numbers.
Now lets look at it strategically. Front lines are important. Most people will supply their factions front lines. It's easy and makes sense. but front lines are to the untrained eye going to be what their chess piece statue is facing.
Knights front line is looking at a split of weebs and vikings, while the weeb and viking front lines are occupied by one enemy.
So if a weeb supplies their front lines and vikings supply their front lines guess what happens. They cancel eachother out and it's a 50/50 war.
Knights supply their front lines and they are attacked by two forces.
What ends up happening is Knights look weak and easy land to take on the front line.
The outer right rim looks pointless to try and fight over wen you got an easy enemy seemingly in between the bottom dominant and top dominant force.
This is how normies look at the map, it's not a 1/3 1/3 1/3 pie chart you dumbass.
>buy rainbow six on mistake
>ask support for a refund
>no answer after a month
>dispute payment on paypal
>get my money back
>rainbow six still on my game list
yeah .... I'll make a new account just for For Honor, i smell an incoming ban. Stupid Ubisoft.
I will never understand that haircut
what does it mean and how come tumblr picked it up?
How can one person be this autistic?
It's a Ukrainian Cossack thing.
>buy rainbow six on mistake
Also, it might still be in your inventory but can you still play it?
Refunded games stay in your inventory on steam until you delete local content, you just can't play them.
Setting aside the fact that you are an absolute turbo moron for thinking any of this matter and you aren't spouting the same level of nonsense as a girl with a horoscope, you are also fucking blind.
The knight "chess piece" is directly facing the Samurai faction. Open your fucking eyes. If your horseshit theory was at all right, which it's not, it would put the knights in the same situation as the Samurai not at a disadvantage.
It's also just a tail at the top. It's not a half cut
Likely just someone very used to the romanization used in D&D.
Is this game region locked?
>Purchases made in this region will only receive the Russian and Simplified Chinese languages.
What's the point of conqueror's retard spin+full block? Non retards will just hit you in between the swings when you are low on stamina (which gets annihilated by this combo), knocking you down, and if someone is retarded enough to just try to attack you without timing the hit the damage they take is non existent.
Some super cheap version?
Steam does the same thing, you buy from RU ip for less but can play only in RU.
Full block allows you to feint and prevents you being gang fucked in a 1v2
It's pretty annoying if the conq is in revenge mode because he has infinite stam and you have to time your shit really right to not get slapped. Might allow one to hold out until reinforcements arrive.
I'm talking about the combo, not the full block itself, besides full block won't save you from two people if at least one of them is not retarded and remembers that he can guard break.
>>Knights front line is looking at a split of weebs and vikings, while the weeb and viking front lines are occupied by one enemy.
>So if a weeb supplies their front lines and vikings supply their front lines guess what happens. They cancel eachother out and it's a 50/50 war.
>Knights supply their front lines and they are attacked by two forces.
None of that makes any fucking sense you you absolute moron. The Knights and the Samurai are level with each other, There is no "bottom" that the Samurai are on but that the Knights aren't on.
There is no War Asset cancellation between the Vikings and Samurai either, because if there was the Samurai and Vikings would never have ended up taking land from each other (which they did). You make it seem like the Knights had to fight a war against a unified snownigger/weeb force, which is 100% wrong.
If what you think was actually right, the Knights would have gotten kicked out of the war within 48 hours. The knights didn't get fucked because of this tinfoil hat crap that you're thinking about, the knights got fucked (initially anyway) for a variety of reasons. Either the knight players didn't properly use assets, or they had the least amount of people, or they had too many people and the game's supposed auto balance system kicked in to help the other factions.
Whatever you think is right is not right at all. I don't think you understand how this game's war system works at even the basic level, you should probably just leave.
>but front lines are to the untrained eye going to be what their chess piece statue is facing.
Well for starters that's fucking retarded, and I don't think anyone but you save it that way. Secondly, anyone with functional eyes can clearly see that the Knight commander and the Samurai commander are looking DIRECTLY at each other. So your theory falls apart right there. Lastly, 95% of people don't know that they can place their war assets anywhere on the map. That 95% are just going to either let them get paled automatically after leaving a match without going to the war asset page, or they're just going to place them on map pieces of where they played that game mode.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the faction leaders' orientation.
>we lost despite our superior numbers, could it be because deus vult-niggers are actually worse at the game than the others?
