[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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/dbt/ map: Meet, Fight, Fuck

Motorcycle Ergonomics Simulator

Noob? Git gud

Webbums with sound
Previously on /dbt/

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ayy lmao

It means once a vegetable has been cooked, I can't tell the difference between raw and organic. That being said, I've had organic apples that where terrible, and non-organic ones that were amazing. I think most of it is a placebo.

And truth be told, I'm not a master farmer, but I know enough to know that it's inherently more work to grow a crop without chemicals than it is to do. Case in point, the majority of America's food isn't organic, if it was easier and less labor, it would all be organic

get out

>tfw cleaning dirt out of the underside of fairings

How much should I pay for an 85 CBR? My heart wants to write a blank check.

2 grand for one that's maintained
>Not getting a vfr750r

Done ;)

old 4 strokes? meh

old 2 strokes? bikegasm

A shit product will be shit whether it's organic or not. An organic product will always be better than it's counterpart, though.

But all this is science fiction for americans.

you live in 3rd world country with a soon to be collapsing 3rd world economy

your fantasies are irrelevant

How old is the meh range?

fzr 400 had a much higher spec chassis

Jokes on you, I won't be drag racing and generally drive like an elderly person on their way to church. I plan on riding slow and liesurly on my way to get a burger on the beach.

>Get off bike and walk forward to take a pic
>Turn around just in time to see it take a nap in the mud

how much work is a 2 stroke? do i really need to rejet the carb for cold days?

naw man just jet it slightly on the rich side and use a high quality full synth oil its fine

>An organic product will always be better
Maybe, but I can't tell the difference. What matters most is taste and if that is removed, cost is what follows.

>Not posting the original.

Sweet fuck all if you know what you are doing, a hell of a lot if you don't.
And no, if you have it jetted right it should run well in all conditions.


When buying a used bike from a private party, is it best to pay cash, cashiers check, or what?

i swear motard bros buy a dirt bike with road tyres because they want to ride off road but are too unfit to do any actual off road riding

how often do you read the plugs? i want a twin cyl 2 stroke for sure.

Those are two pictures, one is an edited version of a Snapchat photo, the other is from my phone.


Cash, who the fuck wants to wait a few days for a cheque that could bounce to clear?
No one, thats who.

I live in a country with great history and tradition, whose inhabitants can do wonders even with limited possibilities and politicians working against them.

You don't understand that I'm saying all this because I love you guys. You're fucking retarded and need to wake the fuck up already, it's been 300 years now.

Or are you happy with having to eat meat with hormones and no possibility of choice?

More work the a 4stroke to maintain for sure and more tempermental, but they are also easier to work on if something goes wrong. I never changed the jetting in my bike when is was 30C or almost 0C so i dont think you would need to.
I am speaking from mx bike experience though so it may be much different for road bikes

sometimes every ride you foul spark plugs on a 2 stroke, do you know how to ride one without fouling spark plugs?

whenever I change them so maybe 5-6 times a year?

really? my current bike (4 stroke) wont even idle if the temp drops 20 degrees. its hard to believe that.

60 % of the time it works every time.

never owned one before so this is why i am asking. i love the smell and sound of a 2 stroke, and the only thing holding me back is a lack of fuel injection. as far as i can tell only ossa makes a fuel injected 2 stroke engine?

>I can't tell the difference. What matters most is taste
1. Taste is the result of education.
2. "No"

I have a rm250 too but the kickstart broke where it rotates so i need to buy an new one. Cant bump start it cause the ground is too soft so ive got to ride my mememachine for now

I rode my 09 aprilia rs125 in everything from 25 f to 95 f and it ran fine just took longer to start and warm up in winter prolly bc of the miniscule lawn mower battery they have fitted.

You know what's the difference between America and the rest of the world? Every man who can afford to live in an apartment or house can afford to eat good, red meat. I've been all over Europe, lots of chicken and noodles and potatoes and sausages but y'all don't do steak. That's where having large wide open spaces comes in handy.

beta 300rr is fuel injected

Hey they have one inglewood. Its a lot closer. look up westside motorcycle academy

nice. have one or know someone who does?

its oil injected, not fuel injected

>owning a worth while 2 stroke motorcycle

Cashiers checks are certified at the point of origination that they are essentially a certificate of cash. Its not like a personal check.

why not?

Show me the best riding music you got, faggots
>implying you can beat this

I grew up in a bougie, white, rich family. I also was a broke ass college student. Now that I can afford to go either way, I genuinely can't tell the difference and I buy both regularly. Is a placebo. A good bell pepper is good, regardless of how it's grown. It's a mental thing based on how something is grown, not a taste thing. You can have really well grown non organic crops that are much tastier than similar organic ones based more on the soil, climate, and when they are properly picked.


That is the most sold 2T enduro bike. At least in Italy. I've heard it's awesome.
Don't say Europe because most countries here are as shit as the US regarding food.
I don't uderstand what you're trying to say.

Theres a class in Camarillo/Oxnard
Learn to ride VC or something. We had people coming from West Santa Barbara and Simi Valley.

