Why are women better drivers than men? Is it because men have testosterone, otherwise known as the "anger hormone"...

Why are women better drivers than men? Is it because men have testosterone, otherwise known as the "anger hormone", which causes them to behave aggressively and recklessly?

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Haha no.

They have cleaner records because they get out of more shit because they have tits

Because women only have one goal in their lives. To mooch off men because they have tits.

Do you have any proof to back up this conjecture? Or is testosterone also the dishonesty hormone?

>divorce court as a whole
>women are often given lighter and fewer sentences than men for the same crimes even to the point of getting away with it completely

women drive less than men on average, so they have less opportunities to fuck up like men do, so statistically speaking they're better, but whether they're entirely better or worse than men is hearsay.

>better drivers

Good bait, bus cuck.

They actually are not.
The only reason men are considered higher risk is because they drive much more frequently over more distances and more unfamiliar places.

Nice bait thread that evolved from a weak bait post.
Here's your undeserved (You)

Today I had to drop parts off at a garage, and pulled up near his garage. I decide to back out, and TWO (2) women were driving this giant black Freightliner van whose front end was smashed in. They parked the car literally in the middle of the road, just mere inches away from my car. I decided to back up since it'd be more convenient for me to back up then turn to my right to exit. So she pulls back like a few more inches, and when I stopped where I was making my turn, she tried to accelerate to go first.

I swear, it's like they don't understand what's going on. And without fault, ALL cars with unrepaired damage like fender benders are driven by reckless drivers. Don't even get me started on those mothers who think it's a great idea to force their kids in hundreds of extracurricular activities like dancing, they will cut you off just to get a parking space, and act like you don't exist.

>Driving to class
>waiting for people to cross to make right turn
>lady in big tahoe behind me gets mad and goes around me and tries to turn into the far lane
>people crossing street jump back screaming as tahoe stops inches from them
>lady in tahoe starts yelling at me
>call her a waste of meat and organs

Women and old people are more likely to drive erratically, which makes them more likely to cause accidents but less likely to actually be involved in them.

sage since obvious bait thread, but since we're on the topic of women drivers

>morning commute
>in left hand turn lane
>like 8 cars in front of me and a lot of on coming traffic so no one's going anywhere since the light is green and there's no arrow
>like 2 cars get through, light is red now
>stopped waiting for light to turn
>suddenly some cunt comes flying from behind doing 40 mph and slams into the rear of my car
>she literally didn't even stop, just plowed into my car
>get out, it's some shitbox
>plates are from some backwater county, so they're obviously a hick
>get her insurance info and call police
>hand back insurance to her, and Jesus Christ, she's fucking sobbing in her car
>officer shows up, goes through standard procedure
>tells me I'm free to go
>get in car, as I'm driving away see officer writing her a ticket
>laugh to myself with a bitter-sweet manner about how right Veeky Forums was about women being incompetent drivers

seriously tho women are shit drivers, the bitch who hit me was 19 and distracted by her phone (most likely) while driving. It just goes to show that women can't take themselves away from their Facebook or Twitter or whatever the shit they use anymore, even when DRIVING. Brain-dead cunts like her need to be removed from the road.

This girl has beautiful skin

sauce on dat ass nigga

I would eat that ass

I once watched a woman pull up to a gas pump for ten minutes.
Women should never be allowed to drive ever.

F1: # of splitties?
Moto GP?
Oh dear.

They cause the accidents they are never in.

Where's your evidence to support the theory they don't get away with things because they have a cunt?

My leg hurt so I let my wife drive us to the restaurant we ate at for lunch.
She couldn't control herself yelling at cars why aren't they going faster, frequent lane changes etc.
I drove home with my hurt leg.
[spoiler]I also made a bunch of oh noes why aren't they going faster jokes on the way home which she was not amused by.[/spoiler]

i want to rub my dick between those ass cheeks

I think on average women are "better" drivers than men. Less risky driving on average.

But holy shit is there some brain dead women out their trying to tip the balance back and it's amazing to think that they passed the driving test.

Also on average men see fast movement clearer and have better depth perception.

Anyway, the stats don't lie, the true road plague is Audi drivers:

Wait, what are we talkin' about? Damn, I don't see any tan lines and I swear I can smell the sweetness of that ass from here...this Nigga had to post it 2425x1661...that's not even fair.


These, and a lot of similar "studies", tick me to no end.

>"This study shows X, the stats don't lie"
>Say absolutely nothing on what these stats are, or how they got them
>"Source for this is Y"
>It also doesn't say how they reached that conclusion

Women get into fewer deadly crashes, but they crash a whole lot more overall. Women's cars are full of dents and scrapes and sometimes they won't even notice. Also men are more likely make a living by driving, and drive more in general.

>On highway
>Going 70 in the 65
>Still not fast enough for the cunt in back tailgating me
>Eventually she gets the message and speeds off, laying on her horn the entire time
>After a few minutes she's out of view
>Reach the city about 20 minutes later
>She's backed up in the right lane behind 10 some aught cars
>Give her a wave as I drive by
>See her raging in the rear-view
Women are some of the most autistic, rage-prone drivers out there, right next to Yuropoor car owners and boyracers.

>otherwise known as the "anger hormone"
I believe you mean the "rape hormone"

Insurance companies only claim that women are better drivers because women don't report accidents, despite being involved in them at a massively higher rate. Thus, they're less of a liability for the insurance companies because they only rarely file claims.

If women are better drivers than men then why do no real motorsports have any female drivers?

define better

So "better" at driving means less likely to be involved in an accident?
By that logic the best drivers are people that don't drive at all.

How about an actual measure of what makes a good driver.....
Like ability to read road conditions, confidence in the vehicle and users own ability, vehicle control and high a low speeds?

Just because you can drive to the supermarket at 20 mph once a week without crashing doesn't make you good driver.

Stale pasta

mostly motivation

Because they are patient and less aggressive and territorial. Women are able to think things through and also avoid high tension situations because of their nurturing abilities and mammary breast milkers.

Yep. Sister-in-law commented at a birthday get-together last night that she got out of a ticket because tits.

Though anecdotes mean fuck all.

Testosterone is also responsible for logic, critical thinking, confidence e.t.c, while also being overall good at increasing all aspects of health unless you have over a certain amount.

Oestrogen is responsible for emotional thinking, and basically all the crashes involving timidness, no control of the vehicle (when there should have been zero issues with controlling the vehicle), misjudging speed and distances e.t.c

If all men had half the number of testosterone as they do, we would never have gone beyond the stone age.

Women also report accidents less, they have more minor crashes and parking problems, but less big high speed crashes than men, so that's why they have a lower "chance of an accident" according to insurance companies.

Why don't they do tests where 1000 women and 1000 men drive a 30 mile long course where they need to speed through tough situations, manage to squeeze the car in tight places, parallel park, go around blind corners and such.

In short, a test to see if they can handle the car in tough situations.

Dents means as much of a negative point as a crash.
That'd be interesting to see the insurance company defend those statics that would come out of that.

Because we all know the reason men are "less safe" is because they often drive more, longer, faster and unlike women don't hit other cars over and over in slow speed where it's the easiest to control the car.
Women drive inconsistent and slow, while men drive at the peak of control.

If this was /g/ it'd be like comparing a CPU running 3.2GHz that gets a few CRC errors per minute, messing up files, getting audio stuttering etc, compared to the same CPU overclocked to 4.8GHz, getting no CRC error at all but once or twice per week get a BSOD.