Nu-males who base their entire masculine identity around driving a manual instead of an automatic

>nu-males who base their entire masculine identity around driving a manual instead of an automatic

I drive a manual btw

i have both

it doesn't really make a difference

As much bait as this thread is; is being able to drive manual something people actually go "damn, you must be pro" over in the US?


Once you get "muh manual" out of your head, you realise automatic is much better.

Makes me happy to see manuals slowly disappearing. Makes way for better autos.

Nobody gives a shit if anyone else drives a manual but seems like many who do think of themselves as pro. Basically auto-hipsters.

> amerilards who think driving a manual gives them street cred when in europe literally everyone including alzheimer's ridden blind grannies drives a manual

>eurofags who are too stupid to not use automatics which only have benefits over manuals

Europoor here. We're too poor to afford an automatic. That's the only reason it's prevalent here. Being stuck in traffic gets annoying with manual but it's bearable with automatic.

my automatic car is faster than 99% of cars on this board

>b-b-but its financed!!!
so is your parents house

It certainly means you're more of an enthusiast.


>not having both

i love getting baited by these fucking threads because it always works

i have both and prefer the manual in traffic
it crawls slower in first gear with no throttle than the auto

>still caring about gender identity

Yeah nobody gives a shit except other manual drivers

>americans who pretend driving automatic requires skill

Manual transmissions pickup high school girls... Automatics win races.

But for real. Amerifat here and can confirm. We jerk each other off to the thought of stick handling and clutches feathering our balls.

The thing i can't handle about automatic transmissions is they have no engine braking down hills, sure that may be fine if you live in a flat city but if you live in the country its a pain in the arse, have to ride the brakes in an auto fucking everywhere.

>When you're so used to have cocks in your hands that you want to feel the same when you're driving so you go for a manual car.

You're not European, if you were you would know that money isn't the reason most people drive manual, its because nobody really gives a shit, because you have to learn to drive in a manual anyway.

>implying anything remotely close to this was implied

My camaro has a manual shifting mode. Alot of autos allow you to drop it it into "manual", and you can then engine brake at that point

I love the faggots here that try to justify manual in an off-road vehicle.

my first car was manual
i hated it

then i got an automatic car
it made me miss my manual

now i have a manual car again
and all i want is an automatic.

I should just get a car with a dct

so does my falcon but you only get 4 gears.
Its shit at shifting too, every auto i have ever come across with a manual shifting mode has a 1-2 second delay before changing gears.

As far as women are concerned, you'll impress basic bitches, and that's about it.

>not having both

To complete normies, yeah. Nobody over the age of 30 gives a shit if you drive standard. Teens learn is because it's seen as "racecar" to them. The same crowd that drives cut up, stanced miatas with vatozone-tier double exhaust tips.

Engine braking down hills is the only thing I can think of that'd be an advantage.

no gated shifter? why even live?

Because inferior in every way to a non-gated shifter.

i kinda agree. but if i drive a pickup an auto feels WEIRD and out of place. i have no idea how people can deal with them in a pickup.

>so does my falcon but you only get 4 gears.
>Its shit at shifting too, every auto i have ever come across with a manual shifting mode has a 1-2 second delay before changing gears.

t. idiot who hasnt driven a ZF 8 speed or similar

>engine braking
>down the hill

rip user's engine

Engine braking doesn't cause any damage, or even any extra wear user. You might want to do more research before you spout shit.

Depends on what you use it for but I agree. Trucks are fun in their own way to drive manual, especially old trucks.

>nu-necks who base their entire masculine identity around driving a truck instead of a car


Auto for daily

manual for weekend

I only care about number and cannot deal with the power loss.

Also the sound is disgusting and lethargic.