"Read the OP FAQ, Free-Weekend Friends" edition
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First for holy shit she's not ugly
pls delet
magpul power
>USP not sharing the sam cartridge as the vector
>tfw no mod support
>tfw no UNCS operators
There's already a USP-45. Plus we haven't confirmed the Vector's caliber, it could be 10mm for all we know.
I downloaded the free weekend trial but it won't let me do anything. It just keeps saying "this feature is unavailable at this time" does anyone know why that might be?
nvm i'm fucking dumb
>Vector .45 ACP
It fucking sucks that Scfi settings with regular humans who are operator tier are always undermined by the settings own super soldiers
.45 or 10mm would be nice but they don't even make them in .40
PDW9 is Jackal's gun, not Mira's. And from leakbro has described, it's either gonna be a PP19 or an MP5 with a drum.
Or bullshit space monks
>spics using slavshit
I agree, H3: ODST was spectacular
But hey, at least the Spartans in Reach were operator as fuck desing wise.
The Spartans III remind me of soviet MBTs, rugged as fuck.
>yfw star wars could have been good without gimmicky cop out space monks that only exist for the sake of not requiring the writers to actually do work
Why not let shield operators ADS one handed from behind the shield? Easy enough to balance you can still hit their arms and add some idle sway to it too.
>Spics using a $1000 pistol or a $5000 SMG
they could in beta while people still thought shields were op, so they removed it, then people realized "oops they're actually shit" and here we are
Storm Troopers in 40k will forever be ignored due to the fact the setting has space marines
Star Wars very recently has started giving the clones spotlight
It's probably the new recoil system for SMGs. They have like no recoil compared to how they were before, even without attachments.
And, if the spread graphs are even slightly correct, all the straight grip does is reduce the _vertical_ recoil of a gun, unlike the muzzle attachments, which change both the upwards AND sideways pull of a gun. So if you can handle a particular gun with a straight grip, you can adjust to it pretty easily even without a straight grip. Just have to exaggerate your normal compensation movement a bit.
GEO does use the USP so what's your point?
It was actually in the alpha. I had tons of fun with it. Then they nerfed it. Now we're back to square one.
I'm thinking Ubi is intentionally keeping them garbage because they don't feel it fits the "pace" of the game, seeing as how they're marketing it for "muh esports"
No, shields had a 90% win rate in the beta when they functioned like this. It wouldn't be worth turning them from subpar to overpowered.
>>Halo is going FULL EVERYONE IS A SPARTAN now
Pretty much, they dropped the military theme for a anime one, and everything is basically muh forerunners, Spartans IV are basically the new power rangers
aren't a vast majority of guardsmen pretty lame? like there's the one unit who are oper8r as fuck and employ stealth tactics, the guys from that planet in the eye of terror, and the rest are just kind of cannon fodder (even by 40k standards)
40k shits on anything remotely operator atleast star wars had Commandos
The only space marine chapter that actually does high speed low drag shit gets shat constantly in lore
ODSTs were always baller as fuck for operators
No, it's just that everything is THAT overpowered.
yes, only the kasrkins are operator, the rest are basically conscripts. Now, lasguns literally put giant holes in the bodies of other people, so they're like .50 cal laser rifles, but they're nothing compared to space marines and shit obviously.
40k has Storm Trooper special ops but no one cares about them since like the other guy said since
Operator Humans < LOL Super soldiers
There are the Catachans but they are mostly for jungle operatin
When the fuck is star wars bring back commandos holy shit fuck the jedi
Scifi settings are always bad for people like us who want this shit
>when /r6g/ forgets the r6 part
Were talking about operators in scfi
They got recruited into Rainbow, I'm sure they can requsition (or outright buy) whatever they want now.
Right so that includes PP19s, no?
every general on vg has one of you and it never gets any less annoying
> mira specifically requesting a vector because "it's a marvel of engineering"
>When Siege depicts a terrorist attack on a fictional American university
>Siege was released after the Paris attacks
>We almost got an Israeli CTU for this year
This is Mira
Say something nice about her
go make a thread on /v/ then and let /r6g/ discuss r6
I love her
You look like a Babushka
>these 5 posts stopped you about talking about siege
they were about oper8rs at least, you're just bitching, fuck off
How many pictures has Jackal taken of her feet?
