What was your favorite Mad Max vehicle?

What was your favorite Mad Max vehicle?

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The pictured charger is pcool
since it has 3 webers on each side it looks like a V12.

My fav though is the Coronet anchor car they use to drag on the war rig

Always loved the bat car. To bad it met a messy end in the Road Warrior.

Nux's Model A

That's a Chevy


Stop pretending to be retarded



Take your own advice friendo.

Thanks. I always just assumed it was a Model A.


XB Falcon of course

I just watched Road Warrior last night

Aside from the Falcon, I like the Peacemaker a lot. Though it's more of a tank than a car.

That's a first gen barracuda isn't it


I liked maxes HJ sandman panel van from the first movie


It is, I've forgotten what A body barracudas look like i guess.


what car is that?


It's a silvia with an LS in it.
MCM had a team of people to fuck the thing up while they put pain stripper on body panels.


THE razor cola was so good
but i luv dem alll


The one spikey car sounded turbocharged instead of supercharged?

Actually a second generation. '68 maybe.

Definitely the jet powered buggy

so beautiful

IIRC the car wasn't even register-able, so they just have it make a literal fuckton of power.

It just doesn't get much more murrica than that

Either of the two

That's atleast a mega gigahon EX


no competition

The R32.

Was Fury Road the greatest Veeky Forums movie of the past decade?

>37 replies
>no mention of the Benz
you're all a bunch of disgusting faggots

Mod Max


Probably. But that's not a good thing.. It's more a testament as to how shit movies are in general.

Fury Road was Waterworld on land, and worse in pretty much every way.

Mad Max 2 is still the best one. Objectively.

there is no way a benz could tow all that