Are you excited about self-driving cars?

Are you excited about self-driving cars?
I used to be skeptical about them but check this out: all the normal folks that think of driving as a chore will be happy because they don't have to drive or learn to drive, we will be happy because we don't have to deal with shitty drivers. What's not to love?

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I think they're going to be great, for the reasons you laid out. So many people have no interest in driving, yet don't/can't take public transportation, this is the next best option for them. And despite a few notable fuck ups, self-driving cars are by and far safer and less prone to accidents than people.

Plus it's not like people-driven cars will ever stop being a thing.

>implying this won't lead to activist claiming humans are terrible drivers by nature so we have to abolish driving altogether to the point where cars will become the equivalent of today's horses

>it's not like people-driven cars will ever stop being a thing
Well that's the only thing that I'm scared of, govs banning human-driven cars. Hopefully that's not the future ahead of us.

I truly believe that's the type of thing that could start a civil war or mass revolts. A lot of people enjoy driving and cars, it's far too ingrained in culture all over the world. It won't happen unless Western society actually goes to shit

funny how it looks as dead inside as the drones who will drive in them.

pure pottery

Manual driven cars won't be banned but it is highly likely that they get choked out by incredibly high insurance costs.

>What's not to love?
The layers of technology it takes to achieve this is massive and every part of it has to work in tandem for it to run successfully. Add the issue of how easy it is to hack into a modern car and you have (potentially) big problems on your hands. Computers crash all the time, but when they do, they're usually just sitting on your desk, not cruising at 75mph with 50 other computers drafting NASCAR style...

>implying non-self-driving cars will be allowed on the roads after self-driving cars become common

Right? Once the camel's head is in the tent..geez people. Why not give up more control of your own Life? Pick out my mate for me, tell us when to have kids and how many..Fucking sheeple.

Self driving cars won't become anything remotely common for decades at earliest.

Silly goy, for it to work, EVERY car must be automated :^}

The thing i can't trust about a self driving car is it HAS to be programmed to kill the occupant in certain situations.

If it is going to hit a crowd of children or drive off a cliff it will probably drive you off the cliff.

>about disengaging from reality

>Are you excited about self-driving cars?
No, fuck no. And the answer will always be no.
As a car enthusiast that enjoys driving, I will keep sperging out over this topic on why i loathe the idea about self driving cars.

we will have to deal with shitty AI

Reminder of who's the target audience of the car and also who are the people producing it. While I follow the keep /pol/ in /pol/ rule, I don't want to embrace the leftist dystopia openly.

For tech enthusiasts, sure they're cool and stuff, but for me as a car enthusiast it doesn't start any real feel in me.

Lazy cunts who can't be fucked driving simply should not be allowed to drive.

Doesnt mean we should all have to sit in their driverless cages.


And as usual, medias tend to forget how often technology fails.

Autonomous driving on a highway or on a straight road ? Sure, some cars are already almost able to do that, like the E-class or the model S.

Same thing on countryside bumpy roads ? I'd rather drive myself, thanks.

And what about snow, ice and fog ? Would you get a message like "autodrive disabled, conditions sub optimal", or would it merrily go on the road like usual ?

And lastly, after all these years, not a single GPS manages to be 100% reliable. Fix that and then we'll talk about fully autonomous vehicles on open road.

Why? I gave you the perfect world in the OP. You just read the first line and decided to spout random shit.

Like, what's the point of a car if you can't drive it? If I'm gonna be in a Googlebox car, I'd like to be able to drive it so that I can feel how the car is like.

>Like, what's the point of a car if you can't drive it?
Grannies would have a way to go get their groceries without endangering others for example.

>implying i didnt read the whole thing
>we will be happy because we don't have to deal with shitty drivers

That's what you think, but if selfdriving cars came into play, chances are we'd have to give up our non-self-driving cars in favor of self driving cars. Just in case that one mischievous bastard fucks around with a self driving car, having it to get destroyed or some shit and the passengers can't do anything about it.

There are services that get your groceries for you here in yurop
They usually are free if you have a fidelity card

They're just find a way around it
Tech companies do not have a sliver of accountability, they already make you sign a fuckton of paperwork just for a phone
The car will probably just refuse to work, like teslas already do if you take the hands off the wheel

I don't know Scoob

I think it's great. When the government outlaws people driven cars, I'm going to buy up a whole bunch of good condition cars and mount snowplows and spikes to them, and amass a posse of murderous adrenaline fueled drug raging petrolheads to kill as many motorists as we can before the government takes us out one by one.

This, i couldn't care less about self driving cars
my fear is the housewives and libtards who literally have nothing better to do then be twitter activists and call for human driven cars to be banned.

Because if something is obsolete then you must be prevented from owning/using it.

The only people who actually want to not drive are flustered Moms, teenagers and /g/
And desu there's public trensport for that