Etrian Odyssey General

EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EO V Information

>EO V Skill Simulator (Class Skills) (Race Skills)

>EO V item and quest translation list (Item list) (Quest list)
(Conditional drops)

>EO V color editor.
>EO V VA list

>EO V Game & DLC.cia link!XkJiHBIb!vzL2CLjZZVA-yAGS7UZgdA

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No Rickies allowed.

EO galge with mapping when?

Ricky always win, user

gotta have Ricky in order to dicky the Ricky

while the Highlander watches

There can be only one dicky for Ricky!

If there is a successor to the 3DS, then Etrian Odyssey will stay alive. How does this make you guys feel?

The EOV skill simluators seem to be dead.

Fuck Nintendof and fuck Japanese people

I want to kill everyone in youtube who thinks the Switch is the 3ds successor

Can you really blame people? It was advertised as a console/handheld for fuck's sake.

I ain't watching that shitty video m8

Wasn't that a mistranslation?
Untold 3 soon

the day we were cucked by smt

It was really painful


Best way to get rich in EO3?

5 farmers

Old McDonald had a farm, ee-I-ee-I-oh

a happy Hexer is a cute Hexer

localization when?

after p5 dlc finishes
and after the new mask of shadows game
and after the new SMT game
and after king of fighters dlc

What has a greater chance of being localized to the west Etrian Odyssey V or Dragon Quest X?

Love Plus 3ds has more chances at this point

>100K in less than 10 minutes
Damn, you guys weren't kidding, I forgot how good ninja/farmers are in this one.

Thanks for curing my amnesia.


>sky metal knight
>level 52
>spamming atk down on hexer
>hit taker beast with evasion type grimoires
>troubadour spamming heal guard on beast
>dark hunter and war magi chipping away at health
>tired as fuck
>barely 3% health
>go all out
>troubadour break
>oh shit no heal guard
>metal knight fucks up the beast, troubadour and hexer
>magi and DH only survivors
>feel like shit
eo3u better have exp for dead characters

>eo3u better have exp for dead characters

good night thread

Yep, that's what we need. More casual catering.

Tittymancer will never make it to america.

Tomorrow will be 7 months since EO5 released in Japan.

Pack it up folks, your hope is causing nothing but suffering.

Dead as always, it seems.


How does reclassing work in EO2U?

The stats remain the very same even if I lose 5 levels?

The stat grows are the same of the first class or they change with the new class?

Do I get more skill points? How and when?

>How does reclassing work in EO2U?
Character drops 5 levels. Character gains the skills, equips, and force of the new class but keeps the stats & portrait of the old.
>The stats remain the very same even if I lose 5 levels?
No, you lose the level ups.
>The stat grows are the same of the first class or they change with the new class?
Stat growths remain the same as the original class (the portrait.)
>Do I get more skill points? How and when?
No, you only get skill points when you retire. +10 if you retire at 99.

dead thread, post recolors

Post more Sodoko



Does anyone have the EUR version of the EO2U undub? The link on 3dsiso is dead.



Never ever
>Some of the questions in the survey ask if fans would purchase follow-up titles to Devil Survive 2: Record Breaker, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir.
It's over.

>Odin sphere got in
>EO didn't

I guess they are letting it die.

Actually, how did strange journey get in? Didn't the jap audience shit on it harder than nocturne because of the non-tokyo setting?

user, #FE got in.

Did someone say recolors of Landy?

Why do my drive skills keep missing

And it didn't sell at all like EOV.

What did atlus mean by this? That they already know the audience wants EO so they didn't bother to ask?

>no SMT I & II
come on

>Odin Sphere follow-up

Isn't everyone fucking dead at the end of that game?

That's desillusion. I want to believe too.

Maybe they are already developing these games so they don't have any reason to ask, r-right?

>HD project is a complete remake of SMT 1 or 2 by scratch
>3DS project is an actual SMTxEO

The delusion is set.

Now let's see how much I'll be disappointed.

EO did get in, the writer of that article is just a faggot who doesn't have taste.
Jesus fucking christ, calm your tits and learn moon, you wouldn't have to wait for a shitty translation of EOV.

Forgot to bump.
Here have best grill.



I'm trying ;_;


Is a triangular sword even practical?

It has to be more practical than an Imperial's sword.

That one would be really heavy near the hilt so no.

Olympia did nothing wrong

Cinquedeas are close enough.

they're usually dagger length tho


>copy protected
>google translate can't get around it
Whew, they really want filthy gaijin to stay away, don't they?

Well you can't blame them, since most filthy gaijin don't give them money.
I'm pretty sure you can complete the survey without a Japanese IP though. So they only want the opinion of people who can read Japanese enough to be able to play their games which makes a lot of sense if you ask me.

>comanche landsknecht

>three-eyed smiley

Looks like some kind of orc blade.

>Imperials were once slaves to Da Boyz


There's plenty of EO.

There's an entire wall of screenshots of EOV to comment on.

translate it weebs
what do they ask

>wich sekaiju wud u fuk?

They just ask you to check boxes below that fit your impression of the game after seeing all the screens.

Which really gets on my nerves since some answers only make sense if you haven't played the games yet but still somewhat fit my impression and I want them to know. So I'm never sure if I should pretend I didn't have played the game already to be able to pick those answers even though they already know that I have played them because of the previous questions.

I just ended up not checking those for any of them when it came to the "I wonder what X is like?" options.

why can't i see the character models?

Yeah, me too but there are some screenshots that would have piqued my interest and made me wonder what story they have, if I hadn't already played them.
I also checked the difficulty one on the what does Atlus-like mean for you even though the newer (SMT-)games are easy as fuck. I just want them to make them harder again and hope that they interpret my answer correctly and don't think that I'm content with the difficulty right now.
Also wasn't sure whether to pick the charming one on EOV because severe lack of lolis.

can someone edit out the loli dancer? she is ruining the pic

Kill yourself

loli is gross and you fucking know it

I like loli, but twintail Dancer does nothing for me.


That's not how you spell old hags.
Lolis are love, lolis are life, lolis are the miracle of this universe.
We need to protect them.

I just cant even, what messed you up so bad?

titty monsters are gross and you fucking know it

I want to be 2B.

I want to be 2D

This long drag of no news on EO5 is killing me. I figured Atlus was just trying not to have news about P5 overshadow their other announcements, but good grief.

At this point I would even just take a vague "we're working on it" with no specific dates for the release. I just want EO to not be dead. Please.


>tfw Minamistar did three dancer doujins

wtf im a pedo now


Can you kaishaku bots?