MR2: AW11 VS SW20

which car will get me more pussy


Define "Pussy"

Girls will think the SW20 will be a celica or a saturn

The AW11 depending on how good the body looks will always be the better answer.

the th-thing b-b-b-between her legs

If anything girls will think the sw20 looks like a Ferrari. You're just a delusional aw11 owner.

As far as answering the OP, both cars will get you the same amount of pussy because they are both cars that can only carry one passenger. If you want lots of pussy you need 4 doors for more whores.

You fucks are up to 10 solid shityotaposts right now. While it's better than previous weeks (20+) you cocksuckers are still on notice


something like this

Neither you idiot. Do everyone a favor and buy a Celica and leave MR2s to the enthusiasts.

The AW11 looks like an old boxy shitbox, the SW20 has smoother curves to an extent at least.

>oh user that's a cute car
>can I drive it?
>snap oversteer into a tree

Yeah... Enjoy those 72 virgins.

Women are not typically into angular 80s lines. It's more aggressive looking than cute.

Spyder of course.
It's cute and convertible.

>driving a barbie car


aw11 also looks like a small ferrari, just an 80s one instead


He wants pussy, not cock

Some boomer in a chevelle wirh a 454 and a power glide will get more pussy than these fag mobiles

Implying girls don't like convertibles

Turd gen, because >is that a pursh, user?


9/10. Headlights not popped

9/10. Headlights not popped.

SW20 hands down


This i like the mr-s the best sw20 is too pigfat and aw11 is too old

Is that a dude?

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Women don't like angular boxy cars, they like things that aren't threatening and curvy.

Also, all you AW11 shills trying to say that women like your 30 year old shitbox are lying. Women don't care about performance, they care about looks and age.

Zzw30 hands down, especially with a body kit like this:

Girls don't care about cars, they either go by brand recognition or if the car looks expensive.

>because cars get women in the first place

I have a gf because I'm not autistic, pop-up headlights are just a plus you meme spouting fagola


I don't know the answer to your question but I know a girl who is dating a pretty cool guy with a working AW11.
Unfortunately she cheats on him alot and I don't think he knows. I wish I could find a way to contact him because his car is pretty fresh. Oh and also to tell him his girl is a filthy skank

I didn't choose my sexuality. Men don't get me hard and good looking traps are one in a million.

>not banging her
or you could just jerk the guy off since you like his car so much

Go for the sw20

>mfw my girlfriend would rather go for a joy ride in my aw11 because she likes the sound and the way the car feels

LOL NA get the fuck outta here.

Does he live by Palm Springs my bro because if he does I think I know who you're talking about kek

post your car then brody

Turbofag reporting

> RCR memes

?? Spyders are pretty fun cars as well.

AW11 is a fun car. get it because its fun.

She's fat and white and I have yellow fever (is it considered yellow fever if you're Asian too?)
>jerk him off
I fear I might forget to say no homo

Nah I'm an east coast fag


Who cares about women, get the AW11 since its more A E S T H E T I C

Shame that more companies didn't do full MR-S conversions. The car was intended to become the next fiero; all the body panels bolt on, even the rear quarters. Lots of potential there.

That being said, a carefully and tastefully updated SW20 can look pretty exotic.

ab flug already did the best mrs bodykit desu


Had to look it up. Looks like a Carrera GT with kit car proportions. No thanks. And I actually respect abflug for the most part.

>the MR-S is the best MR2 ever produced
>perfect weight distribution
>weighs LESS than the AW11
>engine is weak but a 2zz swap with a turbo will give you all the power you need
>if you really hate how it looks get a bodykit

It's like you're new to cars or something kid, it's really sad.