>nah, the game is just rigged against us desu
>knightcucks are this desperate to try and come up with a reason for why "eight territories" happened
d-days vault
Faction war was literally all about who had more people who knew and never forgot how to allocate assets - there was no skill, tactics, or cooperation involved from any side.
Probably because people are shit. Or there were a lot more vikangz and weebs. Maybe a mix. Hopefully it'll get more "balanced" when the game releases. We'll see.
>more popular than knights
>inb4 muh Vikings TV show
Game of Thrones is far, FAR, more popular and features knights in almost every single fucking episode.
>inb4 Muh Skyrim
Skyrim does not have Vikings.
>Samurai STILL managed to lose after this
Toppest of keks.
>nah, the game is just rigged against us desu
Are you actually retarded or just illiterate?
>Either the knight players didn't properly use assets, or they had the least amount of people
I'd like to apologize on behalf of the stupid nigger acting like Knights had a gameplay disadvantage during the faction war.
>the most popular faction in Game of Thrones is fur-clad northerners
>the poster boy for FH vikings wears le horned Skyrim helmet, both of which are central on the covers of their respective games
Hmmm, really makes you think...
It's pretty much just 99% falseflagger trying to make the Weeb faction more population by getting people to hate the Knights. I could start spamming "BANZAI" and "MUH HONORABUUUUU NIPPON STEEL FOLDERED OVER A GORILLIAN TIMES!!!!!!" and it would have the same effect. Just fucking ignore them.
So while waiting for the open beta, I thought I'd take a look at the pre-order page.
It seems that on Ubi's actual website, the Standard Edition and Deluxe are the same price, while Steam has the Deluxe at much higher?
Is this a fuck up on Ubi's part? If I take the opportunity and go for it, will they fuck me over? Do I even want the non-Steam version?
Might be a fuckup or promotion on Ubisoft's end. In burgerbucks it's $59.99 and $69.99 respectively on Steam, which seems to be in the park of your Steam pricing across the pond.
Never fucking mind, Green Man Gaming got me covered.
It's a Ubisoft promotion, deluxe has the same price, until 16 i think. Looks like some Steam mistake. Steam shows same price for me.
Why even buy it at steam, what's the point?
the game was purchased directly from Uplay, never installed it as it was a mistake my brother made with my account. I still had an hour played because of a free weekend.
I got an automatic reply from support today from the ticked i opened 7 weeks ago but it made no sense.
All i know is i have my money, the game is there (maybe after the free weekend they will remove it) and knowing how slow ubisoft is I dont want to risk buying for honor in the same account and getting banned in two months
How can someone asshole argue this much and yet be so wrong?
Did I stumble onto /pol/?
Mate. It's just autistic fasleflaggers. Go back to discussing the game and don't give them anymore (you)'s.
Is GMG legit?
How do they have it so much cheaper?
t. butthurt libtard
/pol/ is a board of peace !
I think your brain is broken, bro.
Regardless of your political bias, if you're unable to recognize that the majority of arguments on that board are not well-thought-out then you're really fucking retarded.
They've been accused of not being authorised to sell certain keys, as they're reselling them from other third parties. But they're in Ubi's 'approved retailers' list, and each page of their store actually states the source of their keys for that game.
In this case, their source is straight from Ubisoft.
reckon I might play for honor during this soon to be open beta
What type of cock texture do you think Peacekeeper prefers?
thicc viking cock
veiny and scarred
As big as her forearm as well. She enjoys being slammed in the cervix.
you're mum
M8, don't embarrass yourself.
you're mom
PK really enjoys a smelly smegma encrusted cock.
Either he misquoted or he was agreeing with memes.
>>the most popular faction in Game of Thrones is fur-clad northerners
Are you fucking retarded? The wild-lings aren't vikings. Like, at all.
>the poster boy for FH vikings wears le horned Skyrim helmet, both of which are central on the covers of their respective games
For starters, he doesn't. Those helmets don't even look similar at all, are you fucking blind? Having adornments on head gear doesn't make them identical. Secondly the games cover has no horned helmets at all. Third, the helmet for the Raider can be customized.
>someone says anything
>muh /pol/
Christ, can you guys fuck off there or something if you can't stop thinking about them all the time?
>buying ubisoft games on steam
Doesn't it make you use uplay anyway?
>Are you fucking retarded? The wild-lings aren't vikings. Like, at all.
They also aren't the most popular faction in the series.
what the fuck is her problem