So is the key to Ash just playing like a complete spaz, unlearning all the caution I had with all the other operators?
Please teach me your ways, 2.0+ K/D Ash mains
I bet her hitboxes fucking suck
your breach gat is usually more useful as a barbed wire destroying device than anything else, make sure you're using smoke grenades as well
>playing with friend
>we both have like 500 hours
>tell him to reinforce the hatches
>he still doesn't know where they all are
how the actual fuck
step 1: get 100+ ping
step 2: run at things
step 3: kill everyone before you even render on their screen
That's true. Personally, I'm guessing it'll be the PP-2000, since it's a PDW that specifically fires a PDW-strength 9mm cartridge.
The people who main Ash and Jager usually have thousands of hours in other PC FPS and have god tier aim and general FPS gamesense, you can't just pick up on that unless you are like them.
How much money do you want to bet this guy did the GEO operators
He already modeled the best looked operators in the game
T. autist who thinks Ash and Jager = difficult
No way, they are easy as fuck to play, it's why if you are good at FPS you can do so well with their speed and guns than other ops.
PP2k would be nice, but leakbro specified it was a drum, not a stick
Snail drum?
I don't think a snail is compatible with a PP2000. The CBJ-MS does take one, but that thing fires sweden physics, not 9mm.
Weird but okay
>Canadian Designations
Its a M16
Please tell me she hasn't got one sleeve down and one sleeve rolled up.
They're both clearly rolled up
>M16 has hammer forged barrel
>M16 is double chromed
Get out
hi beagle
just equip the R4C and once you've droned a room go fast and overwhelm people before the netcode catches up with you
All he said is that they're aim-dependent.
Did you not even see the OP image?
C7 =/= M16
It's an AR-15 pattern right?
That is a huge fucking gun, I thought people said he was going to get a 9mm rounds
I mean, it DOES shoot glocks.
What if they introduce loot boxes with Velvet Shell?
For you
I think Ubi has learned their lesson with DLC and MTs.
I really want weapon skins with velvet material. I mean, we already have leather.
If they do, they're dead to me.
We have lost enough devs to this cancerous real-money-roulette bullshit.
It houses the jew physics recoil system. Ironically enough, it's still smaller than the UMP-45, which is arguably HK's worst product due to its insane recoil minimal to no applicability.
So is a Mark 18 or an M4, they're still not M16s.
>no stock no grip vector
this is like the amputee fetish porn of gun porn, i want this shit in a game now
It's basically a Lawgiver
What if they introduce new stock attachments for each gun?
There's one in The Division, though frankly I don't think it warrants playing that cesspool of shit.
>qu'est-ce que ç'est «anticheat»?
I think I can see where this is heading.
i mean
there would be the useful one that's basically a second compensator, and then the rest
I think they can definitely go places with it.
>Solid stock dampens recoil by 20% but increases ADS time by 15%
>Folding/Extendable stock decreases ADS time by 30% but increases recoil by 20%
>No stock decreases ADS time by 60% but increases recoil by 50%
I fucking hate free weekends.
>play casual
>"""diamonds""" crawl out of the woodwork to pubstomp
>half are worse than the freebies
why is this happening
>hyper ash with no stock and an ACOG phasing through the nth dimension to domepiece you at 4000ms before you've even connected to the server
unless you want this game to die, you better start being nice to them noobs
I was gonna say that having no stock should halve your first shot accuracy, but then the (((pros))) would get assblasted if I did. Remember how people reacted when Smoke got his ACOG taken?
I dislike free weekends because it massively skews the balance of skill in a game already notorious for shoddy matchmaking algorithms.
Newfriends are either good guys who talk and want to learn. Or salty dickheads whos only interaction with their team is to tell them to fuck off because they're nova elite or something.
Hey you dumb niggers, I don't hate new people I hate getting paired with them against the Diamonds that flock to casual to fuck them up.
>She doesn't warp the fabric of space time to escape the simulation and dome you in the back of your head before are even acutely aware of the existence of Rainbow Six: Siege.
sounds like a copper ash, senpai