Great class, good instructors. They've even got an intermediate riders class to expand upon riding skills.


thats a honda ns400 nice filename

im surrounded by more pavement than dirt. but a lot of cool jumps and industrial areas. just makes more sense to me

>yfw the honda NSR400R has a kickstand fairing

America= massive land mass that is not densely populated which means that land is cheap to produce and raise cattle on, which we do. We are a new country with not much land utilization, relatively.

Yurop is a lot more built up after thousands of years, it's a lot more expensive to raise cattle.

>Konya wa Hurricane
Good taste.
>I genuinely can't tell the difference and I buy both regularly therefore it's a placebo
>You can have really well grown non organic crops that are much tastier than similar organic ones based more on the soil, climate, and when they are properly picked.
And then you waste all your efforts with unneeded chemicals. Good job.


are you a rad enough dude?

are you brainwashed fucktards genuinely retarded or just slow?

chemicals make shit grow bigger and since most food is sold by the pound chemicals=more $

Its like a sign from god. Thats a fuckin cool honda, then theres a Thruxton in the back that I'm eyeing to buy. The universe is letting me know this is a good purchase.

Still it's not WW2 anymore, you don't need to be rich to afford red meat.

You guys really need some standards, serious certifications and government controls regarding food.
First that's not true because you can sell a quality product at a higher price.
Second some people care about a quality product more than how it looks.

You need to inform yourself a little before talking about things you know nothing about. Now go eat your waxed apple.

Who are your favorite motovloggers, /dbt/?


>We need more regulations other than the food just being certified safe to eat

Don't make more government intervention where there doesn't need to be. Don't scare people away from vegetables, even if it is genetically modified. Scare people away from soda or cigarettes or something , but even then, only if it's proving to be an obstructive burden on study.

Leadpin used to be nice, but he quit. RJ is fun, if that counts


Whats wrong with it?


Stop shilling yourself

>doesnt comprehend how capitolist economies work

stereotypical 3rd world idiot

are you mad bby

just found these guys. id rather bikes to music instead of a dude talking


The best peaches I've ever had were from the tree on my property.
My wife grows a ton of vegetables in the garden and while they're smaller than the ones at the market, they taste much better. I'd rather not eat modified food even if it doesnt harm me it still doesn't taste as good.

others dont agree nor care

They're missing out on some good food then. Not really my problem.

>Don't make more government intervention where there doesn't need to be
Except there's a serious need for it.
Just looking at a random food product from an american supermarket seems to me like its sale should be illegal.
You can act to build your own world, you know?

Nah I'm just playing.

I miss my orange tree, lemon tree and rosemary bush I had growing up. Best ingredients I put in everything.

Vegetables amiright?

i kinda agree. best avocados i had were family grown. same with apples, corn, blackberries, raspberries, eggplant, and especially the tomatoes my great grandpa grew.

but why is agriculture the topic of discussion in /dbt/

Need for what. The FDA determines whether or not a product is safe to eat. Hell, even the stickers on your fruits and vegetables have to be FDA safe.

Why is the gsxr750 so based.

could be an 1100 also

Same response.

go count shekels or something

I just got off work, I think I'll go for a ride

i dont get it. are they supposed to be shills or something? why shill a bike from the 90's?

your goat?
you filthy bastard.

>take cb250 on the highway for 80 mile road trip to see how it goes
>seemed to go pretty good
>turns out the rear brake got stuck halfway through the ride home and practically melted, and now my engine's stuttering
haha fug (^:

Because I'm autistic and want americans to care about healthy food.
Doesn't seem to me like they're doing a great job, to say the least, by what I've seen.

If you understand Italian watch this.

If you can't listen to the Eglish parts, I guess.

As much as I'm interested I've got to much to do today to watch that. That being said, I'm not saying our system is perfect. The average Americans nutrition isn't great, but our food isn't bad. If you cook it yourself, being healthy ain't no thang.

No, my hog, brother.

It's about the TTIP, it's a report about the interests behind it and the state of the american food industry.

Are you Margarite pizza Italian user? I think you're revealing too much of your power level. I genuinely think we're in a decent place though.

>I genuinely think we're in a decent place though.
Make believe.

Yeah, it's me.

Why can't this motherfucker just stay dead?

R8 my sensible commuter

I took the Westside Motorcycle Acedemy class back in 2015 at the VA Hospital lot, it was good, fun instructors.


nice derpy cyclops headlights

Nice bike with terrible windscreen.
Whats the big deal with some wind anyway?
Cyclops have just one eye.
Also them digits.

hence the "derpy"

youre sharp as a bowling ball kid



If ure drobe i will, gib price

Feels good to ride again, my last ride on the cx500 was damn near 10 months ago. Feels good to be on the saddle again. Note I just have to get plates on Monday or Tuesday, and then put all the bits and pieces back on.

just got my new battery, i didn't expect to fill the damn thing with water into the cells wtf.

i thought bikes were supposed to be simple !