League of Legends general - /lolg/

OT: Cuddliest lady edition!

Other urls found in this thread:


>40 posts early

Kill yourself nigger

riven pits




>tfw you make the game winning play after several throws by your team


Swapping roles with a friend for a while to try and get used to actual laning rather than playing nothing but jungle and support. Going top, what are some solid top picks that are decently safe?

So far I've only tried Olaf and Teemo. As Teemo I got utterly shit on by Riven in lane, as that bitch seems to just stick to you like glue, though he seems like a really annoying and safe pick against champs with few gap closers/CC.

report this thread

I miss when Orianna wasn't picked very much

>be my personal army to appease my pointless butthurt

if you wanna be my daddy in league just give me skins

(cute boy)

give me your ign and server

MiIf fortune na


oh it's you...


>got mid
>pick Akali my favorite champ
>my team refuses to help me in game and /all chats about how trash of a champ Akali is and how enemy mid practically has a free lane
>enemy team /all chats about how op Akali is and how they cant believe shes never picked in lcs games.
Man...I mean I knew Akali was far from the most popular champion...but has happened more than once. I'm not even bad with her, but still I get trash talked by damn near all nine other players..

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums up on NA
password is vidya
all ranks, levels, and Veeky Forums newcomers are welcome
join up

so when is riot going to nerf this shit

>i can win games look mom be proud of me
good job son

xth for breast metal waifu

armor pen mf has always been like that

Make lethality items melee only.
Remove EoN from the game

>tfw i never feed but my damage is always super low
>get carried or my team completely autoloses the game

is there anything worse

>make miss fortune (40 base ad) go crit attack speed


Someone tell me not to play bard top.

guess the champion

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums up on NA
3 slots!
join up.

stop playing bard top

gg ez

thank you

Ey man, you gotta let us know what we can earn by partaking in this activity.

my cock

*jelqs vigorously*

But I don't want to eat chicken right now. In fact, I just ate.

What else is in it for me?


so if I were to make a new thread every time lulufag makes one would you guys abandon the luluthread and migrate?

lulufags and elisefags need not apply

Xth for that's where you're fuckin wrong kiddo.
Also heard Gnar's ban phrase for the first time, his sperging out is funny.

desperate times require desperate means

The Destroyers cute twink boipussy

>that art
>that face

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums still up on NA
needs 1
join up

Honestly I'm a bit confused, is Kindred played as an adc or jungler?

Post Veeky Forums members that if you were to see them on the opposing team, you knew you would not have fun.


please make one every time he makes one

Why should I join?

Is playing against singed really that unfun lad

I wanna have 754.3 mastery score with YOU~

Vlad is for sexing in a lavishly decorated bedroom in upper Noxus

so our lobby fills and we can get this game going

Move to the real thread folks,report this early made one

ey i missed ya bb girl (male)

alright bub, as you can see from my filter hero image I have enough autism to do it

if it works once Ill keep doing it but if the first time fails im just gonna stop

>most telegraphed ability in the game
not true, barrels can be hidden out of vision (over walls, behind bushes, etc.)
>which you can flat out disable midway if you're good at lasthitting
not in chaotic teamfight scenarios and not if the gangplank just puts one barrel out of the enemy's range then chains the next 1-2 barrels off the initial explosion

Now Orianna is a robowhore who should be scrapped

do it user

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums is LIVE on NA


playing a vg, win or lose, is just like losing

man I miss when vgs were FUN

what is the purpose of two threads

One of you needs to play Urgot one game.

>the moosh + shibs
>reddit man

all on the stack

go to the other thread, lulufags gotta learn to stop being a cunt and making new threads 40 posts early just to get his cancer at the top


I'm just stopping by to say that lulufag is a gigantic cunt

no one will ever convince me that corki mid is a shit pick that is just a crutch for bad people who can't play orianna
