OT: Bestest girl edition!
League of Legends general - /lolg/
What kind of underwear do the following champions use?
-Miss Fortune
Lacy thong
Regular white panties
No panties
Black panties
Best otp!
Sex with a half-breed dragon should be illegal.
Why don't you ask Donald Trump on twitter?
Legal Dragons in!
Illegal Dragons out!
>Cow print hipsters
>Lacy black panties with garter belt and black stockings
>Bear print panties
>Pink thong
kill yourself for making this thread so early.
It's not even the first time and last time the thread died even without hitting bump limit.
You're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand how Veeky Forums works.
Tried. Maybe wait for the next elected president.
So Sol is allowed and Shyvana banned.
Vayne wears grandma panties tho.
which is which?
is shyvana legal?
Use your imagination its more fun that way~
Lulu is my STAR!
Shyvana is a legal citizen of Demacia
Sol is an illegal immigrant brought in by the people of Targon as a worker OUT OUT OUT
Reminder to never have sex with Ahri or your soul will be taken.
>get in champ select
>3 people on my team start gibbering away in malaysian or some other gook language
>we have a pantheon jungle
>nobody bans lee and they get it
>haha sb dont need ban leesin
>lee ends with 14+ kills
i would impregnate her t b h
This is not the place do vent your fictional racist stories
Please go back to pol
Underwear? What's that?
n i g g e r s
Shame on you.
>Golden butt
Cover it!
Is Snaketits still around?
dude don't talk about my wife like that wtf
i procrastinated on my report for this
>Lazer Eyes
jealous /lolg/?
xth for Cute Ashe
>Another comfy lulu thread
What's Volibear's best skin?
>tfw Tobias Fate's stream reignited my love for Karthus
It is so fun in shit elo, people don't know what the champion does.
ashe is fat, FAT!
Godspeed user. I like it.
what if NA was this literal who with memepicks that keeps asking to join the group but ourboys team was always full
Its beautiful
literally not fiction, this is commonplace on oce
But if Nidalee wears no panties and runs around with that teeny little skirt...
Can anyone please post cute, huggable, and warm things to think about? Bit of a rough patch.
Thank you.
it's mating season user. be reasonable.
>nobody bans corki or ziggs
>enemy gets both and we auto lose
xD fun game lolbabs
Top - ???
Jungle - Udyr
Mid - Lux
ADC - Ezreal
Support - Sona
The next Ultimate skin will be for a top laner :3
What do you do as support when your adc and mid aren't doing so hot? I mean, like, what's the best course of action? Staying with the feeding adc, roam to try to help the struggling mid, try to help top/jung make plays?
She's so hot her name is Ashe
gotta be able to wrangle retard adcs if you wanna thrive in botlane.
shes all of those and more
I want nami to suck my dick
xth for Bard is a cute!
Ashe's outfit looks stupid. Why would you wear that where that in the north?
he's not real cute to lane with.
Is the champion.gg sorting messed up?
Christ, they would make so much fucking money.
just listen to any of braum's voice lines
when i'm playing braum while sad sometimes i cry because he's just so kind
I wouldn't mind if I could play Riven her kit sucks for anyone who isn't autistic.
flame them, ask them to uninstall, afk, ask enemy team for reports.
ward cuz vision is important prevent plays and make plays and group together I suppose, dont go solo or you'll get killed........idk
Because she is hot, why wouldn't she
If you could only play 5 champs till the end of days, who would you choose?
Thanks, appreciated.
Thanks Ive seen a version of this and got spooked for a second.
Appreciated, may you have good luck in your next promos.
Bard is cute, yes.
I didnt sign up for a feels trip
the Bards you play with are bad. I'll change your experience babe.
>why wouldn't she
Because her blood temperature would drop.
how do I play bard?
Aatrox to celebrate his rework
ashe literally survived a blizzard, thats why her hair is white
Why fiesta "aaahh" read like a normal onomatopoeia but "aaahhn" reads super lewd?
Spamming your mastery and taunt repeatedly is the most important aspect.
Get people to chase you and lose their time so they be as unusefull as you.
When to roam or not is the most important aspect of Bard, I think
Little Lamb desu desu :3
-Don't leave lane unless all threats to your ADC are dead/visible somewhere else on the map.
Chimes < ADC
-Save ult for enemies who are running away, don't use it when they're in close quarters with your teammates unless you can get there and stun them as the stasis ends.
-You can run from basically any situation with your E+ a wall stun after they come through your portal
-Collect chimes while your team pushes after you win a teamfight.
-your W sucks unless you have Grail.
-FQC is a noob trap item. Go Face of the Mountain, Talisman, or EOTW
this, desu.
Shes not that hard~
I would buy it at least 2 times.
Ohh, I'm saddened to hear that.
I hope your day gets better user.
How do you close out games?
I got so fucking fed this game, we were murdering them in team fights, we got baron, we got 2 inhibs and a nexus turret and then nothing.
We lost a couple fights at Baron and Elder cause we allowed the enemy to scale, and they won.
There's absolutely no excuse for losing with the KDA I had, I'm pissed and I really need to learn how to fix this, because I've lost way too many games that my team gets good leads on and then just loses them cause the game drags out to the point where everyone has 6 items.
Help me /lolg/.
>decide after a thread last night to go try support as braum after burning out on solo lane
>go 0/11/41 and win in a game where kill total for our team was 54
>conflicted because a bunch of Veeky Forums keeps saying supports are shit and just to run a ap botlane as support
Though I literally only play Kindred now. Poor Bard's been sitting on that lvl 4 since last winter
I love Lissandra!
Ashe a shit
>Shes not that hard~
Maybe, but I like simply having to right click with Jax and getting the same results.
Riven, Kayle, Irelia, Cait, Lux
yeh its called pushing the objectives and stop chasing people who have been feeding all match
what are you meant to do when you have retards on your team that are so dumb they try to dive a 70% health poppy at level 4?
you can't work with these people they have legit downs
But I did push objectives, enemy team had no towers left except for 1 down bottom.
Should we have just gone down bottom and ended there?
Fuck that shit. I'm a metafag.
>have a poppy who built full tank on our team
>she legit chases the fucking lich bane sona halfway across the map instead of staying with our team during a team fight
>then bitches at us when we lose the team fight
diver till the day i die
when you have 2 inhibs you walk up to the third inhib turret and just stand there, they have to either try force a fight, or send 1-2 people to deal with creeps depending on how many super minions there are.
now you have 3 inhibitors.
then you walk towards their nexus turrets and just let the minions get the tower to about 50% if you want to be safe, then you can start a fight and any 1 person on your team can knock off the tower in a few hits.
then the enemy team is demoralised and starts backing away, so you hit the nexus.
when the nexus reaches 0, you win.
udyr is cool but all 5 of those combined just tells me that you have zero brain cells or mechanics
>we have two inhibitors down
>we can't push the nexus
>should we take the third inhib?
What league girl is into /ss/?
What's /ss/? Just curious desu
What kled is good at? Haven't played him once but sometimes get teammates or enemies who pick him. What to expect in this case? Is he like a diver or a splitpusher or something else? What does he do in the game?
sticking power
reliable CC and ult
is quirky, I've seen dudes do plays with him that almost seem impossible
what does talon offer over zed for example? You tell me
goes ham in teamfights
like sion but with more damage
i dont see the problem with that, i just like slapping shit and killing squishies
All the dom girls so