/fhg/ - For Honor General

One week until open beta, 9th-12th of February!

>fhg Discord

>Competitive For Honor Discord


>Pastebin (UPDATED JAN 31ST)
pastebin.com/Kxbng719 (embed)


Other urls found in this thread:


>ynw be noticed by Lawbringer-senpai
>ynw be gently guided back to the righteous path, your past transgressions forgiven
>ynw be carried by his strong, protective arms
>ynw stand proud and tall like Warden-chan under his gaze

>he plays a smelly viking

when we get to the open beta, I need someone more skilled than I to make a looping gif of Raider running with someone on an old bond movie style "going down a road" clip

>he gets crushed by smelly vikings

Oh, God, that team. Peacekeeper, Warden, and Lawbringer going to purge the battlefield of heretics.

Who's gonna Bane this big guy?

>Cowards couldn't beat Knights 1v1 because they had no buddies to team up on them

My experience was that I saw far more Vikings and Knights in 1v1 than Samurai and when I did, it was usually Orochi.

He's a big guy.