Azir strikes back edition
Azir strikes back edition
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How did I forget how much I enjoyed Wukong? Fuck lastshadow, in soloqueue the monkeys are king
this is cool
but why Gnar and not Mundo as Hulk?
Comfy bfs~
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Don't know how that would work but I appreciate it!
Whom remember ocegag? Anyone got some saved relics from an age past?
Here's some of what I got.
>his name is chime crisis
man its so perfect I cant even hate you for playing such an asshole champ
I'm at my fifth ranked win in a row in soloq.
I didnt win this much when I duod with a diamond smurf.
Zed did nothing wrong!
>why would the transforming-into-an-angry-giant-monster champion represent the transforming-into-an-angry-giant-monster character
i don't get it
you cant fuckin do that!
who is you?!
Time Crisis and its sequels were arcade shooters
that shit was so fun when I was a kid at the cicis pizza
fond memories
how do i stop losing lane so fucking hard as sion
i feel like everybody just walks the fuck over me, even easy matchups
i do fine if i eventually get to teamfight but i NEVER EVER get their tower
im so frustrated
Mundo would be a better Thing. "IT'S MUNDO TIME"
Who would be Doctor Doom?
did you seriously just ask that?
smurfs like to fuck around, when they duo with someone its either cause they pity them or dont give a shit
I use to duo with a guy who would intentionally feed just to cause me distress then when they were finally about to win made some crazy play and won the game just like that
happened so many times
fuck that guy
gee bill two threads
I'll give you 1 guess. Make it glorious
is it Viky?
you fucking bet its viktor
Lulufags are fucking annoying. I'm not posting in that thread just so I can see more of the exact same lulu posts in the exact same order
I'm really bad at this game. Someone add me and invite me to some unranked draft pls.
IGN Desu Gurippusu
Thank you
>someone 3 threads ago asking how to counter zed
literally lulu mid
this has to happen
lulushit can spam the fuck out of threads but you cant just break rules and expect everyone to accept it
im surprised it too so long considering how much worse lulufags are compared to lissfag
So after I climb out of bronze does anyone wanna duo?
This morgana train is strong.
What superhero is Kha'Zix???
Its a necessary evil
They're not together, you retard
give that ign babe, Id duo now but I dont wanna fuck my mmr
The Purple Girl
xth for luluposter is a massive retard.
stop bumping the other thread and let it die
Tbh that would have been a better Lulu name
>Tfw used to really like playing or having Lulu support before
Luluposters came and started spamming shit up years ago
Never played her since
ok i will bear with it for the greater good
>the purple girl
>not a girl
dont bully him
its how he gets free wins since shitters see that name and dont wanna embarrass themselves
plus hes cute like a girl~
new one up.
The name is from an indie game called they bleed pixels, but it was fitting because I was a soraka main.
>based jhin and singed helping to beat the stack
xth for breast metal waifu
You literally just did this last thread
Anyone else miss journal of justice? With JoJ it felt like the lore was actually evolving instead of just telling backstories. Like you actually learnt new info and there was always cool and funny character interactions like when Blitz punched Singed in the balls. It made much more real.
i never once posted in it.
that game was even wtf are you talking about
might even be top side favored cus idk who donginator is
>he doesnt know about my legendary lee sin
bandit is a god at singed, he just had a bad game
also, nuclear veigar
>the game was even because the stack lost
thats not how it works cunt
quick give me a meme build for mundo
when Rito used to be cool
When will this become a skin?
it was even because of the players in the lobby you inbred shit stain
>mfw trying to cs against Zyra
Why the fuck is she allowed to spawn seeds at will? I thought that was only on her passive
>Playing Veigar in vg games
It won't because its "Racist"
That actually looks pretty cool
eyo hol up
teach me how to play bard top
Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums is LIVE on NA
Full AD
Why does this skin seem so racist and creepy as hell at the same time?
"""""""support""""""""" Veigar
speaking of full AD, zed is going to have a good time here
>mfw I forgot to face
>ignite mundo vs ignite pantheon
Sorc shoes
Spirit visage
Something else
Why are you doing this again?
Lucian looks fucking hot
>He's black so that means it's racist
Are you a fucking child?
mfw playing kayle and i'm six items and the enemy rengar tries to 1 shot me while i have ult up
also holy shit she gets so boring after awhile. like how do people play more than 3 games of her ever?
I love Lissandra!
Its you focusing on the exaggerated features like the lips and eyes
is the updated version and its much better.
Why do so many faggots in these generals try to establish a personality?
I miss him bros
This actually looks worse.
Remember when MF had a better splash before faggots bitched and it got changed?
Bets my fellow niggers?
I want to know too, I think the memebuild is Statikk, Runaans, Guinsoo's and Nashors, am I right?
what's the fucking difference?
>liking the old version
top lel
you blind as fuck son unless this is boob joke
lolg has become a popularity contest now, everyone wants attention.
All you gotta do is filter and ignore it.
I bullied this cute user into posting here! I hope they got some friends!
the old version looks worse though I wouldn't say either is worth bitching about
>boob joke
We're all fighting for who has the biggest e-dick or boobs and ass if you're into that. Don't tell me you don't want to be an e-celeb, user.
sixth ranked morgana win in a row with that yung first time warwick mid.
Why am I only getting 22 points still?
What rank and role is he?
Going to do my placements for the first time
What should I be in for?
>Play against this bitch
>She throws the ball forward
>You are now going to get hit every single time you normally last hit a minion without a spell
>She doesn't even trade badly or run out of mana
What the hell do I do to fight this dumb robotic cunt?
Her leg still looks like a weird hotdog
Autism supreme until you get placed. Just muddle through your placements.
Placements are ALWAYS bad.
you dont, she is broken and has been for Y E A R S
Pain, suffering, distrust in your life.
You know, the usual.
You don't :3