
Are mustangs cheaper than camero? A 2016 mustang starts at 21k and camero at 31k

The mustang looks nicer

all those large pillars who block visibility are really expensive

you're paying for the recalls at gm

i'm tired of this meme

every new car has backup cameras and sensors to help you monitor what's going on around you, so "muh visibility" literally isn't an issue

luddite faggot

>every new car has backup cameras and sensors to help you monitor what's going on around you
lmao nice e-nannies.

Try reversing a current gen car without using a backup camera. Good fucking luck.

That's fine because i still drive cars where i can see shit out of the back.

entry price for the mustang and camero is 25-26k.

you'd better get used to "e-nannies", because they're the future

by 2030 it'll probably be illegal to drive your ancient deathtrap corolla on public roads and you won't be able to resist change like a manchild anymore

>by 2030 it'll probably be illegal to drive your ancient deathtrap corolla on public roads
In my State people still ride around in horse carriages and they pose an extreme safety risk for all road traffic.
Stay cucked

I can't tell whether you live in a flyover state or a third world country, not that there's much of a difference between the two.

>implying flyover shitholes have ever been able to resist technological progress

why do you think you drive a car to work everyday instead of riding your horse into town once a week for supplies?

>I can't tell whether you live in a flyover state
It can't be a flyover state if it's on the coast.

You want everyone to be as cucked as you.
It's sad really, your envy has lead you to try and reduce others around you.

>why do you think you drive a car to work everyday instead of riding your horse into town once a week for supplies?
I've stopped my technological ladder on carburetors and i'm absolutely content with keeping it there.
Tolerate my lifestyle, cuck.

what are you going to do when self-driving cars finally start gaining mainstream popularity? keep driving your shitbox in a childish display of "rebellion"? will you move to some south american backwater so you can avoid progress?

>not flyover

>what are you going to do when self-driving cars finally start gaining mainstream popularity?
I don't care, people can buy what they want.

> keep driving your shitbox in a childish display of "rebellion"?
There is no "rebellion" to it, it's just what i want to drive.
>will you move to some south american backwater so you can avoid progress?
If i have to i will move to Buenos Aires.

It is by definition not a flyover state. I also like right outside Philly so that doesn't count either.
Are you an Assmad New Yorker that can't handle PA freedom?

>It is by definition not a flyover state
lmao no

Sorry, not a flyover state.
Stay assmad cuck

PA is actually the third most flown over state. Look it up, flyover.

Yes maybe shittsburgh is flyover after people board the plane at Philly International.
Since you don't live here you obviously don't see how urbanized the Philly Metro area is.
Regardless, there's no law making me use e-nannies on my ancient shitbox so i'll never have them and since you can't retroactively ban things people already own, it's mine forever.

>you can't retroactively ban things people already own

>automatic firearms without proper license
>synthetic cannabinoids
>alcohol during Prohibition

Just off the top of my head.

>it's mine forever
to take conefagging after it's banned from public roads in 2025

>>automatic firearms without proper license
Not banned

>>synthetic cannabinoids
If it physically exists and you can prove it was made before the ban was instituted then it can't be banned.

>>alcohol during Prohibition
Repealed lel.

refer back to pic or
>If i have to i will move to Buenos Aires.

>running off to some shithole banana republic because big gubmit banned muh stinky vroom vrooms

you're pathetic

>you're pathetic
Nope, the cucks who whimper and accept their nannies are pathetic.
>wow fag lmao enjoy fucking your own wife instead of having the bull take care of her like me, the superior technology owner

i bet if they spun cuckolding into progress you would literally be ready and willing to take part in it you fucking disgusting faggot.

this strange comparison you're making says a lot more about you than it does about me

you sure you don't have any suppressed urges?

My only suppressed urge is to shove my cock up your ass.

My only desire in times like these is to fuck pussies like you.

Check the resale value. In the past people who bought Fords were upside down on their loans after a few years because the value of the cars depreciated so quickly

Hey buddy my 2000 Firebird was 1,700, and after investing an extra 400 into it I think it will last forever.

>Superior v6 engine for fuel economy, oversteer prevention, and maximum handling
>Extremely reliable 3800 GM engine can be replaced for 2k brand new(as if you'll ever need to)
>T5 transmission will last for all eternity because 210hp payload can no damage it
>C5 corvette rims because previous owner was a mong, also useful to pick up female mongs

Put the supercharger from Bonneville on it.

It's literally a marketing thing. The mustang has always been slightly cheaper than a Camaro.

>Superior V6
Yeah, keep telling yourself that, pal.


>Superior v6
>Series II
Yeah, okay. Enjoy your prone to failure shitbox while you can.

If it was a series 1 or 3 you'd be in the clear, but you're fucked mate.