Support code: 803-0003 Edition
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Support code: 803-0003 Edition
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>Fire Emblem Direct
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So, roll now or hold the orbs for Valentine Day? How good is the starter Anna?
>tfw got this hunk on my first roll
>has a 5*
convince me not to go gay
>can't find the folder to delete for easy rerolls
Anyone get Nah yet? I wanna see her art
What's the tier list?
>no shitposting
>everybody is too busy playing
>Ryoma 5* is the first summon
Fuck, should I keep it
More like too busy getting cucked by connection errors.
Servers are kill, as always.
So I see you can actually rank up your heroes. Getting a 5* doesn't really mean much now does it?
Fine, not kill, but overcrowded. just happened to be one of the lucky few who got through to actually play the game.
they should remove his shirt :3
Anyone using MEmu? FE Heroes won't start
Is Batman in this game already?
Who /803-0003/ here?
Anyone been able to access the game on iOS yet?
i dont even see it in the app store
Haven't rolled yet so Virion is carrying my team
Man, this gen moves faster than /ffg/ now that Heroes is out. Super weird.
>using archers
>want to skip the story because it's mobage garbage
>but it'll make the game even worse if I do
Veronica and Sharena are sorta funny
>tfw Shareena is 10/10 waifu material
>don't even roll, save orbs for events
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck
What event?
Valentine's Day
>kill getting one or two +1 stats
They might not have one, unless that's confirmed somewhere? I mean, that's really close to release to have a special event of any kind.
>tfw not enough space to download
>mobage without Valentine's Day event
I finally rolled and got 3 star shitters but the final roll was a 5 star Catria.
He has the highest defence, he tanks Marx like it's not a problem so Raigh could take him out.
So I'm up to Chapter two so far. Do I just roll the machine whenever I get 5 orbs, or am I waiting for something to unlock first?
user, 5 consecutive rolls cost 20 orbs, don't miss on the value just to do soloyolo
How do i reroll
>Coming Soon
>Get five star Takumi
>Quit the game before the cinematic even finishes
>Immediately reroll
>finaly can download it
lets see what i get from rolls
>roll 3 star Wen- I mean Gwendolyn
>place her in choke point starts soloing maps
>she solo's the map
It's a fucking captain America
>roll 4 star Tiki
>place her in choke points
>she solos the map while countering against ranged
>get Shanna on one of my rolls as a 4 star
Time to make up for letting her die on my Binding Blade run but leveling her on one of my main teams.
>mfw roll 5-star Azura
>mfw a fucking dancer is destroying everything she touches
>anna's english voice is shit again
How do I get the Japanese version?
Spoonfeed me on how to fe heroes user
Is it worth it to use orbs right at the beginning and delete the saved data to reroll the drops ? Or do I just save my orbs ?
is this a good meme?
3rd reroll
>download game
>have to download an update to play
>beat the tutorial maps
>have to download another update
So is this how it's gonna be?
Happy Twintail Day, /feg/! Remember to celebrate your favorite twintailed cuties while you play Heroes!
This is how every single mobage works, user.
>game is out
>poll results aren't
Have you admired the best hybrid unit in Fire Emblem history today?
>the game keeps crashing
Welp. No FE Heroes for me, I guess.
Are you rooted/jailbroken? I hear that crashes FEH. You've got to join the rest of us good goys if you want to play the latest jewish games.
Like, post Sharena.
Nope. My phone's probably just too old to run it.
The game keeps crashing on my ipad, anything I can do about it?
Could be. Though on android at least you can't even download apps from the store if your phone won't run them.
So game isn't out here in Mexico yet. How long will I be rerolling and how many 4-5 stars do I want?
Nino's voiced lines are adorable
>Admitting she can't read very well and asking you to help her with that
Anyone notice any good lines on anyone else?
Get a 5* you like or maybe 2 5* you don't. You can rank up units with items that drop from the training dungeon, so don't kill yourself rerolling forever
Asking again, is there any way to reset for rolls past the initial ones during the prologue?
Is New Mystery worth a playthrough?
>tfw iOS
T-Thanks Nintendo...
If you're a whore for collecting the rare ones, get one of the 12 people who only have 5* forms and you're fine. Everyone can be leveled up to 5*, the ones that start lower just take a bit more effort to get to the level of one that starts at 5*.
Post your FE Heroes seiyuu prediction
>can't even get to the tutorial because my download fails at 92%
Did they announced who won the battle ballot yet?
Who are theae twelve? Say, I want Linde 5 star. How log will I be rerolling?
Make an account in the AU region and download it from there. it's what I did.
FIX ERROR 803-3001 NOW
Good night /feg/
What time was it in Japan when Heroes dropped?
Anyone able to get the japanese voices on apple devices? I have a japanese apple account so I'm on their store but it makes me download the english version.
Ryoma (Red); Lyn (Red); Lucina (Red); Tiki: Dragon Scion; Leo (Red); Azura (Blue); Hinoka (Blue); Linde (Blue); Hector (Green); Minerva (Green); Takumi (Grey); and Elise (Grey).
I'm doing a system update now. Hope this will work, or else I'll have to wait until my mom gets home and use her phone.
C-can any user kind enough to teach me how to Heroes on pc? I just downloaded bluestack and can't find it in the appstore.
oh I figured it out
I changed my region to Japan and language to Japanese. The app store continued previewing it in English but it downloaded in Japanese.
Tell me more about it. What is that?
It's never worth it to roll on the grey orbs right? I don't see why I would ever use someone not being part of the triangle.
Did Peri always sound so bad or is it just Heroes?
Around 2pm.
Who /nostam/ here?
When does it release on appstore?
It's out, mate.
>inflating the pool by having the same character across multiple tiers
fucking cmon nintendo
I have been re rolling for 3 hours now.
Not a single fucking 5 star.
Why do I never have any good luck on these games.
First roll baby
Got a 5 star on my first 20roll.
Got 5 stars tharja on my second
First time on mobages?
>Tfw router died and don't have enough phone data for FE heroes