Are we at a 'peak peace' level at the moment?
The world seems to be getting less violent compared to the last couple of thousand years, but with the population growing fast, will the demand for space and food cause it all to go downhill from here?
Are we at a 'peak peace' level at the moment?
The world seems to be getting less violent compared to the last couple of thousand years, but with the population growing fast, will the demand for space and food cause it all to go downhill from here?
We can still look forward to peace through nuclear extermination.
A big violent spike until peace never seen since the neolithic age.
I don't think so, at least not yet. And population growth is actually slowing.
I don't think the neolithic was peaceful
We just don't have any written records, but in the late neolithic era we start to find evidence for mass sacrifice.
>peak peace
>two most violent wars ever happened just a hundred years ago
We're at peak peace if you start counting in 1800. No wait not even then are there. Maybe if you disregard everything before 1970, you can say we are now at peak peace.
Even including both world wars, the last 100 years have been the most peaceful 100 year period ever. (Where "peacefulness" is measured by percentage of deaths from violence.)
the worlds not peaceful u just live in a bubble of autism
t space and time history
in fact ur blinded periphery is probably an open invatation to violence against u and that mentality
t fuck off
It's Hegemonic Stability, nothing more, nothing less. Wars will flare up again in a large way should the U.S. decline relative to other major powers.
The rest doesn't matter much.
I'm not even disagreeing but this is a fascinating and interesting claim.
What's the source?
10/10 accurate post.
also nukes have helped prevent full-scale wars between major powers.
Ask the Syrians
There is no peace, only periods of time between wars. We're in one of those now, and war is looming.
Yes thats why record numbers of refugees are heading to Europe.
You don't think it's some kind of white genocide conspiracy do you??
The War is Syria... one of the worst wars in history is going on right now and everyone from the Middle East, Pakistan and North Africa has has to evacuate their homes.
>war in syria
>everyone from the Middle East, Pakistan and North Africa has has to evacuate their homes.
The war in Syria is horrible but it doesn't even come remotely close to being ranked "one of the worst wars in history".
You have to be completely and utterly ignorant of history to make that claim.
the 90's were peak peace, it was the celebration at the end of the cold war.
You can literally watch videos of muslims beheading people in their new caliphate that came about because of civil war that has gone on for some years now.
The ukraine is in a state of war.
Narco wars in mexico.
I really hope you are a troll because you have to be monumentally retarded to think the world lives in peace now.
Mass shootings and terrorist attacks, wow how peaceful
But muh white genocide
Civic religion has domesticated modern man into a tame herd animal, thereby pacifying his quarrelsome and fractious nature. The substance of politics is power. In Homeric times power is wielded directly by, without mediation, through sublime words, notable deeds, and, in the final instance, mortal combat. Modern man prefers to sublimate power in the abstract form of positive law, mediated by the one true God of modernity, the nation-state, which retains the legal monopoly on violence.
Also don't forget the war in Syria was caused by western imperialism and neocolonialism. Europe is reaping what they showed.
the war in syria was caused by arab spring protests and is a civil war.
The western governments use refugee parasites as cheap labor, they use terrorism as an excuse to jack up the police state.
The wars in the middle east are actually a proxy war between iran and saudi arabia for regional dominance.
The politicians do not preach multiculturalism out of compassion, but to gain more cheap labor for their corporate masters.
Out sourcing and immigration are tools of globalism.
There were conflicts in the 90 too. And like today's conflicts, they were tiny compared to the conflicts of previous eras. The homicide rate is also far lower than any other period in history. So no, OP is not "monumentally retarded." You are, for lacking historical perspective and being easily swayed by sensationalism.
>there is no war, only time between peaces
This is how dumb you sound.
>Yes thats why record numbers of refugees are heading to Europe.
You're aware that only around 15% of the "refugees" currently flooding Europe are Syrian or Iraqi, right?
The rest are subhumans from the surrounding shitholes (well, more like "surrounding" since it goes from Pakistan to Congo) who use the Syrian crisis to migrate to Europe
>Europe is reaping what they showed.
Europe is reaping what the US sowed*
dude, neolithic was probably the most brutal age in mankind's history.