/mh16g/ - Marvel Heroes 2016 General

Furry Blue Balls Edition

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Marvel Heroes Database: marvelheroes.info/
Where can I find builds? Hero-specific forums, marvelheroes.info or in the thread.

INSTITUTE - Various boosts
2015 - Fortune Card Mark I x1, Fortune Card Mark II x1, Fortune Card Mark V x1
INFLUENCE - 200 Genosha Influence
DANVERS - Captain Marvel All-New All-Different (Default) Costume

/co/ has a supergroup (guild) that changes it's name every other week to something thematic involving the word "mugga". Ask in thread for an invite, all are welcome.


Marvel Heroes 2016 2.02 Patch Notes:

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for cumdumpster

I'm here for the graveyard shift.

3rd for Ghost Racers


>tfw you do it





forum shitters: le new player argument

>want to play sue
>she deals no damage at all

Just wait until the 21st when the update hits 30 days

So are the new cosmic affixed stuff horrible to farm for? Or are they common but good luck getting decent rolls?

so what's the updated tier list? who does the most deeps

MsM and Mr Fanta stick

"WiltedCarrot was RIGHT" T-shirts when?


Is the game worth coming back to with the new update or should I let it stay dead?

it's worth checking out

>tfw actually enjoy this game

Who's that naked skull dude



To be fair, the 'difficulty curve' in this game is nonexistant. So giving low levels unique items doesn't matter.

Normal to Heroic is a pretty big jump in damage due to Gaz's bad coding, but that might be for story more than patrols, idk.


"T-rex riding a jet" enhanced ghost rider costume when

This comic is a complete nu-marvel reyeswank shitshow, but this part can stay


it's completely ded. The devs turned the game into trash with a patch that removed half of the game and dumbed it down for consoles.

How many of you have gotten Cosmic Artis so far? How many?

I personally don't think it is. Imagine the game you played before, but remove like 50% of your damage and defense. That's what it is now except with no purpose to grind. Want to get infinity points to get as much as you did before with omega? :^) No problem famblam, exp is now nerfed once again since people were leveling it too fast.

Night, muggas.

Anyone have a list of all the new artifacts with their stats?

pls respond

The site still exists, you know.

>tee hee we'll make them useless for everyone!

why even fucking bother

Looking through the list, it is missing some of the artifacts. As far as your complaint, you'll have to elaborate, since it's itemization that fits into the current Attribute system. Heroes who use those stats gain 1,000 DR or more with 100% rolls on nearly all the new artifacts.

what? nevermind i see why you read it that way

i mean the cosmic versions. they create the items then immediately release them in cosmic rarity making them useless and outdated ON RELEASE

Oh, that part. It'd definitely be offensive to only upgrade existing ones, and they can't simply provide an upgrade for some, so they should have upgraded all Lv60s, which it seems like they're going to try and do. That being said, I'm trying to stay optimistic and just ignore the Cosmic affixes right now, because while they're clear upgrades when given the right affix with the right hero, you don't need them for Cosmic and I doubt we'll be getting Omega Difficulty anytime soon. I still advocate for the player-directed upgrade route where we just have to pick up a Cosmic currency like the Cosmic Fragment, but I'm just trying to stay positive.

ded game

Console version will save it






but then gaz would know who I am

Apparently some people still don't know how to take a screenshot.


funny enough it did get probably the worst affix


Should be spelt like that for all the new artifacts.


If you want drops, do patrols, don't waste your time in terminals.

Yeah, the time it takes to do Bounties just isn't worth it if you're going for artifacts. Has anyone gotten a 500k credit chest from it yet?

ded in the middle of the day. Think about that, muggas.

I did about 50 Cosmic Kurse bounty runs and got one 500k chest. No artifacts, got more cosmic catalysts from the side bosses than the chest.

>Doom thinks that we should all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes.

mmm my mane :^)

With that Dodge, would it best on X-23, or someone who doesn't have any Deflect Rating to fill a gap in their defense? Pretty good rolls, 600 DR and 595 CHR. I thought they didn't increase the upper range on the Cosmic Artifacts, just the minimums? mh.info lists it as only going up to 538 CHR, but maybe just no one uploaded a higher one yet.

only DarkBeast should be allowed to make guides for Beast tbqh

>not blessed

How poor are you?

how jelly are you? :^)

Try to live for the Muggas, general.




>it's a kinetic vortex episode

>fighting at ranged
>vortex pulls you past boss
>requires two dashes just to reposition to where you were
>fighting at melee
>vortex pulls you past boss
>using dash will put you past where you were or not close enough
Gaz, fix the god damn distances on these things.



Why are you cucks still playing this since the update, let it die and let gaz employees never get work again.

Wrong side of the industry, friend. Man of Steel could have probably done that shtick so much better if it wasn't so poorly written. Maybe.

seems like you're a little jelly that people enjoy the update.


I have legit run out of marvel related images to bump the thread with

From here on out it's DC and reposts

Get farming muggas.

>all the new muggas who have shown up over the past week

Thread was worth it

Instant glory hole, right there.


Can I have an invite?
Ign: Uag

>not tradable
for what purpose

Gaz's new "economy"

so what do you even play for now?


The game is still new to me, so I play it to avoid SMITE.

not sure what you mean

I've only ever really made like 2 trades in this game for the years I've played it. Once for a Liz Formula, and another when I traded a GoK for blessings. I like the self-found aspect of gearing characters.

SMITE more like SHITE (but it used to be good RIP)

What made it bad?

"Balancing". First game I spent over $60 on and I feel pretty violated at how the last few months have turned out. I spent way, way too much on that shitheap of a game.

Yeah, while I get Winterthur's comment about the thrill of the hunt and the journey of hunting items, if the reward is as far out as it's been for literal years, I don't know if he realizes how incredibly depressing and demotivating it is when we're doing the _same_ content we've been doing forever. If he doesn't want to use a Cosmic currency to craft the item and wants to hunt for it himself, then do that, don't punish the people who don't have all the time to spend hundreds to thousands of hours trying to gear heroes. People play different, they need to have multiple options to support that.

cosmic x-def and holosim rework wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen


>tfw run full bounty doom for the 20th time and get nothing

>tfw bue ruined my gobbie build

this every season they kept making stupider and stupider decisions in terms of balancing and itemization.

Also HiRez is intentionally making the game the laughing stock of esports.



So what are the Top tier artifacts now with BUE?

Edge of Infinity
Book of Demonicus
Hand of Doom
all of the skrull artifacts
all of the "was right" shirts

forever ded



I only used to it to get blessings. If you think about it, using your own marks for blessings is a huge waste when you don't have i80s slotted on everyone you play.

The journey doesn't exist in MH for multiple reasons.
They're not as flashy as getting a unique in PoE or even legendary in D3. In fact, they're nowhere near it. PoE uniques mostly change something up pretty big that is more or less unique to said item. D3 pumps up a specific type of build typically. MH? Oh. Have uhh.. +3 attributes :^)

In fact every item follows the same formula. Now, I'm not saying that PoE and D3 don't do the same, because they definitely do. I'm saying they do something to go against what the current meta of the game is. I also get that MH has a harder time to do so with 60 heroes, but that doesn't mean they can't do items like that. I have zero faith in Gaz's creativity based off their initial ideas posted for Omega items.

The game stops having that journey once you realize everything you do is nothing but a small number crunch up.. even though that's the genre and something I enjoy. I'm not saying MH is bad, well it is now, but before it's the casualness that makes it fun. You got that shiny new item, yay! You got it for the 5th time who gives a shit.